Growing Cannabis 101: Mint Chocolate OG, HSO, Organic Super-Soil, 25% Perlite, Gaja Green Organics, 3 Mars 300s &1 Mars 144, Equal Par Wall To Wall



UPDATE- hey everyone i hope you guys are having a good week. So as you know from the last update, I harvested my mint chocolate og , she has been drying in my grow tent for the last 9 days and she’s been drying very slowly. The outside of the buds are dry but still feel a tad moist in the inside. I have taken 30 g out and let it dry a tad faster , and she still had a beautiful smell , no hay smell what so ever :circle-of-love:
There is a lot of colours on this stuff , and for my second indoor grow I am impressed. I have a few people to thank for helping me get here @carcass @Kingjoe83 @Pennywise @rmilya and everyone else who gave me such amazing advise. Thanks you 420 family :love:
I was and still am aiming for a 14 day dry.
I am keeping the room my tent is in at 19 degrees Celsius and 50% relative humidity . My tent is currently at 60% Rh. I have the tent sealed off and by the weekend I will be trimming and jarring my harvest , I will keep the 30 g jar and the rest will be set for a long cure. I have enough to last me a month or 2 before I will be opening these to smoke . I will only open to burp them .

Does anyone have any tips for me during this process it would be greatly appreciated

Here are a few pics of my 1 branch trim . That got me. 30g there is still 20 branches to go , this is gonna take a long time to trim.

Here are a few pics


This was the top of the branch I took down to trim

I am so happy with this

This is the branch all together, so I think I will come close to the 7-8 oz range

This stuff smells amazing

This is just a rough trim just to show all the colour in this flower

I hope y’all enjoy these , this is the first grow I’ve had nice colours come in and I’m hooked now. Thanks for taking the time to read and help me with my journal everyone . You all have made me feel every welcome among this family of like minded growers, thank you @420
Brown paper lunch bags could help slow down drying out . Or fridge low and slow method .

Nine days isn't bad . You testing your Buds in a jar dean with hydrometer see where rh stays hangs at after 2-5 hrs I usually check
Congrats on a great harvest,Dean! :welldone:
Hey brother I know I have been neglecting my journal , I honestly haven’t even had time to weigh up my harvest yet , I’ve just been weighing what I take out to add to my final weight when I do get around to it,
Life has been very busy for me lately . I’m going to dedicate the time towards getting it weighed up this weekend, so I can close the journal. Have you got a new one going yet dude ? Or when are you going to start ?

Congrats on a great harvest,Dean! :welldone:
Hey cass thanks dude , how have you been buddje ?? Thanks for stopping in guys I’m really sorry I haven’t been on supporting what you guys are doing . Cheers fellas
Hey Dean
.yeah bro I messaged you back via text .

Yeah I probably am starting a new thread bud I'll make sure to drop you a link .

Life gets busy I hear you .
I am waiting for landloards to do their fall inspection then I will be starting again , I am currently building a 2.0 version of the space bucket , it will look very professionally with no light leaks, Also am looking at a 2x3x5 tent with 3 spaces so I can veg and flower or do veg flower and autos but I will probably keep one veg and one flower and every time a plants harvested another will be ready for flower , no more 105 days of veg bullshit just to get a half p , I smoke more then that in 170 days so I need something more consistent not as big of harvests but more often is what I’m aiming for , how do you keep your supply steady penny ?
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

I would have love to have done a strain review but I got so busy in life I didn’t take any after cured bud photos , I am just about to start another run and will definitely not make the same mistakes in my documenting my grow and harvest Thanks for your support
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