Greenislands journal 09

Why thank you so much everyone! I truly appreciate everyones input. I still have the dried and curing pic as well as the smoke report to post so stay tuned its not quite over yet. Oh and the finished dry weight of all the medicine too! Cant forget that! Thank you EVERYONE for reading. PS:Im entering the bud of the month contest this month too....wish me luck!
Nice grow....WTG A+ for you..........
Looks good dude congrads. But don't ya hate the empty flower chambers. Means time to start all over again. To me the high is the grow. Stay Down
Thank you everyone. It has been a great experience. I started this grow almost the same day I joined this forum so its been so much fun to share it all with you. I just FINALLY finished trimming. There was a lot of smaller buds that got put with the trim. I only kept the larger ones...and medium ones. My hands are bloody from trimming.. seriously, I had to band aid the blisters. I will be showing a finished pic later tonight .....I hope... with all the buds in the jars curing, as well as some of the trim. Im bubbling all the trim and small buds though. Anyhow, check out these pics of my hands.


And heres a pic of the tray and all the crystals that are left just from trimming over it. Never had crystals like that just fall off from trimming. Usually I have it all done within the first day though too and this time it took me like 5 days of straight trimmin!


And heres a close up of one of the buds pposted earlier. If you like this pic go vote for it when the poll is up for the nug of the month contest August 09.


Ill try and put up a series of pictures that show the grow from start to finish too.
:woohoo::rocker::roorrip:Alright so heres the last photos, from the start of the grow all the way through to the finish. The first pics have already been posted but the last few are new. Enjoy!





































Half of the trim..,theres a ton . Excellent for making bubble hash!


And the end result!!! Tastes excellent! 35 oz's total...still might lose a oz or two while drying. T2 was 16.5 oz's Nosebleed was 6.5 oz's Blue cheese was 8 oz's. Its all excellent smoke flavor and high. The Nosebleed and Cheese are the most potent. The cheese is the tastiest and best smelling. The T2 has the biggest nugs with the most trichomes and is a up high, good for mornings, while the Nosebleed will put you to sleep and the Blue cheese just blows your mind! lol. Hope everyone loved this journal! stay posted in the next couple days cause I will be starting a new journal with a whole variety of strains including WW, Sweet Tooth, Big Bang, Super Lemon Haze, T2, NoseBleed, Blue Cheese and GDP to finish it off, so its going to be an eventful journal. Thanks again to everyone who posted and helped out and thanks to everyone who just read this too. Finally, time to medicate, Goodnight all....Stay High!!!
THE END!!:surf::yummy::slide::roorrip:

:nicethread: very informative.....great pictures.....clean, well set up room...plants were awesome to watch grow from start to finished...they were well taken care of. Looking forward to all future grows you do. If i was to rate this journal with 5 star system I would give 5 stars for skill,set up,organization,plants,results,Flower rooms i would love to die in,feed back, and your #1 Lady is a 10 star all the way! :rocker::passitleft::adore:
:roorrip:Why thank you Tunes 420 and DGMGH! You can rate my journal if you like! lol, I would love a 5 star rating! And yes I almost forgot about the bubble hash. I will be posting pics of that later today....So I guess this journal isnt quite over yet. Im hoping for a big o ball of bubble but well just have to wait and see what happens. Thanks again everyone, your comments are always great to hear!:roorrip::yummy:
:roorrip::peace:Thanks man! Im stoked about the 5 star rating! Thank you so much! I really appreciate everyones input. Thx again! And remember, bubble hash pics will be posted later today!! unless I run out of time today, then it will be tomarrow instead.:roorrip::peace:
Ok so it took me an extra day but here we go.


Start out with trim, the better the trim the better the finished product. I used somewhere around a lb and a half of premium trim that had been frozen over night in the freezer. I seperate my trim per strain, so I get different kinds of bubble hash with each kind exhibitanting it own unique flavor and high.


First you set up the screens in order from the finest to the biggest screen size. Make sure the screens are pressed titely against the side of the 5 gallon bucket. I use a small 3.5 gallon jug to help me put the screens in while keeping their shape and keeping the bags tight against the side of the 5 gallon bucket.



It helps to do the rest in the bathtub so you contain your mess and its easy to rinse down when you do make a mess.

I use 2 bags of ice from cirkle k or wherever. I put in about 3 inches of ice first then put in half of the trim. I then put another 2 inches and put more trim...etc, etc until all the trim is used. I finish the bucket with a layer of ice so the trim doest come out of the bucket.

Next I fill the 3.5 gallon jug with more ice from my freezer usually...this ice is just going to be used to cool down the water even more before its poured into the 5 gallon bucket.(you dont have to "pre"cool down your water like I do, its just my preferance)

You want the 5 gallon bucket to me mostly ice but still be wet enough that it mixes thouroughly and allows the trichomes to fall to the bottom. If I had to guess I would guess theres abt 2.5-3.5 gallons of water in there.


Next you take the lid of the bucket and make holes for the blender to poke through. This top has two different sets of hole sizes to accomodate two different widths of blenders.



I usually stir this mixture up pretty well with just a simple large plastic spoon before I put the lid on, this helps the mixture be more consistant to start with.


Next you just put the lid on the bucket and let it do its job for about 15-30 min with the blender on medium. Just leave it alone, usually it stays in place just fine. If it doesnt blend easily try adding a little water to the mixture (it makes the blender not jump around as much) but make sure not to add too much. You dont want to even be close to overflowing the bucket. The water line should be about 3-4 inches from the top of the bucket. And ice should be all the way to the top of the bucket, just not higher than the bucket because the lid needs to sit flush. If it still wont stay put sometimes you have to put weights on the lid to keep it in place( a nutrient bottle, etc, whatever really thats heavy). Or prop it in a corner, whatever works.


Usually you blend for a half hour let it sit for 15, blend for half hr sit for 15. I do this anywhere from 3 to 6 or even 7 times. You can let it blend for an hour then sit for 15..and do it twice. It really doesnt seem to matter much. the longer you go the more conaminants there will be and the less the quality will be. The shorter you belnd it the higher the quality will be.

After you have finished blending and letting it sit. make sure you let it just sit there for15min or so before you start pulling out the bags. As you pull out the bags you will notice that most of the trim and all of the ice come out in the first screen. Usually I pull this out just above the water level then run about a half gallon of really ice cold water through it to rinse off any of the trichome heads still in there. Make sure not to use to much water and over flow the bucket. I never even get within 6 inches of the top because the level goes waaay down after you remove the ice and leftover trim.



Remove each screen in order and set them aside until you get to the second to last screen. depending on how many screens your kit has you may keep the last three screens or you may only keep the last screen. I take the last three screens however the last two are really the only ones that contain "bubble" hash. You will notice that the last screen drains very slowly, sometimes very very very slowly! This time it took about 20 minutes to drain the last screen. You can see this process here.




When it gets down to the bottom you will see your hash there. The longer you let it sit there the easier it will be to scoop it out. It will start to ball up with itself if you shake the screen gently form side to side and usually you can scoop it out easily then. After you get you first scoop drop the bag back into the water to get a little water back into the bag. This little water is used to swish around and collect the leftover trichomes into a smaller scoopable "ball".





I usually keep the pressing screen in the freezer just so the ball doesnt stick to it quite as bad. I also usually keep a spoon in there to just for this purpose.


Once you drop it on the pressing screen continue to sqeeze off the water. make sure you wrap the rpessing screen with paper towels so when the water is pressed out of the hash it soaks into the paper towel. The paper towel is also beneficial because it isnt warm like your hand and usually the hash wont melt through the pressing screen when you use a paper towl, however if you buse your hand it could end in a sticky mess.


Keep working the hash ball until m,ost of the water is out then let it sit out to dry. It will be a few days befor eit is ready to smoke and it will be maybe a month before it can be molded into the black kind of resiny bubble hash I usually have. In the next picture you can see the three different grades side by side and their overall weight. Hope this "TEK" helped someone out. Bubble hash sure is great and well worth the work you put into it. Fro sart to finish I would say it only took me about 2-3 hrs. not bad if you ask me for some of the finest hash you willl ever smoke eh?


Sorry I dont have time to clean this tek up right now but I will be sure to add more pics and stuff later tonight when I get time. Hope you like it!
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