Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Look at Stella this morning! :slide:

Stella 8-9-24 D89.JPG

You got it. Most of my comments come from a lack of sleep.
Hey MrS, nice to see you! Mmmmm micro life! :love:
Great to see you Stoner. I hope you've been well. Always good to see you.
Stella's finally on her way!👍

but your buddies CL seems to be waiting for someone to say "go"..:hmmmm:

:thumb:...Hi Mr Sauga!
Hello Carcass. Always a pleasure. I hope things are good with you!
Hello you!

And just so you know, regarding the yeast build up. Thrush is a problem many weighty unhygienic men suffer with. You shouldn’t feel shame. Sure you smell bad. Sure you itch like crazy. But you shouldn’t feel shame. Just have a good wash and get to rubbing.


Side note: what is going on with the marketing department?!

Boss: we need an illustration. Something that gives hope to those who suffer with yeast build up. Something that makes it acceptable to society.

Paddy the Pedophile: I got this!


PS soooooo good to see you. Xo
Lol. Only you can leave me speechless. Kisses and hugs right back at ya. Great to see you Tra. :love:
Look at Stella this morning! :slide:

Stella 8-9-24 D89.JPG

Wow. She looks great! When do you return her back to Carcass?
Wow. She looks great! When do you return her back to Carcass?
How is it that you still know all of my inside moves? I thought I got rid of all your devices during my last sweep. 😬
Stone, did you misplace this? I'm not sure what you were talking about.
Dwhoops, i thought for sure it was you with kush mints. My mistake. Hmmm who then? Well I enjoyed it enough to mention. Musta been BudMan's grow.

Stella's banging out some sweet first flowerspistilsthingys! Your zone is this much ahead of mine. I'll be with you in a week+ for our debut. Nature, you can count on it sometimes! :p
Yay Stella!- we were pretty sure knew you could do it...👍:party:

Carcass, I'm gonna' have to build something huge to support this beast! She's nearly as high as the 5th stair step! :)

Stella 8-10-24 D90.JPG
I'm gonna' have to build something huge to support this beast!
A large tomato cage might do the might be a bit big now, but I think she'll grow into it...
..or find some walls for her to lean on..😁
Hello gang!

Certain aspects of this grow have become so frustrating that it's difficult to post about it. Who feels like documenting how you're having your patience stretched to the limit? About how you're a blink away from saying the hell with it and culling three plants?

That's the position I'm in because of these cursed Cosmic Lights clones. As the man in my avatar once sang, "makes me want to holla'"!

CLs 8-17-24 F37.JPG

The brown on the leaves of all three CL plants started out as just a mild discoloration but it's gotten worse over time and shows no signs of slowing its spread. It's all over the plants -- not concentrated to any particular region.

I've tried reducing their feed, increasing their feed, and supplementing their feed with EWC. I've tried giving them Recharge, giving them calmag and giving them just magnesium. I've taken a slurry test of the soil and its pH is within the acceptable range. I've even clicked my heels together 3 times.

Nothing I've tried has slowed the spread.

CL1 8-17-24.JPG

CL2 8-18-24.JPG

CL3 8-17-24.JPG

At the same time (and in the same soil) the Fat Kid's Cake clone may be asking for more N, but is otherwise growing normally.
FKC clone 8-17-24.JPG

I don't usually find those charts illustrating various deficiencies to be very helpful. To me, nearly all the deficiencies have nearly the same tell. In this instance though, I'm beginning to believe that I have a Chlorine deficit.

Chlorine def.png

I've struggled with high humidity during this grow. Shortly after getting started I had to start using my dehumidifier to try to keep things in range. Once I started using the dehuey, I started using the water it accumulated to fill my five gallon buckets (lots less schlepping!).

I'm thinking the browning of the CL leaves started around the same period in which I started using the water from the dehuey to water my plants. I typically use my tap water without any issues. (I could tell you what's in it but I'm too lazy to search for the last report I got.)

Anyhow, I don't have any better ideas at the moment. So I've stopped using the dehuey water on the plants.

Of course I welcome any thoughts you may have.


I think I now get the allure of growing outdoors!

When I first saw the preflowers on Stella I felt differently than when I see them on my indoor plants. For one, I was surprised! (it's never a surprise indoors.)

The surprise was enough to make me feel great but then I started thinking about the lack of any fans whirring, of any dehumidifiers humming, of any lights warming things up. Damn, this grow cost nearly Free.99! :Rasta:

I've also got a bit of satisfaction knowing that I've protected my girl from the many pests that can confront her outdoors. Granted, I'm combatting bugs that I've mostly dreamed up, but not actually seen. Still, no bugs are good bugs!
Stella 8-17-24 D98 (6).JPG

Stella 8-17-24 D98 (1).JPG


She is beautiful. 🍋
Thanks so much Keith!
A large tomato cage might do the might be a bit big now, but I think she'll grow into it...
Sounds good to me! I'm tickled that you suggested a "large" anything! :)
A tomato cage is good you can cut them if needed. 🍋
See what Carcass said? I need a "large." :Rasta:
Aww, she's becoming a woman! :welldone:
Stella has changed a lot in 2 weeks
Shes revving it up now
Thanks Sniper. I hope she puts pedal to metal!
She's looking good GDB!
Thanks Stunger!
You've done a stellar job raising her, pun intended 🙃
Pun taken, Chris! 😁


As always, thanks for your interest.

I feel your pain, growing indoors is very stressful. on the bright side you have the option of growing outside as well , so when the stress is getting to you go outside and appreciate the amazing plants you've grown. you'll figure out what the indoor plants need or at least help them harvest somehow, wish I had better advice but ur the one I turn to for advice. so if I get to the point where I need to holla, holla back ... dolla dolla bills y'all
I think it's a genetic thing with those 3
-it's like they're programmed to not be happy...ever..:straightface:

Stella's a different story- she's going to get nothing but better from here on.💚👍
Once I started using the dehuey, I started using the water it accumulated to fill my five gallon buckets (lots less schlepping!).
Ok now you have no minerals in it.
I think I now get the allure of growing outdoors!
Whew! I was hoping!
Damn, this grow cost nearly Free.99! :Rasta:
Ah huh! :love: :woohoo:

Outdoor growing actually grew on me. At first I thought tent growing was better, and some of tent growing is, however a good outdoor grow is like a trip to 6 Flags on a beautiful day! There's thrills and lazy river ride days! Just a lot of fun and in the end I might have 3 or 4 pounds of weed for around 200 bucks!
I think it's a genetic thing with those 3
-it's like they're programmed to not be happy...ever..:straightface:
I agree.

GD Black you know how to grow. How to read your plants. How to make them sing. I think plants are like people. Some plants choose to be boring, mopey, time sucking pains in the arse. We can just put it down to weak and lame dna.

That said, I’d still stick wth them tho.
Don't worry and just watch them... - if you still have a bad feeling, I would think about cooking a banana tea. My plants loved it. :ganjamon:
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