Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

I feel your pain, growing indoors is very stressful. on the bright side you have the option of growing outside as well , so when the stress is getting to you go outside and appreciate the amazing plants you've grown. you'll figure out what the indoor plants need or at least help them harvest somehow, wish I had better advice but ur the one I turn to for advice. so if I get to the point where I need to holla, holla back ... dolla dolla bills y'all
I find indoor growing very relaxing Chris -- not at all stressful. Mostly they're just upping their chances of joining the rare number of plants that I have tossed before their end. I don't wanna' do it, I don't like to do it, but I will do it. :Rasta:
I think it's a genetic thing with those 3
-it's like they're programmed to not be happy...ever..:straightface:

Stella's a different story- she's going to get nothing but better from here on.💚👍
Could be genetics, Carcass. I'd certainly like to believe it's something beyond my control.
Ok now you have no minerals in it.

Whew! I was hoping!

Ah huh! :love: :woohoo:

Outdoor growing actually grew on me. At first I thought tent growing was better, and some of tent growing is, however a good outdoor grow is like a trip to 6 Flags on a beautiful day! There's thrills and lazy river ride days! Just a lot of fun and in the end I might have 3 or 4 pounds of weed for around 200 bucks!
Your last point about outdoor growing is no drawing point for me Stone. Three-four lbs. of weed is waaay more than I'd know what to do with. 😬
I agree.

GD Black you know how to grow. How to read your plants. How to make them sing. I think plants are like people. Some plants choose to be boring, mopey, time sucking pains in the arse. We can just put it down to weak and lame dna.

That said, I’d still stick wth them tho.
I'm trying to stick with them Tra. They ain't making it easy!
Don't worry and just watch them... - if you still have a bad feeling, I would think about cooking a banana tea. My plants loved it. :ganjamon:
Did your plants look like mine do, Rasta?
I find indoor growing very relaxing Chris -- not at all stressful. Mostly they're just upping their chances of joining the rare number of plants that I have tossed before their end. I don't wanna' do it, I don't like to do it, but I will do it. :Rasta:
Just curious what day your trash gets picked up, would you throw away those plants in recycling bin or regular trash 🚛
Your last point about outdoor growing is no drawing point for me Stone. Three-four lbs. of weed is waaay more than I'd know what to do with. 😬
I figured. That's why I mentioned no minerals first.
So in general, water is a souerce of that. Since I bypassed the softener for the hose this year, I haven't needed to add EWC for calcium which is a change for me. :)
I figured. That's why I mentioned no minerals first.
So in general, water is a souerce of that. Since I bypassed the softener for the hose this year, I haven't needed to add EWC for calcium which is a change for me. :)
I have used water from the dehuey over several grows without issues. Why would it cause a problem this time? I'm leaning toward what Carcass suggested, a genetic anomaly.
Hello all.

When I last posted about my difficulties with the Cosmic Lights clones I failed to mention one of the steps I had taken in an attempt to mitigate the problem. I discontinued using the swick bases. I took the plants off of the bases on August 10. The CL's browning leaves were part of the reason. But I was also concerned about how the top part of the soil was staying bone dry. I had not used the swick bases with soil before (only coco) and the dry soil up top was unexpected. I had been unable to get the top soil moist via the wicking process so I had been top-watering the plants weekly.

Anyway, I was looking at anything and everything that may have contributed to the CL's issues so it made sense to me to jettison the swick bases.

Last night, I almost tossed the CLs. Then I thought, I hadn't given them enough time being fed with tap water to notice any improvement. And then I thought, with the plants looking as shitty as they do, how would I be able to tell if the browning ceased to spread. I figured that I wouldn't be able to tell. So I got out my manly clippers and removed nearly all of the discolored leaves from the 3 plants. Now I'll be able to tell if any more appears. If more does appear, that will probably spell their end.

It's their Flip 40 (yesterday). Fat Kid's Cake is front right.
P2 clones 8-20-24 F40 ugly leaves gone.JPG

I was surprised at the bud development that was being hidden by all those ugly leaves. They're budding up in clusters and they smell divine!


Outside, Stella continues her journey in the sun. She's just a pinch over 3 feet tall on her Day 101 (yesterday). So for those of you who may be weary of looking at the giant trees many of the outdoor growers having going at the moment (not sure who that would be!), here's the opposite! :) '
Stella 8-20-24 D101.JPG


I might be showing up here a little less often for a while. My mom is really struggling and is reaching the point that she will be unable to live alone for much longer. She's outlived the rest of the family and I'm all the support she's got.

My mom is peculiar and there's is no way I would put her in a nursing home. She would be unhappy, but not as unhappy as those who had to care for her! My house is too small for her to move in with me. So I'm going to need to buy a bigger house. In fact, I took a tour of one this morning that has a lot of promise.

In any event, I've got a lot to do to get my house and her house ready for sale.

I don't know how much this will eat into my 420 time but I suspect I'll be noticeably absent at points in time over the next several months. I'm just letting you all know just in case anyone gets concerned about my well-being.

I'm fine, just trying to be the good son!

The CL's look like new plants!
Now, the Fat Kids Cake is looking "iffy"....
They look great!...and Stella is going to turn out nice- plenty of weed, but you won't need a ladder or a chainsaw to harvest those other folks...🤪
Hello grow gang!

I'm hanging out with Stella this morning. I'm giving her the once-over, inspecting for bug damage, fungi and other blemishes. She looks clean on her 105th day.

Stella 8-24-24 D105 tops.JPG

She starting to stack up bud sites! Whoopee!
Stella 8--12-24 D105 stacking.JPG

And, if I choose to I can get her some of the same rare air that many of your plants are getting! 😁
Stella 8-24-24 D105 in rare air.JPG

One thing that has somewhat confused me about Stella is watering her in that plastic pot. It never seems to get dry! She seems okay with being watered about once every 5-6 days, and only taking a liter on those days before she starts peeing from the pot bottom. She was lucky to survive this far because I know damn-well I was over-watering her when I first moved her outside. :straightface:


On a side note, one of my wife's best friends has a son who's a realtor. I've been meeting with him lately and he's changed my perspective on house-buying. (It's been 37 years since I bought a house and I'm clueless.) Now, I don't believe it's going to be as time-consuming as I had thought. He has assured me that he has the resources needed to get my house and my mom's house cleaned up, cleaned out and made ready for sale. That was music to my ears! I had envisioned having to take care of most of those details by myself. I'm extremely happy to know that I can leave most of it to him.

Looked at this house in Maryland yesterday. I think it will work for my mom as everything she needs is on a single floor. And it has a great potential grow "room" in the basement! Tents-be-gone, maybe? We likely will bid on it.



You are a good man GDB. 🍋
Ha! I've got someone else fooled!

No, seriously, thanks Keith.

The CL's look like new plants!
Now, the Fat Kids Cake is looking "iffy"....
They look great!...and Stella is going to turn out nice- plenty of weed, but you won't need a ladder or a chainsaw to harvest those other folks...🤪
The FKC really does look a little "iffy." Not sure what's up with those yellowing leaves. 👀

I won't even have to get on my tippy-toes to take down Stella! :Rasta:

I have a good son. You are a very special breed.

I hope you find the perfect home. Xo
Thanks so much Tra! Mom deserves it!


Thanks for your interest in my little outdoor flow!


Stella looks really good, and I glad to see her going into flower. Great job GDB. Also, that looks like a nice house for your mom. 🍋
Thanks Keith. I'm really pleased with Stella thus far! There's no guarantee I'll get that house, but I'm going to find something for her!
Stella's budding up a storm GDB! Beautiful! nice house in bird land ! Good luck! Rates coming down as we type!
Thanks Stone. It's a wonderful thing to watch a plant flowering outdoors! I get it! :)

Rates going down will work both for me and against me.

For me: The buyer's market will swell and folks may start offering more than the asking price.
Against me: The buyer's market will swell and folks may start offering more than the asking price.

Kinda' odd, in a way.

I'm not borrowing so the rates themselves are not in my calculations.

And let me stop right here about talking about my home search. I could easily give this issue too much airtime on 420 and that's not what we're here for, is it?

Unless something extraordinary happens, I'll speak no more of my home search here on 420. I will let you all know when I move and maybe provide a tour of the new digs on my off-topic page.:Rasta:
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