Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

It's Flip 56 for the Phase II clones and they continue to frustrate, in ways old and new.

The CLs are just weird plants. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

They've got one thing working in their favor. They're making buds.

From normal looking:
CL2 cl 9-4-24 F55 norm bud.JPG

To somewhat more exotic:
CL3 cl 9-4-24 F55 exotic bud.JPG

But look at her pistils. They're ragged and all over the place. I've read that that is not a good sign for producing quality bud. I have no idea whether that's true or not.

The Fat Kid's Cake clone has more uniform, Fieri-like pistils that generally lead to fat colas.
FKC cl 9-4-24 F55 bud.JPG


The FKC (tan pot) started yellowing leaves some time ago and has not let up. Add to that, she's decided she wants to lean to one side, and I mean a "hard" lean!
P2 Clones 9-4-24 F55 tent.JPG

I believe the FCK is having some sort of calcium issue. Her soil is rather crusty. Last night I gave her a dose of Calmag Pro (8-0-0) to see if I can change her path.


Stella in solitude at night!
Stella 9-4-24 nite(1).JPG

She's got a little leaf curl going on. I think the next time I water her I'll skip the FOOP and just give her some Recharge.


Time is moving slowly in the grow, but it is moving.🙏

Thanks for taking the time.

I remember your encouragement when I was questioning whether it was worth finishing and drying my runt auto. You said "Id hit that". Turns out it was some nice bud that Mrs Crusher really liked. Even if it all did fit in one jar..
How much longer on the clone you think ? Stella is budding up looks good !
I don't know how long they'll run Smoke. I'll likely let them sit there until they stop or really slow down drinking. No use short-changing them at the end after wasting waiting all this time. :)

Stella is doing a little sumptin' sumptin'! It hasn't gone unnoticed! :Rasta:
I remember your encouragement when I was questioning whether it was worth finishing and drying my runt auto. You said "Id hit that". Turns out it was some nice bud that Mrs Crusher really liked. Even if it all did fit in one jar..
Glad it worked out for you Crusher. Always good to score some points with the ruling class! :)

These plants are full of surprises, both good and bad!
I'm sorry if you mentioned it at the time and I don't remember, but what was it about the Cosmic Lights that you liked so much that you cloned it and then worked very hard to get it back to health and plant it in LB's garden and take more clones? Is it 🔥 to smoke or what?

And who'd a thought that you'd be happier with the outside grow than the insiders? :)
Nostalgia, Shed, that's what made me do those things! I grew the strain in 2020, fell in love with it and wanted to try it again. I talked about it HERE.
Hello all.

Stella is hanging in there despite having dealt with a few chilly nights!
Stella 9-10-24.JPG

She's stacking nicely but I do wish I could get some better leaf posture out of her.
Stella 9-10-24 stacks and curls.JPG

I remain somewhat confused by her drinking habit. She doesn't seem to have one! I haven't watered her since Sept. 2nd and her soil still registers moisture. Should watering a plant in a plastic pot really be this radically different from watering one in a fabric pot?


I was out and about yesterday and now I want some of what this guy was smoking! :Rasta:
puff, puff oops.JPG

Puff, puff, oops!


Thanks for stopping by.

Yikes! That's 8 days! That's a good one! Or a quizzer anyway! I'd give her a cup every few days just to keep any top dwelling roots wet.. When you touch the top of the soil, is it wet? Been raining at night? She looks pretty good and flowering nicely! You a canna warlock or something?
Yikes! That's 8 days! That's a good one! Or a quizzer anyway! I'd give her a cup every few days just to keep any top dwelling roots wet.. When you touch the top of the soil, is it wet? Been raining at night? She looks pretty good and flowering nicely! You a canna warlock or something?
There've been a few showers, but not a lot of rain, Stone. And when it did rain I thought about you because you once said that you water your outdoor girls even after rainstorms.

The soil on the top feels dry and it feels dry a few inches down. But when I stick the probe in deeper it registers moisture.

A quick question for you or anyone else who may know. I want to give Stella a dose of Recharge. Since this is an organic grow, do I need to pH the Recharge solution before using it?
Hello all.

Stella is hanging in there despite having dealt with a few chilly nights!
Stella 9-10-24.JPG

She's stacking nicely but I do wish I could get some better leaf posture out of her.
Stella 9-10-24 stacks and curls.JPG

I remain somewhat confused by her drinking habit. She doesn't seem to have one! I haven't watered her since Sept. 2nd and her soil still registers moisture. Should watering a plant in a plastic pot really be this radically different from watering one in a fabric pot?


I was out and about yesterday and now I want some of what this guy was smoking! :Rasta:
puff, puff oops.JPG

Puff, puff, oops!


Thanks for stopping by.

Plastic pots? does anyone even use those old relics 😉
There've been a few showers, but not a lot of rain, Stone. And when it did rain I thought about you because you once said that you water your outdoor girls even after rainstorms.

The soil on the top feels dry and it feels dry a few inches down. But when I stick the probe in deeper it registers moisture.

A quick question for you or anyone else who may know. I want to give Stella a dose of Recharge. Since this is an organic grow, do I need to pH the Recharge solution before using it?
Hi GDB, I feel a little like a student talking to a master here, but unless your water is very out of range you should be able to just go with tapwater, no Ph'ing in organi c soil. At least thats what has worked in my organic pots. Ive never Ph'ed (but I have water that comes out about 7.5).
Hi GDB, I feel a little like a student talking to a master here, but unless your water is very out of range you should be able to just go with tapwater, no Ph'ing in organi c soil. At least thats what has worked in my organic pots. Ive never Ph'ed (but I have water that comes out about 7.5).
You're a student talking to a student, Crusher, and your input is valued and appreciated!

I'm not in "organic" soil, at least I wouldn't deem it so. But I'm feeding the plant liquid, organic nutrients which they say must be fed at a certain pH level. My gut tells me I shouldn't have to pH the Recharge. So I probably will, just to be on the safe side! :Rasta:
There've been a few showers, but not a lot of rain, Stone. And when it did rain I thought about you because you once said that you water your outdoor girls even after rainstorms.

The soil on the top feels dry and it feels dry a few inches down. But when I stick the probe in deeper it registers moisture.

A quick question for you or anyone else who may know. I want to give Stella a dose of Recharge. Since this is an organic grow, do I need to pH the Recharge solution before using it?
The ph thing has to do with having the soil charged with dolomite lime I believe. Foxfarm bagged soil does it so if you used that or one like it you don't have to ph.
What Crusher said.
The ph thing has to do with having the soil charged with dolomite lime I believe. Foxfarm bagged soil does it so if you used that or one like it you don't have to ph.
What Crusher said.
I'm using FFOF, FFHF & possibly Lush soils. I mix all my used soil and then reuse it. I haven't added any lime to the mix so the buffering capability may not be what it once was.

I'll go ahead an pH the Recharge because I don't think it'll hurt anything to do so. (I'll probably find out later that the ingredients in both PH Up and Down destroy all of the beneficial goodies in Recharge, because that would be so "normal." :))
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