Greenislands journal 09

So I have the first bit of bad news for the journal unfortunatally. I went in there today and apparently the flowers just got too big for the branches and like half the ...well, ... a quarter of the big buds were completely bent over! uuuggghhh!!! I freaked out for a second but when I realized everything was still alive I got a glimpse of happiness for a sec. Anyhow I think there is actually more to this story than they (the buds) got to big, I feel that at some point it must have gotten just a little too hot in the room and the plants wilted a little, and in there process off doing that they lost some of their rigidity. I had just turned up the temp set-point three days ago because the CO2 was now being injected, but I dont think it really ever got to release enough to get to the PPM setpoint and therefore the plants were just in high temp, low Co2 atmosphere, which isn't a good combo. Anyhow they all look completely fine besides the bent branches ( a few big ones). They hadn't lost any leaves or look burned or anything so Im really just kinda stumped . It kinda seems that if that's really what happened I would be able to see more of a difference than just some of the big branches bending over, ...I dunno. I need to check the hi / low set-points on my enviro controller to see whats going on during the day while Im at work.
You know I should add that, I was being ignorant by not having them tied up already, I knew I should have done this earlier before any branches bent but I guess I was just hoping they wouldn't need the support this time. They just seemed so sturdy!! Well I was wrong, and I should have know better,.. the T2 ALWAY needs support. On the other hand , before this incident NoseBleed has never needed support, so that kinda surprises me (especially since the buds werent THAT big). Thats why I feel like something else must have helped in bending these branches. Nose bleed is STRONG and wouldn't ever naturally have this happen. Anyhow I fixed everything with the branches and tied them up accordingly. I also turned up the frequency of the watering cycles and turned down the temperature setpoint on the controller. I also opened up AC to the room (unfortunatally it will almost completally nullify the the fact that CO2 is being injected). With all that said, I also started flushing today. This flowering period has gone by faster than I ever recall it going before, and without CO2 for most of the time! Also unfortunate is that it will reflect in the finished weight too, and that saddens me :(. Anyhow... so first is the pics of the bent branches, notice that they look healthy their just bent, really weird. Im still unsure how this really all came about. When Im at work I think gnomes come by and bend my braches! Yeah!! Thats gotta be it!! .....Oh and please pretend like you dont see the dead leaves on the ground, lol. I took this picture before the weekly room cleaning (which I did after these pics).



And in this pic you can see the green twist tie holding up the brach of NB that was bent over. Too bad you cant see the clean floors the pot is sitting on, lol.


And does this look like a room of traumatized plants to you? Doesn't to me, but how else did the NB branches break/bend?? It will be a mystery for years to come, unless I just spend the night and catch the gnomes red handed!! lol


And lastly one of the big buds that I knew I should have tied up. And didnt! and of course it fell over and bent the stem...uuggghhh. Good news though! Its still alive and kicking as well as being finally supported by string. Sorry for the shaky pic, (my bad)I didnt resalize how crappy it was until I saw it on my computer.


Hope you enjoy! And wish me luck figuring out whats going on with the excessive heat during the day(if thats in fact whats causing the broken stems):rollit::peace:
Hey greenisland, just wanted to chime in that I'm still watching. I've been watching the whole time. I usually don't post unless I have something to say. You have been kicking ass the whole time so not really much need to speak up.
Sorry to hear about the bent branches. I am still way too much of a rookie to guess why you are having these problems but I would guess heat also. I noticed at the end of my grow that my resin production seemed to move in reverse. I was having a hell of a time keeping my cab cool with the heat wave we were having at the time. I got some good weed out of the deal but I think it could have been better if I manged temps a little better.

+reps for a very nice grow.
Awsesome potpie, Im so glad too see there are people watrching this grow show. Pot Pie a way, Ive seen your plants, you got talent man! And so the verdict is that yes the room got a little hot but I think mostly what happened was just big buds working with gravity to pull the branches down. Also I realized I had forgotten to turn on nthe oscillatinjg fan on that side of the room for a few days so it wasnt getting the breeze it needed to keep the stems strong. Anyhow this wont be an issue next time because they will ne about 1.5 ft shorter and tied up. As well as CO2 injection and 400 more cfms of exhaust power provided by a new MaxFan. So after these girls come out the next girls will have an even nicer room to grow up in. Ill try to take one more photo shoot before they all come down. Wish me luck guys. Peace!! And thx for reading everyone!:smokin::peace:
I guess plants snapping means you may have to do some staking next grow? Or, like what pitviper does and string them up? Otherwise your grow is as always the real deal!!
Alrighty! here we go folks, the first med pot batch that has been put in a journal (for me atleast). Ok, so I have a few pics of just random flowers, ...blues cheese first, then a pic of T2. And I got some other pics in here also, so anyhow here ya go.



Another T2


And heres another picture of a Blue Cheese flower, I just love this plant! And the smell is just incredible blueberry muffin, unlike anything Ive ever experienced before and that's pretty impressive, lol. Its my favorite probably all around smoke, so Im kinda biased. Its good for getting through the day headache and anxious free (unless you overdo it, he he he). Really an excellent strain if you ask me. Enough babbling, heres the picture


So heres some pics of Nosebleed in all its glory! then theres a few weird upside down nosebleed pics. Enjoy!







The tops were already done as you see here. Well, and the result is what you see here. The long awaited medicine! And nosebleed is a potent medicine too!


And another pic of T2 from the archives of previous yrs flowers. I however cannot take credit for this magnificent creation. It was another persons beautiful bud, I just have the pic. And it just so happens its fits quite nicely here since its nearly identical to the T2 in the other pics earlier but I assure you its not, grown entirely differently at an entirely different time and place. But it is a beauty!


And in this pic you can see the only similarities to the nosebleed pic in my avatar. Its the same plant grown entirely differently. Different nutes and most of all much colder temps. But even in really hot temps the purple always shows through somewhere in the plant, and almost always just like you see here, right at the base of the buds. Their just frosty white with trichs too, but you can still see the purple node behind the crystals.(its not as noticeable now that I look at the pic, but in person its very noticeable, lol) Enjoy!, talk to everyone soon, and will have more pics coming soon too!

YESSSIR!!! So in case you havent noticed the Nosebleed finishes earlier than the rest of the strains. Blue cheese and T2 will still be another week or more, their getting one hell of a final flush, like 2+ wks. Should be extra smooth on the throat! I really dont like caughing either (unlike some people I know here in Cali, lol.). Oh and might I add its sooooo sweet to not see a single mite ANYWHERE! Finally a grow without bugs again.

For the next grow have you worked out yet what strains you are going to grow?
There is a poll at the moment on what should pitviper grow next and I think you should get 1 going as well. That is if you havent already got new kids going already!!
Thats a great idea man! I think I will have to do that eventually. right now I still need to find out which ones are female and which ones are male. I dont really want to throw any out until I make sure I have some fems of each strain. Then Ill leave it up to the judges. Ill still prob grow all the strains but will mostly grow or have a large portion of the grow be whatever the ppl decide they would like to see best. Great idea DGMGH
Oh, and I forgot to tell everyone. I entered this months plant contest with a picture of T2. Check it out here if you would like to see it and the other entries (no poll till end of month by the way)420 Magazine's Plant of the Month Contest - August 2009 Thanks for reading!
hey GI.

just got caught up. very nice setup, i get so jealous of all these people with tons of room to build. lol, my apt must be 500 sq ft at most!

anyways can't wait to see the finished product now. ill check out the plant contest when i get home. but i like what you got going on brother.

oh, and ps. im so sorry about you and your wife's situation.

I lost my uncle to cancer. . . it is a bitch.

i hope everything works out for the best for you. I will send thoughts of peace and well being to you both from afar.

keep your plants green and your spirits high, that combo will lead to happiness and a long life.
Man hella shit there. looking good dude. Goes to show lights do alot huh? I speed read your post, looks like your running hella lights. I mean HELLA. One thing I always heard, inside you can NEVER get enough light. I do afew grows inside to get bye, but my bread and butter are hooked up outside. Shits looking good dude. Stay down with your bad ass shit. Wood
Why thank you Wheel of fortune and nocaliwood. Im so glad you guys are checking out my journal! My girl is actually completely good right now (believe it or not) . Basically as of right now they dont see anything "out of the ordinary" so apparently all of her treatments really worked out well. Shes doing pretty good though. Lol, (for those of you who know her and I). Thank you for the kind words though and for your concern. And Im sure shes down for getting any help she can..even if it is telepathy help!:3 Yes I love lights, and am actually going to be adding some MORE wattage for the next grow.! Im going to have fewer plants in the room too...well maybe the same number maybe 2 less, either way the garden is going to be shorter and more manageable..but with more lights. Just like "cowbell"..can never get enough "cowbell", lol. Im sure very few of you got that but I think Im hilarious, lol. Anyhow I have pics of the first round of harvesting, and let me tell ya they look INCREDIBLE... Especially the Blue Cheese! Im so very tired right now so I will be posting them asap tomorrow afternoon, when I get home from work, I promise. Here is a little taste of whats to come. You can really see the blue hues in the beautiful nugs of blue cheese. And these buds smell like straight blueberry muffins for real!


Ill post the rest as soon as Im off work.. Goodnight all!! Or good morning I guess...uuuggghhh.
It looks like I have some weird effect turned on in this picture... and a lot of the others actually.. but it kinda looks cool its just not as clean of a picture as usual. PS: My hands still reak of pot....crazy!
You know you must be doing something right your plants are toppling because of their giant buds!

The colour of that blue cheese looks amazing, I just hope it smokes as good as it looks.
Sorry its taking so long. Ive been hella busy with work and trimming the last two days. Heres some pics. Ill try and come beack and explain them better tommarrow, but for now Ill atleast post them for all to see. Hope everyone enjoys!!!

Blue cheese pics first.






Now pics of Nosebleed


Last two pics were showing the pink in the Nosebleed, next few are just straight nugs.




And heres another pic of the T2 which is still maturing.


And heres a pic of the "hanging garden". Twist ties everywhere just like Pitvipers. And a pic of the trimmed finished product...guessing abt 3/4 lb.....hopefully....:smokin:



Just like to say that this is one of my favorite pics in a bigger size...its above too but this is just a bigger version. And if you want to see any of these pics in a larger vcersion just check out my photo gallery. Thanks for veiwing.. NOW CHECK OUT THOSE BLUE NUGS!!

Goodnight everyone!!
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