Icemann420 Seedsman And Max Bloom Grow

You could run the big pump on a variac to turn it down but they're not cheap.
Add another medium pump :thumb:
Great tip on the variac I found one for $69 then $3000. Way better idea then putting a dimmer switch plug outlet in. But yah just get a second medium pump.
We know what that's gonna look like...YUGE!
Now that’s what dreams are made of. But doing the auto with the photo may pose a chalange Due to the lighting times. But aaaa what ever I grow for fun not for profit.
That’s a grate question mr shed. I haven’t made any decisions on veg time. Truthfully I’ll just base that off how they look I’m in no hurry. But I agree with you 3/4 if it’s life will be 18-6. And that’s fine for her.
I'm guessing the White Widow Fast is a cross between a photo and an auto. First generation is all photos but the second generation will produce 50% photos with 25% autos and 25% Fast which behave like photos but have a shorter flowering time.
I grew a c99 x blueberry fast, supposed to flower faster, not sure it did, but an incredible smoke

Maybe that's what yer WW is like
the complete picture
I ran out of tape I’ll get the other bucket soon. And I’ll be switching the big pump out for two medium pumps running 8 stones. And I’ll have some Mylar reflection stuff to put up on the walls.
I hand watered the ladies this morning The two ww are looking really nice the gelato is doing good. Now the 4th hasn’t sprouted yet that’s the Brooklyn sunrise. I checked all the Rez ph and added some down I was @6.3 I haven’t checked it since I’ve sat up the buckets. All is well.
Welcome @Jax Rider this should be an exciting adventure. The plan is to grow the auto Brooklyn sunrise on 18-6 the other plants are photo cell so when Brooklyn is finishing I’m going to flip 12-12 for the others.
So I have a question my plants are establishedin there plugs and pots I’ve bin on 24/0 light schedule. Should I flip to 18-6 now or just go a little longer.
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