Growing Cannabis 101: Mint Chocolate OG, HSO, Organic Super-Soil, 25% Perlite, Gaja Green Organics, 3 Mars 300s &1 Mars 144, Equal Par Wall To Wall

Hey @Emilya what do you think about these two products I was given them by a local grow shop asking me to give them my feedback , it says benificial bacteria and fungi, and is approved by the OMRI which is organic minerals review institute. I figure I would give this a try , but after doing extensive research I am going to switch to a complete living organic grow. But I am going to have to put any big grows at hold do some micro grows with what I have and when I can afford to make the switch and get everything I need to make my own years on end super soil like yours. What do you think about this product ?

looks like good stuff... just depends on how many species it has in it as compared to the competition.
Your absolutely right Emilya , I’m still trying to find something else , I may Trying to track a price down on this product


But again it may be an issue on the price , Things are tight right now so I seen this thing in garden culture magazine and it shows a brew you can make with local organisms with little cost but I applied this stuff and we’ll see how it goes


UPDATE- day 41 of flower hey everyone , it’s been a while since I update this grow , seemed like not much has changed , everything is fattening up nicely. As some of you may know I was having issues with microbial and beneficial bacteria and fungi in my medium , I let it get too dry in between waterings , now everyday I water 5-10% of my medium to keep things moist but not wet. But I have learned a lot on this grow ,and from all you wonderful people , hats off to you guys.

ENVIRONMENT- so things aren't perfect in my tent but they are acceptable , daytime is 28 degrees Celsius and night is at 21 degrees Celsius, I had to set my dehumidifying on a timer to come on when my lights are off or else the grow would be around 17 deg when lights are off and that’s way to big of a change. Humidity is sitting at 24% right now I am happy with this at this stage , I will bring it down more closer to harvest.

So we’re are pretty much playing the waiting game here until harvest , and judging by the trichomes there’s about 10-14 days left until I get my 10% -15% amber










So I can say for a fact this harvest will be better then the last , quantity and quality.with using organics I have noticed a stronger smell in the grow space and at this point this grow has blown my last grows trichome production out of the water. I know that’s cliche of me to say but I firmly believe it’s true. I am sold on organic growing and my next grow will be true living organics.
Thank you for taking the time to follow this and for helping me along the way, this grow would not be as successful as it is without you guys and gals. I wish you all a safe and happy work week , keep it real and remember happy growing everyone



DAY 59 flower!!

hey everyone it’s been a long time since I update this grow not much has been going on , I’ve honestly been a little embarrassed for some reason, I feel like this grow should have gotten a lot bigger colas then I have achieved. But other then that things have gone smoothly , I have been barreling micro life issues , I’ve started top dressing with worm castings and been making compost teas , one after another to try and resolve this . I found a good source for cherry wood chips that I’m gonna get to use for my top layering on all my grows, but to start it out I am going to mix one bag of supersoil amend it and I’m going to put the chips on top and let it cook once it cools down I’m gonna take some of the chips out and put it on as mulch , hopefully by pre cooling it with some soil there will be all kinds of good stuff growing on it to help out my grow . But this will be for future grows since this one is almost done.

Environment- things have been a little bit warm for my liking at this stage , with a daytime high of 28-29 degrees Celsius, and with lights off at 19-20 degrees Celsius. My humidity is around 40% for the low and 50% for the high, which I am okay with but I have a dehumidifier if it goes above 50% Rh

I am runny the lights on 11 on 13 off right now .

FEEDING- all I have done is top dressed at week 5 of flower with 75% gaja green power bloom 2-8-4 This is its ingredients- fishbone meal, bone meal, mineralized phosphate, glacial rock dust, basalt rock dust, bone meal, feather meal, limestone flour, mined potassium sulphate, fossilized carbon complex, rock phosphate, greensand, kelp meal, gypsum, insect frass. As you can see it’s a well rounded organic amendment and 25% Gaja green all purpose 4-4-4 -alfalfa meal, bone meal, blood meal, glacial rock dust, mined potassium sulphate, fossilised carbon complex, rock phosphate, greensand, kelp meal, and gypsum. And I water in ph’d @6.5-6.8 with a temp of 19-21 degrees Celsius.

TRAINING- Not much has been done in this department for a while just some defoliation here and there when I notice some good bud sites being blocked , I did have to have a few yo-yos thanks to @Kingjoe83 for thoes . Some of the buds started to fall over.

So I’ll start will a full pic of her

this is my first top dressing of worm castings , there’s probably a few dozen baby worms in there , I wondering if they will make it and live in the soil ?? What do you guys think is this a bad or good thing ?

She is starting to show signs of going through the fall colours , I’m at slowly increasing the length of dark time and letting the grow space get a little colder every night


Just a few bud shots , overall the plant has an overwhelming smell , of I open the tent , even with my filter system on full after a few mins my whole house smells like it , one thing I do notice with the organic growing is it has a stronger smell and there seems to be a lot more trichome production then my last grow , which was salt based nutes and hps light so completely different grow .




I just love the colours in this bud


anyway thanks for taking the time to read this , I am sorry for not posting for almost a month it just seemed like nothing was happening to me , but I do want to thank all who have dedicated time and energy into helping me along thing grow , I know a few and you know who you are . Who saved my grow a few times. Thanks for all the positive energy . I hope you all have a safe work week , and keep it real. Just remember happy life happy wife . It’s the most important thing I can teach anyone of you , or I should say to be more politically correct “happy life happy life partner “ cheers everyone :peace::green_heart:
That plant is awesome,Dean -beautiful colors,and so many buds !
I’ve honestly been a little embarrassed for some reason
Nothing to be embarrassed about- it's a volume thing-the colas may not be as big as you'd like, but there's a boatload of em...
Looking great! Thanks for the update!
Thanks emilya , idk if adding the microlife helped this late in the game but she sure smells amazing . A little bit overwhelming tbh, in the best way possible , my wife doesn’t agree with me on that one thoe . But she doesn’t touch the stuff so I do understand why she doesn’t like the smell. But she puts up with it. It only smells when I open the tent , but lately I have been watering smaller amounts more frequently to try and not let my soil dry out completely to save the micro life I do have left.

That plant is awesome,Dean -beautiful colors,and so many buds !

Nothing to be embarrassed about- it's a volume thing-the colas may not be as big as you'd like, but there's a boatload of em...
Your absolutely right cass there is a lot of them , next time I will let the plant grow a little more past the scrog before I flip this strain , I’ll just save some side room in case it stretches more , this oheno barley even stretched. Thank you very much for the kind words. On second note I have a amhurst sour d outside on a 3x3 scrog and it’s stretching quite a bit right now . It’s crazy to see the differences.

Looking Great to me bro

Those going to be some Stella smoke . :passitleft:
Thanks joe , when it’s all dried and cured I’ll make sure some makes it to your door my friend . Since you were such a good dude to bring me some of your beautiful harvests :) :peace::passitleft:

I’m having a hard time using my microscope to take a nice steady pic any suggestions from anyone would be nice I have a microscope that clips to my phone , maybe I should invest in a tripod or something to help Jeep things steady , a new camera would be nice Thoe

Have a safe work day everyone :peace::green_heart:
Hey everyone , I’m trying to find some contests for bud of the month ( pre harvest). Plant of the month , and or other types of contests , can someone help me find these , I seem to have a hard time navigating this site to find specific things to post on. But I do think I have a contender for such groups
look under the Entertainment pull down in the green bar at the top of the forum. The first sub pulldown is for the contests.

Day 66 of flower.


UPDATE- hey everyone , today is a little bitter sweet, my mint chocolate OG by Humboldt seed organization has been harvested. First I started by shutting my grow lights off and I let her sit in the dark for 5 days( 5 because I was busy but I wanted 48hrs) I let the soil completely dry out , and with the dark time being so long, I personally feel like it stresses the plant out and as a last ditch effort it increases trichome production to try and get pollinated. I am going to experiment with other methods before harvest in the future.

THE PLAN- here is my game plan. Over the next 10-14 days I will be slow drying this plant. I only cut off the big fan leaves and set it to hang. I have 2 rows up top one in the bottom , I am impressed with how much bud is here. I have my Ac infinity fan set to 50% relative humidity and set to 21 degrees Celsius. I have a dehumidifier setting the room the tents in to 50% RH . And if it goes lower everything shuts off until it rises back up, I want to dry this plant nice and slow , I left all the branches intact, and did not trim any of the buds up , I feel I get a slower dry time with a little more plant matter in the buds. I will be monitoring everting very closely until this plant is ready for curing , that’s a whole other update.

I’m hopping with this nice controlled slow dry , this plant will keep all its wonderful smells and flavours , the smell is overpowering , it gave me a head ache it was so strong. The colours on this plant were breathtaking , this was my first supersoil all organic grow , and it is a lot smellier then my Dutch style nutrient grow.

First I started by removing the scrog and she flopped right over from the weight , how do plants even hold themselves up without them, incredible, I did not expect anything to flop over.


I am so impressed with the colours of her :circle-of-love:

This is by far my best harvest yet , let’s hope the rest of it goes as smooth as the grow

I could not believe the size of her , do most plants flop over when the scrog is removed ??

Just another shot of her beautiful colours


So here is everything all hanging in my 2x4x5 grow tent there’s 2 rows up top and one on the bottom

And this is where all the magic happened, she was a monster

Just a shot of the back row , so much purple in this plant , one thing I’m happy about there isn’t too much green left so 90% of her got that nice ripe colour

So that’s all I have for today , I want to that everyone who helped me achieve this harvest I honestly couldn't have done it without this group. I hope I can give back what everyone has given me. I am going to document the dry and cure on this journal so it’s not over yet , we still have to find out the final weight on this puppy , can anyone give any guesses we can get a little friendly comparison here to see who can get the closest to the actual final dry weight

Have a wonderful day everyone :peace::thanks:
I just wanted to add a couple more pics , I kinda had to rush it considering I have kids and it stinks the whole house up but this time I had ona spray and it eliminated the smell coming up the stairs and it was gone in an hour , kids were sleeping so by morning no weird smells around the house. This stuff really saved me and it actually works. And a little goes a loooong way . Anyone need something to hid the smell check it out



Beautiful harvest on a beautiful plant,Dean! :bravo:
I'm terrible at this,but I'm going to guess 8.5oz dry-gonna be some pretty nugs,too
Beautiful harvest on a beautiful plant,Dean! :bravo:
I'm terrible at this,but I'm going to guess 8.5oz dry-gonna be some pretty nugs,too
Thank you my brother cass , hope all is well on your end my friend . Thank you for the very kind words dude , that’s a very good guess . I’m honestly the worst at guessing so I really have no idea but I am very surprised how much there actually was.

What was your final weight on the wardrobe box grow?
I ended up with a smidge over 3oz from each- That may be my limit in that 2x2 space- but 6 oz of good weed is enough to last me a long time,so I'm happy!
Got two little autos going in there as of a 30 minutes we'll see how they compare to the photoperiods when harvest time comes around!
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