Icemann420 Seedsman And Max Bloom Grow

Sweet @ kismet @Bilbobudkin420 we can have like a gelato grow party :high-five: And @InTheShed @Pennywise you guys would have found me sooner or later. 420 magazine is getting so big new journal post get hidden quick. Not much to note today but we have both white widow above ground and one gelato I can see seed #2 working her way up so all is well. I havjust hade my hydrotun baking in the oven all day @300* to dry out after boiling them.

Mind if I join the party? Excellent looking show and superb crowd. Newb hydro question. How long did you boil the hydroton? And how long is it necessary to bake it afterwards? Thanks.
WELcome @Bchris22 @JoeDaddy77 & @Dankman_420 all are welcome in and out anytime. So joebaddy basically boiling the Hydrotun is enuf t clean any bad bacteria soy of the clay balls. But I like to take it a step further by baking also. What I have found out is when you boil it kids ls al the bacteria. But leaves and root debris are still in the balls si when you bake them it dries everything out to dust. And after sifting a little the dust is gone. And I baked them for 5 hours @300*.
Let there be air. So I still haven’t decided what pump to use I have a 55w 60L/min
or my 15w 10L/min
or 2 whisper ap300 7.5w 10L/min
now the issue is the bug pump is loud as f and it like like to pump warm air fur to being so powerful. Wonder if I could put a variable speed switch on it like a power dimmer and slow it down to make it run cooler. And save on the wattage. The medium pump is only 4 manifold and I need 8 2 stones per bucket. Now the whisper kicks butt like chuck Norris. But I’d need to use 2 pumps to run 4 stones. Omg.
That’s what I was thinking @TurboBucket I’ve got the big boy hooked up now no roots in the bucket yet so warm Rez doesn’t really matter. I’m going to order another 4 manifold pump Actually it will save on electricity to run the two other then the big one. :peace::)
I'm super excited to see the dwc! I'm a soil guy and I'm interested in dwc. I'm going to save some duckets for the equipment and start a bubble bucket around spring
It’s going to rock fun times ahead.
Half the setup is ready. I’m running 3 gallon buckets with 2 gallons of water with added kln rooter and and foliage pro just to add some nutrients ph is 5.8 we are all good.
Well #2 gelato didn’t make it she was a helmet head and never made it out of the rapid rooter. So I puked her and put a auto Brooklyn sunrise in her place. Grow baby grow.
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