Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello gang.

It's Flip 48 for the Phase II clones and not much has changed since my last update.

This grow continues to be a test of patience. It's a hard one to stick with because 3 of the 4 plants are not to my liking. And really, the 4th plant that's not bothering me so much is just okay.

So here they are, the 3 disappointing Cosmic Lights and the so-so Fat Kid's Cake (tan pot).
P2 clone 8-27-24 F47 tent.JPG

CL bud:
CL clone 8-28-24 F48 bud.JPG

FKC bud:
FKC clone 8-28-24 F48 bud.JPG

That's all I've got about these.


Stella is living her life of solitude. She's starting to get some yellowing leaves. I'm not sure why. Maybe I need to feed (water) her more often.

Stella 8-28-24.JPG


Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I couldn't be more upbeat. :straightface:

your plants look pretty good to me the FKC is looking pretty fat same as the CL by the time those pistils tighten up they'll be floppers, are you noticing any difference with the tap water ? Stellas looking good also
I'm with you Dude - but I really dislike plants I don't love
I chuck a lot of stuff away because I don't like the way it grows, I am not at all precious about keeping plants I don't like
Same with bud, reckon I ditched about 6oz of bud in the river once because it was some sour NY Diesel or something
Just didn't like the smell, the flavour or the hit so no good to me
Yeah, I'm getting less tolerant Roy. It's a big shift for me. I've mostly tried to give the lowliest of plants a chance to the end.

I'm gonna' stick with these mostly because I hope I'm past the half-way mark.
When I start to feel like that- I try to remember that they're probably not doing it to piss me off...probably...:hmmmm:

What is it with yellow leaves this year? My Forbidden Fruit is going to be naked by my next update-
she's fully embracing the "yellow" experience... 😁

We've got our good days and we've all got our bad ones too..
Tomorrow will be a better day, GDB!👍
Yeah, I know it's nothing personal Carcass! :)


Yellow. A preview to the fall fashion colors?


Tomorrow will be better. And it's only a day away! :Rasta:
I think GDB needs to Hit one , two :Rasta::lot-o-toke: There just fine wait till there done and your burning that shit all the fears of growing bad looking plants will go away ,,, Heck go look at Sheds Wizard >and he ain't bitching < OK i am done here :Namaste:
Thanks for the encouraging words Smoke. The comparison to Shed does not fit, however. Shed's not gonna' bitch. That auto is prolly one of the best ones he's ever grown! :laugh:
I've grown plenty of less than stellar plants that still smoke well. Might as well see them though and test the final product.

I grew Balckberry a few grows ago, looked ugly except for the purple buds. While it taste well and smoke well, it's like having a tasty cigar or cigarette....absolutely no punch to it ha.
your plants look pretty good to me the FKC is looking pretty fat same as the CL by the time those pistils tighten up they'll be floppers, are you noticing any difference with the tap water ? Stellas looking good also
Thanks con. I don't really believe the tap water was a fault. It was just another factor that I removed, just in case.
I've grown plenty of less than stellar plants that still smoke well. Might as well see them though and test the final product.

I grew Balckberry a few grows ago, looked ugly except for the purple buds. While it taste well and smoke well, it's like having a tasty cigar or cigarette....absolutely no punch to it ha.
I agree Tim. I may as well see them through to the end. Looks ain't everything. Hell, I've grown a few nice looking plants that were quite weak. :straightface:
I agree Tim. I may as well see them through to the end. Looks ain't everything. Hell, I've grown a few nice looking plants that were quite weak. :straightface:
The best plant I ever grew, got us higher than the angels, was an Orange Sherbert that got stunted. She grew to 12 inches and yieled like 2 ounces. It was like smoking pure THC....two puffs and I was zooted. Almost wish I could replicate it ha
The best plant I ever grew, got us higher than the angels, was an Orange Sherbert that got stunted. She grew to 12 inches and yieled like 2 ounces. It was like smoking pure THC....two puffs and I was zooted. Almost wish I could replicate it ha
I had a Hawaiian strain pop up in my cactus garden once - no nutes, just sand/grit
Pathetic plant, tiny yield, but woah, it was a big hitter
I had a Hawaiian strain pop up in my cactus garden once - no nutes, just sand/grit
Pathetic plant, tiny yield, but woah, it was a big hitter
Maybe that's the secret. We need to grow small and pathetic plants ha
The best plant I ever grew, got us higher than the angels, was an Orange Sherbert that got stunted. She grew to 12 inches and yieled like 2 ounces. It was like smoking pure THC....two puffs and I was zooted. Almost wish I could replicate it ha
I've heard several folks praise Orange Sherbert, Tim! Must be something to it! :Rasta:
I had a Hawaiian strain pop up in my cactus garden once - no nutes, just sand/grit
Pathetic plant, tiny yield, but woah, it was a big hitter
Sounds like a wonderful surprise, Roy. How did you determine it was Hawaiian?
It does brighten the yard up a little... 😁 ...

I was really good at that about ten years ago...hope I've still got it!:rofl:
It's really nice when the ratio of yellow to green is low!


Like riding a bike! :Rasta:
Did you flip these smaller/earlier than you normally do?

Not the best but unquestionably the most recent. :thumb:
Tis' true Shed, the CLs will surprise me -- one way or the other.

They were flipped when they were smaller than normally due to the small pots. They were not early, age-wise, however.


That auto of yours is going to be 🔥. You and err' body here knows it! :ganjamon:
Sounds like a wonderful surprise, Roy. How did you determine it was Hawaiian?
Near me is the UK American Community College, and we used to take students on as casual lobour in the summer in the events business
One of the guys 'Griff' gave me a bag of seeds labelled 'Hawaii - Kind Bud'
It was a spindly Sativa - no idea how the seed got there but at the time, those were the only seeds I had
Maybe I got hammered and dropped one in for a laugh
Kind bud it may be, but I don't think it was very kind to my brain cells lol
Hello growers.

It's Flip 56 for the Phase II clones and they continue to frustrate, in ways old and new.

The CLs are just weird plants. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

They've got one thing working in their favor. They're making buds.

From normal looking:
CL2 cl 9-4-24 F55 norm bud.JPG

To somewhat more exotic:
CL3 cl 9-4-24 F55 exotic bud.JPG

But look at her pistils. They're ragged and all over the place. I've read that that is not a good sign for producing quality bud. I have no idea whether that's true or not.

The Fat Kid's Cake clone has more uniform, Fieri-like pistils that generally lead to fat colas.
FKC cl 9-4-24 F55 bud.JPG


The FKC (tan pot) started yellowing leaves some time ago and has not let up. Add to that, she's decided she wants to lean to one side, and I mean a "hard" lean!
P2 Clones 9-4-24 F55 tent.JPG

I believe the FCK is having some sort of calcium issue. Her soil is rather crusty. Last night I gave her a dose of Calmag Pro (8-0-0) to see if I can change her path.


Stella in solitude at night!
Stella 9-4-24 nite(1).JPG

She's got a little leaf curl going on. I think the next time I water her I'll skip the FOOP and just give her some Recharge.


Time is moving slowly in the grow, but it is moving.🙏

Thanks for taking the time.

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