Growing Cannabis 101: Mint Chocolate OG, HSO, Organic Super-Soil, 25% Perlite, Gaja Green Organics, 3 Mars 300s &1 Mars 144, Equal Par Wall To Wall

I published a few recipes on my last grow journal, but here is a snap of one out of Rev's book, via @fanleaf
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to help me out , I am trying to absorb as much as I can , looking in my area , the easiest thing to get is voodoo juice. I can’t even get recharge to deliver to my house . Bummer heard amazing things from a few different sources , do you mind me asking how much it initially cost you to buy everything for the AACT ? I’m just curious if I should just get the voodoo now and start accumulating the AACT ingedients , I’m just on a tight budget. But I do want to get everything for the act , it’s something that I’m excited to start playing with, like I said this is my second grow and first in organics , organics have made my grow more enjoyable and a lot less bullshit , with ec and Ppm I used to be stressed at feeding time. Thank you very much @Emilya
I published a few recipes on my last grow journal, but here is a snap of one out of Rev's book, via @fanleaf
What book is that from em , do they have ones for seedling stage /veg . I want to get “ teaming with microbes” I really need to expand my knowledge. But I really hope I can bring my medium back to par , I am relying on my micro life to feed my plant , and I’m not doing a very good job maintaining that. But this plant looks a lot better then my last run at this point. Thanks em

Now I can’t find it on Canadian amazon or any of my local hydro stores. I just can’t find it here in Canada :nervous-guy:
Look at what is in the Ingredients Dean on those packets and see if you can search for something similar also I've been told molasses back strap organic can help add microbes as well.
Yeah , I tried to find urb a while back , and this recharge stuff , and I’m really on a tight budget , I do have air pump stones , do you have an AACT recipes for flower ?? If not I’ll just google something anyway thanks for your time
You can get a cheap little pump Dean at Walmart to run those stones bro I make act last year using mollases ewc in a cheese cloth with few others in it and brewed 18-24 hrs then use . Boost those microbes it comes.down to finding ways to keep those roots happy . I need to find something myself to get my darn autos to take off. Lol
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to help me out , I am trying to absorb as much as I can , looking in my area , the easiest thing to get is voodoo juice. I can’t even get recharge to deliver to my house . Bummer heard amazing things from a few different sources , do you mind me asking how much it initially cost you to buy everything for the AACT ? I’m just curious if I should just get the voodoo now and start accumulating the AACT ingedients , I’m just on a tight budget. But I do want to get everything for the act , it’s something that I’m excited to start playing with, like I said this is my second grow and first in organics , organics have made my grow more enjoyable and a lot less bullshit , with ec and Ppm I used to be stressed at feeding time. Thank you very much @Emilya
I initially spent $125 to buy the raw ingredients from Amazon in order to build my SubCool's supersoil, 1/4 recipe. I still have enough of the raw materials that only now, 6 years into the project, I am having to replenish some of the often used ingredients such as bat guano and rock phosphate. I regularly buy a bag of wormcastings, Big Bloom is what it is, but mostly it is either stuff on hand or little bits and pieces that have to be bought from time to time.

What book is that from em , do they have ones for seedling stage /veg . I want to get “ teaming with microbes” I really need to expand my knowledge. But I really hope I can bring my medium back to par , I am relying on my micro life to feed my plant , and I’m not doing a very good job maintaining that. But this plant looks a lot better then my last run at this point. Thanks em

That is from The Rev's, "True Living Organics" 2nd printing--- I strongly suggest getting this book... it changed my life!
Look at what is in the Ingredients Dean on those packets and see if you can search for something similar also I've been told molasses back strap organic can help add microbes as well.
It would be impossible to recreate the freeze dried goodness in Recharge. They individually culture out specific microbes in separate vats and then combine all that goodness into this one product. You would have to run an incredible amount of successful compost teas and fungus cultures to even get close to this product. This is why I have decided to test this product by not doing any AACTs on this run, just trusting in the Recharge to get me through. Unsulfured Black-strap molasses is not a source for microbes, it is a perfect food for them, therefore is included in every compost tea recipe.
You can get a cheap little pump Dean at Walmart to run those stones bro I make act last year using mollases ewc in a cheese cloth with few others in it and brewed 18-24 hrs then use . Boost those microbes it comes.down to finding ways to keep those roots happy . I need to find something myself to get my darn autos to take off. Lol
A cheap pump won't do it. The whole idea of the active aeration is that with all that turbulence and oxygen going in there, the anaerobic (bad) bacteria can not thrive. Even an aquarium pump designed for a 300g tank would not be strong enough to do a proper AACT and keep the bad microbes from growing. Start at about 750gph and you will be fine... my pump from Amazon cost around $35 USD.
I beg to differ on that one emilya

I ran compost tea last year with my 25$ air pump with two six inch stones and it couldn't go on full blast or it would spill out of bucket.
I beg to differ on that one emilya

I ran compost tea last year with my 25$ air pump with two six inch stones and it couldn't go on full blast or it would spill out of bucket.
I stand corrected... I wonder what the output of that one is. Remember that it is called AACT... ACTIVELY aerated... not just aerated. My pump would blow half of the tea out of the pitcher if I filled it above 3/4 and even so I brew it sitting down inside an empty 5gal bucket, just to catch all the spill over. You should not be timid with an AACT.
I was talking to the guy at the local store and he does organic no tills , and he said he uses a pretty big powered one , industrial grade for his teas , I just have a small one I thought it did alright , but now I think I need to upgrade a bit , I keep water going with an air stone , with a system set in place so the water I add into it is dechlorinated and I just manage ph . I clean it periodically, but I am going to make a shopping list on Amazon and slowly chip away at buying everything , I am on a tight budget, but I think for now I need to get to voodoo or see at the store if they have anything else .

I’ve actually seen people grow with the recharge and they had amazing results I need to find a way to get someone to be the middle man , the great thing is there’s so much good info here but not all resigns have the same quality of items to buy. I am going to try and see what there website says or some third party company idk , but it’s what I would like to get and it’s reasonably priced
Look at what is in the Ingredients Dean on those packets and see if you can search for something similar also I've been told molasses back strap organic can help add microbes as well.
Molasses feeds the microbes...Simple sugars
Hey @Emilya i found this at my local store I haven’t purchased it but it says it has 19 species of naturally occurring benifitial bacteria , I am green to the organic scene . Would you this this would be as good as the vooodoo juice , or should I stick with the voodoo


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Hey @Emilya i found this at my local store I haven’t purchased it but it says it has 19 species of naturally occurring benifitial bacteria , I am green to the organic scene . Would you this this would be as good as the vooodoo juice , or should I stick with the voodoo
That actually looks pretty good and since they talk about 19 species and VJ only mentions 9, just the ad hype says its better. I would give it a try if it is cheaper.
Okay great it is 18$ cheaper then the VJ but my question is , is beneficial bacteria equivalent to microbes , are they the same thing? I just get worried because I won’t be able to buy both that’s for sure , is beneficial bacteria the same as microbes @Emilya . Just want to say thanks for being so helpful to me , and really going the extra mile. I appreciate your time , and the knowledge you share
yes, the use of the word microbes and beneficial bacteria are interchangeable.
From Webster:
A hint of the Greek word bios, meaning "life", can be seen in microbe. Microbes, or microorganisms, include bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, amoebas, and slime molds. Many people think of microbes as simply the causes of disease, but every human is actually the host to billions of microbes, and most of them are essential to our life. Much research is now going into possible microbial sources of future energy; algae looks particularly promising, as do certain newly discovered or created microbes that can produce cellulose, to be turned into ethanol and other biofuels.
yes, the use of the word microbes and beneficial bacteria are interchangeable.
From Webster:
A hint of the Greek word bios, meaning "life", can be seen in microbe. Microbes, or microorganisms, include bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, amoebas, and slime molds. Many people think of microbes as simply the causes of disease, but every human is actually the host to billions of microbes, and most of them are essential to our life. Much research is now going into possible microbial sources of future energy; algae looks particularly promising, as do certain newly discovered or created microbes that can produce cellulose, to be turned into ethanol and other biofuels.
Thank you , :adore: Wow I am going to find “teaming with microbes” and “ true living organics “ 2nd printing to be precise. This is such amazing and useful information, thanks for sharing and clarifying this for me :peace:
Hey @Emilya what do you think about these two products I was given them by a local grow shop asking me to give them my feedback , it says benificial bacteria and fungi, and is approved by the OMRI which is organic minerals review institute. I figure I would give this a try , but after doing extensive research I am going to switch to a complete living organic grow. But I am going to have to put any big grows at hold do some micro grows with what I have and when I can afford to make the switch and get everything I need to make my own years on end super soil like yours. What do you think about this product ?

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