Greenislands journal 09


How long do you let your plants normally flower for? I am curious as they seen to be pretty close now. Superb grow too! Thanks for the advice on my journal too!!!
Naw, not quite. They probably still have like a month and a week left. Three more weeks of hardcore flowering and two weeks of flushing. The Nosebleed is done in 7-8 weeks but the Blu Cheese can take 8-10 weeks. Without CO2 injection you can usually add about 5-10 days extra, usually 5 sometimes 10. Thx for all the compliments thogh guys! much appreciated!
Heres some updated pics for all to see, as well as some pics from the new up and coming grow journal entitled "Greenislands Grow Journal 09 #2!", concider it a sneak preveiw, lol. Ok, so heres a pic of the buds taken during their sleepy time. They have pretty much almost completally halted on the upward stretch (thank god) which is to be expected abt 3.5wks in. They are about 4.5-5ft tall and will be abt 5ft when they are done stretching I think. This pic was taken right before I turned on the CO2 generator, so these buds were formed in 3wks with no CO2 enrichment! pretty sick I think. So they should get HUGE with CO2 going to the room now. I had issues with my generator so I didnt have it up and running until 2 days ago, which sucks but oh well, they still are looking pretty good even without CO2. So here your weekly Bud Porn!


And heres a pic of the EVC-1 (I beleive thats the model#) Enviro controller keeping the temp , Humidity and CO2 to specs. I just love the new Sentinel Digi enviro controllers and for the price you just cant beat them!


And heres a preveiw of the NEW up and coming grow, featuring a very large array of strains, ones in the rockwool cubes are T2, Nosebleed, and Blue cheese, all from clones,in the styro cups there is GDP, Sweet Tooth, Big Bang-fem, Super Lemon Haze-fem, White Widow, and Q1-fem. Well, thats IF they decide to pop their little shells, lol. And those are all obviously from seed. .... WOW!!! thats like 9 different strains!! Holy Crap this is going to be a tedious couple of months ahead of me, hopefully the journal will have the entire hybridising program from start to finish...but for now Im just planning on a simple grow journal just like this one. But Im sure it will turn into a huge project for all to see!. Yeah!!! The clones are first.



And now the seeds! (theres really not much to see yet, but here it is!)



Ill be weeding out the young plants as they show various signs of sex, vigor, etc. So stick around and see which ones "make the cut"---Thanks for reading everyone!!!
Q1 is going to grow great with your other girls. Keep the heat up to them in the wool, or even give them a little bit of a crack on the seed and the tails will stick out quick smart!!

This 2nd journal of your is going to be the greatest. 420mag should have a grow of the month, as well as plant and bud of the month. Your thougts?
My thoughts are THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! Thats so funny that you say that because I was going to talk to soniq420 about that very same idea about 2 wks ago and never got to it, lol. Great minds really do think alike. :rollit:lol. Ill run that by him now actually.
Ive been pretty busy but I should have a few more pics up by the end of this weekend. The girls are coming along great! They have also stopped growing towards the sky and have stayed where they are. Yeah!!! No more stretching!! (it was getting ridiculous). Anyhow hope everyone will be able to wait for the next set of pics.
I have a cheap enviro controller but a harvest master is on my wish list. I read a lil about the sentinels and they are cheaper but I really have my heart set on a harvest master. There are just a few other things that I need to get first lol. I am in charge of 3 different grow ops so basic equipment and filter replacements takes priority. I should have a ebb n grow show sometime beginning in the middle of this month.
I look forward to your journal of the ebb and flow set Mr Smith. I have a few pics for everyone, as promised. They pretty much stopped reaching for the lights at abt 5ft it would seem, . . . some shorter (nosebleed) , some taller (blue cheese, T2 etc.). So heres the first pic of on of the big nugs in the room. Its crazy white with trichs!

And a close up!!


And heres some pics of the rest of the med garden.









And heres another pic of the biggest bud.


Hope everyone liked the pics! Their getting really juicy now, smell like crazy! Cant wait to see what they look like in a week from now when I start to flush!
nope, the room is kept under constant negative pressure by a vortex blower hooked up to a mountainaire 8" carbon filter, and just in case that doesnt take care of all the smell I have a uvonair 12" 3 corona discharge ozone unit. Havent had to use the uvonair as of yet and doubt I will. And even if I do it will be for very short bursts of like 5 seconds every minute cause that ozone unit is waaay overkill for this small of a room. But I had it from another job site, and the customer never used it , or had it installed so I inherited a ozone generator large enough to burn a texas sized hole in the ozone layer for free! lol.... maybe its not quite that big but its definetally a huge ozone generator. Uvonair totally kickass though when it comes to getting rid of odours. (when their working properly that is) . Their kinda finicky sometimes, and Ive almost caught one on fire once cause there was a short in it from the factory, yikes! It shocked me a good one!!
I have a CAP ozone gen. Its a big one too. I never use unlesscarb filters start to fail and I normally have a extra filter as backup. Damn ozone burns my eyes and throat when the CAP is running and ozone smells like dead worms to me.
In my own house I run those air purifiers to all the rooms above and adjacent to the grow rooms.

Looking pretty yummy in there.
Thats why I like the uvonair's, with the uvonair the ozone is confined inside the 6" - 12" flex duct or whatever. And with the uvonairs you have to give them like an additional 6 - 12 ft of ductwork to completally nuetralize all odors and dissipate to the point that it doesnt burn your throat eyes etc. Im overall just not a huge fan of CAP. Almost everything I get from them breaks or stops working within a year. So far the ebb and gro CAP controller unit is working wonderful but Im always paranoid the CAP monters will catch up to me. I prefer Sentinel enviro controllers and anything but CAP everything else. But, the ebb and gro set does work great so I gotta give them that. The engineer for CAP left them and started his own co. ..."Sentinel". CAP hasnt uprgraded many of there products for something like 10 or more years! Sentinel is almost entirely digital, and were definetally living in the digital age. And there cheap! There are better controllers out there but they can run you 50 to 300% more money than a Sentinel. lol.. Anyhow theres my two cents on "why I use Sentinel" lol. Anyhow have you had a chance to check out the Uvonairs in action Mr. Smith? There pretty nice. But I would have to agree with you that its nice to not run them at all (ozone generators)if you dont have to. And so far I havent had to pull out my "earth Destroyer" ozone generator ...yet. he he
Oh yeah, And the flash on the camera makes it look like they are crazy frosty. And they are but WOW the flash really made the early trichomes show up nice!! They dont look quite that white under normal lighting conditions, lol. However that strain is the frostiest of the bunch!
So I have a few more pics for everyone. Hope everyone enjoys these few pics, I figured they were web worthy, what do you think? When their done I will put up some pics in the contests for this month with these buds. Not these pics but pics of when its finished.





I should have an update for everyone here within the next 2 days. Im unsure why I have a hard time getting an audience onto this forum but I think maybe its because it doesnt look like I need help or something. For one Im always up for someone elses advice so , bring it! But anyhow Im glad to see that some people are staying posted. This yeild probably wont represent the full potential of the room for several reasons. First being the overcrowding, some may feel like its not overcrowded at all but I like to have room to work and room for the plants to breath! Second, the CO2 generator wasnt kicked on until almost a month into flowering because it was just simply too warm to burn propane in the room. Third, they got a little too tall. I would like them to be about a foot to 18 inches shorter. If they were shorter they wouldnt be cramped, also I feel pretty certain that their root mass is probably root bound as well. Anyhow I will start flushing this next weekend, probably will flush for about 1.5 weeks on the Nosebleed and 2.5 weeks on the T2 and Blue Cheese. Unfortunatally if I flush one I flush all with this setup, so thats the best flushing regiment I could come up with. Well, see ya all soon!!
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