Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello all.

When I last posted about my difficulties with the Cosmic Lights clones I failed to mention one of the steps I had taken in an attempt to mitigate the problem. I discontinued using the swick bases. I took the plants off of the bases on August 10. The CL's browning leaves were part of the reason. But I was also concerned about how the top part of the soil was staying bone dry. I had not used the swick bases with soil before (only coco) and the dry soil up top was unexpected. I had been unable to get the top soil moist via the wicking process so I had been top-watering the plants weekly.

Anyway, I was looking at anything and everything that may have contributed to the CL's issues so it made sense to me to jettison the swick bases.

Last night, I almost tossed the CLs. Then I thought, I hadn't given them enough time being fed with tap water to notice any improvement. And then I thought, with the plants looking as shitty as they do, how would I be able to tell if the browning ceased to spread. I figured that I wouldn't be able to tell. So I got out my manly clippers and removed nearly all of the discolored leaves from the 3 plants. Now I'll be able to tell if any more appears. If more does appear, that will probably spell their end.

It's their Flip 40 (yesterday). Fat Kid's Cake is front right.
P2 clones 8-20-24 F40 ugly leaves gone.JPG

I was surprised at the bud development that was being hidden by all those ugly leaves. They're budding up in clusters and they smell divine!


Outside, Stella continues her journey in the sun. She's just a pinch over 3 feet tall on her Day 101 (yesterday). So for those of you who may be weary of looking at the giant trees many of the outdoor growers having going at the moment (not sure who that would be!), here's the opposite! :) '
Stella 8-20-24 D101.JPG


I might be showing up here a little less often for a while. My mom is really struggling and is reaching the point that she will be unable to live alone for much longer. She's outlived the rest of the family and I'm all the support she's got.

My mom is peculiar and there's is no way I would put her in a nursing home. She would be unhappy, but not as unhappy as those who had to care for her! My house is too small for her to move in with me. So I'm going to need to buy a bigger house. In fact, I took a tour of one this morning that has a lot of promise.

In any event, I've got a lot to do to get my house and her house ready for sale.

I don't know how much this will eat into my 420 time but I suspect I'll be noticeably absent at points in time over the next several months. I'm just letting you all know just in case anyone gets concerned about my well-being.

I'm fine, just trying to be the good son!

You are a good man GDB hope it all works out
Plants look better w/o the yellow , is Stella still in stretch ? I also hope you can get things worked out without a lot of Hassel's , sounds like its happening for you Brother .. Take Care !
Thanks Smoke. I think Stella is done stretching. She didn't stretch like my indoor plants typically do. It was a lot more subtle and it was minimal. I believe from the time she showed preflowers until now she only grew about 4 more inches. I could be wrong. She may get a little taller, but I kinda' doubt that she will.
Thanks con. Keep hope alive! :Rasta:
Our housing market here is just _uck'd the same home up here costs 50-60% more I was 53 when I had enough for a down payment but wouldn't have enough time to pay it off by the time I hit 65 but that's life, happy hunting
Our housing market here is just _uck'd the same home up here costs 50-60% more I was 53 when I had enough for a down payment but wouldn't have enough time to pay it off by the time I hit 65 but that's life, happy hunting
Thanks con. The DC housing market is batshit crazy! But I'm not complaining 'cause I was lucky enough to get in at a good time. I will easily get at least 6 times the amount that I paid for my house back in 1987, and I could get even more if a buyer is desperate enough to want this zip code! :Rasta:
Thanks con. The DC housing market is batshit crazy! But I'm not complaining 'cause I was lucky enough to get in at a good time. I will easily get at least 6 times the amount that I paid for my house back in 1987, and I could get even more if a buyer is desperate enough to want this zip code! :Rasta:
Every market is now. My house was worth 100k in the 90s now it's 400k in 2024 the price of my house didn't increase our money lost 400% of its value and it has been a continuous trend sense the 40s. Even food in my lifetime has increased 400% while losing some of the weight. Everyone is getting cheated in the us and we just accept it as being normal. Everything at stores is false advertising now and when you buy lumber here and get a 2x4 it's actually 2x3 and 3/4ths but we just accept it's a 2x4 when it's not everyone gets cheated daily and doesn't even know what's supposed to be right anymore. Hope your doing good grand daddy black. Loving the grow.
Every market is now. My house was worth 100k in the 90s now it's 400k in 2024 the price of my house didn't increase our money lost 400% of its value and it has been a continuous trend sense the 40s. Even food in my lifetime has increased 400% while losing some of the weight. Everyone is getting cheated in the us and we just accept it as being normal. Everything at stores is false advertising now and when you buy lumber here and get a 2x4 it's actually 2x3 and 3/4ths but we just accept it's a 2x4 when it's not everyone gets cheated daily and doesn't even know what's supposed to be right anymore. Hope your doing good grand daddy black. Loving the grow.
I hear you Mad! :)
Stella looks great in the rarefied air that Otter's live in! And well done on the decision to move your mom in with you. As you are grateful to her for all she did, so will she be to you.

Whoever built that Maryland house must have had a lot of extra brick left over to decide to face the carport supports with it!
Thanks Shed. I accept your kind words, chapter and verse! :)
You're a good son, GDB!💚
How far will you be moving? (10 miles-50 miles?)
I like that house, too...👍

She may get a little taller, but I kinda' doubt that she will.
That was fast...stretch can be odd outdoors, not what we're used to at all...
You're a good son, GDB!💚
How far will you be moving? (10 miles-50 miles?)
I like that house, too...👍

That was fast...stretch can be odd outdoors, not what we're used to at all...
Thanks Carcass.

I'm trying to stay in this area, just in the suburbs instead of D.C. proper. That house that I looked at was about 20 miles from where I am.


Stella stretched like she was bashful about doing it! :Rasta:
I have used water from the dehuey over several grows without issues. Why would it cause a problem this time? I'm leaning toward what Carcass suggested, a genetic anomaly.
You're right.
Why would it cause a problem this time?
There's no minerals in the total global soil picture added through your watering practice.
This condition does exist in your pots.
If your plant has a "genetic need for extra minerals" ... :) Carcass's statement makes perfect sense.
We're on the same page!
Ro and dehuey reclamation grows different than tap. We have to bucker up minerals/calcium or the ones that need more won't get it. No big deal.
You're right.
Why would it cause a problem this time?
There's no minerals in the total global soil picture added through your watering practice.
This condition does exist in your pots.
If your plant has a "genetic need for extra minerals" ... :) Carcass's statement makes perfect sense.
We're on the same page!
Ro and dehuey reclamation grows different than tap. We have to bucker up minerals/calcium or the ones that need more won't get it. No big deal.
Thanks Stone.

My thought is that if I have to figure out what minerals I may have to "bucker up" when using reclaimed water, then the easiest solution is to not use that kind of water. Tap water for the win from here on! :Rasta:
Every market is now. My house was worth 100k in the 90s now it's 400k in 2024 the price of my house didn't increase our money lost 400% of its value and it has been a continuous trend sense the 40s. Even food in my lifetime has increased 400% while losing some of the weight. Everyone is getting cheated in the us and we just accept it as being normal. Everything at stores is false advertising now and when you buy lumber here and get a 2x4 it's actually 2x3 and 3/4ths but we just accept it's a 2x4 when it's not everyone gets cheated daily and doesn't even know what's supposed to be right anymore. Hope your doing good grand daddy black. Loving the grow.
2x4s have been 1.5 x 3.5 for my entire life (54 years).
Thanks Stone.

My thought is that if I have to figure out what minerals I may have to "bucker up" when using reclaimed water, then the easiest solution is to not use that kind of water. Tap water for the win from here on! :Rasta:
I've seen a few others have issues. It's perfect water for me with the soil I use. For some feeding schedules there's a rub sometimes. Go figure.
Hello gang.

It's Flip 48 for the Phase II clones and not much has changed since my last update.

This grow continues to be a test of patience. It's a hard one to stick with because 3 of the 4 plants are not to my liking. And really, the 4th plant that's not bothering me so much is just okay.

So here they are, the 3 disappointing Cosmic Lights and the so-so Fat Kid's Cake (tan pot).
P2 clone 8-27-24 F47 tent.JPG

CL bud:
CL clone 8-28-24 F48 bud.JPG

FKC bud:
FKC clone 8-28-24 F48 bud.JPG

That's all I've got about these.


Stella is living her life of solitude. She's starting to get some yellowing leaves. I'm not sure why. Maybe I need to feed (water) her more often.

Stella 8-28-24.JPG


Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I couldn't be more upbeat. :straightface:

I'm with you Dude - but I really dislike plants I don't love
I chuck a lot of stuff away because I don't like the way it grows, I am not at all precious about keeping plants I don't like
Same with bud, reckon I ditched about 6oz of bud in the river once because it was some sour NY Diesel or something
Just didn't like the smell, the flavour or the hit so no good to me
So here they are, the 3 disappointing Cosmic Lights and the so-so Fat Kid's Cake (tan pot).
When I start to feel like that- I try to remember that they're probably not doing it to piss me off...probably...:hmmmm:
Stella is living her life of solitude. She's starting to get some yellowing leaves.
What is it with yellow leaves this year? My Forbidden Fruit is going to be naked by my next update-
she's fully embracing the "yellow" experience... 😁
Sorry I couldn't be more upbeat. :straightface:
We've got our good days and we've all got our bad ones too..
Tomorrow will be a better day, GDB!👍
Hello gang.

It's Flip 48 for the Phase II clones and not much has changed since my last update.

This grow continues to be a test of patience. It's a hard one to stick with because 3 of the 4 plants are not to my liking. And really, the 4th plant that's not bothering me so much is just okay.

So here they are, the 3 disappointing Cosmic Lights and the so-so Fat Kid's Cake (tan pot).
P2 clone 8-27-24 F47 tent.JPG

CL bud:
CL clone 8-28-24 F48 bud.JPG

FKC bud:
FKC clone 8-28-24 F48 bud.JPG

That's all I've got about these.


Stella is living her life of solitude. She's starting to get some yellowing leaves. I'm not sure why. Maybe I need to feed (water) her more often.

Stella 8-28-24.JPG


Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I couldn't be more upbeat. :straightface:

I see nothing wrong with those plants, nice bud and beautiful flower. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
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