Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello all.

I made it over to LB's place today and it's official -- the remote Cosmic Lights is done. Although she has little blotches of green remaining, nothing good will come from this plant.
Remote CL 9-17-24 OBIT.JPG

She's been ravaged by boytrytis and it continues to spread to the few areas it hasn't already reached. The very tops of the plants will be the last to get it, I guess.
Remote CL 9-17-24 END progression.JPG

A shame really. I think she "coulda' been a contender!"
Remote CL 9-17-24 END bud.JPG

LB and I both dropped the ball on this one. (And suspect his daughter did too! I'm nearly certain she was underwatered, at least recently.) And I suspect that over time, when she was watered she was "really" watered, meaning that the plant itself was soaked and allowed to remain wet. I could list several other things that we went about in the wrong way but it's a done deal. We live and learn. :Rasta:

Thanks for your interest and support in our little joint venture.

Maybe the next time we'll get it right!

Is boytritis contagious?
Damn, sorry about the cosmic lights, I had high hopes of her. She put you through hell and back
Is boytritis contagious?
Damn, sorry about the cosmic lights, I had high hopes of her. She put you through hell and back
It's a fungus and it spreads Jiggi. I'm not sure what you mean by contagious.
It's a fungus and it spreads Jiggi. I'm not sure what you mean by contagious.
Contagious, can it spread from plant to plant? I took a plant out of my grow room last week cuz it looks like that. The leaves an buds all brown for no reason over night it seemed. It's gross looking in a scary way.
Contagious, can it spread from plant to plant? I took a plant out of my grow room last week cuz it looks like that. The leaves an buds all brown for no reason over night it seemed. It's gross looking in a scary way.
Then keep an eye out for anything off with your other plants in the room. 👀
After all you did to bring that plant back to life, it's a sad end. Maybe next year!
I'd call it unfortunate, but I get you. Yes, next year. It could be my own "Project 2025."

Shed, did you notice how she was heading toward resembling the first CL I grew years ago?

Remote CL:

The Initial CL (from 2020):

The best laid plans of mice and men...
Hello all.

I made it over to LB's place today and it's official -- the remote Cosmic Lights is done. Although she has little blotches of green remaining, nothing good will come from this plant.
Remote CL 9-17-24 OBIT.JPG

She's been ravaged by boytrytis and it continues to spread to the few areas it hasn't already reached. The very tops of the plants will be the last to get it, I guess.
Remote CL 9-17-24 END progression.JPG

A shame really. I think she "coulda' been a contenda!"
Remote CL 9-17-24 END bud.JPG

LB and I both dropped the ball on this one. (And suspect his daughter did too! I'm nearly certain she was underwatered, at least recently.) And I suspect that over time, when she was watered she was "really" watered, meaning that the plant itself was soaked and allowed to remain wet. I could list several other things that we went about in the wrong way but it's a done deal. We live and learn. :Rasta:

Thanks for your interest and support in our little joint venture.

Maybe the next time we'll get it right!

thats to bad she does look like she could of been a nice plant but for a first time outside grower your buddy LB did good for what he knew i bet if he grew another next year it would turn out better if give'n another chance
thats to bad she does look like she could of been a nice plant but for a first time outside grower your buddy LB did good for what he knew i bet if he grew another next year it would turn out better if give'n another chance
Thanks con. I agree, I think LB did a good job. My only valid complaint is that he wouldn't send pics often enough. I told him that and he admitted that he should have done better in that regard.

I hope he wants to try again next year. He seemed to enjoy it so I believe he will.

Even better, by next year I hope I'll have a better yard in which to try a solo outdoor girl again! :Rasta:
Good day all.

Last night the weather guessers were predicting heavy rain and high winds for around 6am this morning. Stella's a skinny little thing and high winds could be unkind to her.

I thought about sheltering Stella but didn't, reasoning that a if a violent storm came through it would wake me up and then I could take care of Stella if need be.

The storm came through. It didn't wake me up.
Stella 9-18-24 blown over.JPG

I think she's okay. I stuck a stick in there to keep her company and provide support.
Stella 9-18-24 upright again.JPG

Ha! Stella is out in the elements holding her own! :yahoo:


RIP CL, a solid try GDB! It'll be a lot easier in your new home!
Thanks Stone. And thanks for your help!:thanks:
Iam with Stone with your growing skills the next grow will be fine. When you can take control of the care on your plant. 🍋
Thanks for saying that Keith. I'm looking forward to trying again while I'm on the right side of the dirt! :Rasta:

That pic does look alot worse other than a few buds , thats cool he and you can get a little competition going on :passitleft:
Yeah, Smoke. I think it got noticeably worse between the first pic he sent and the one I took, which was only a matter of days.

No (more) competition with LB is needed. Our Backgammon rivalry is so intense it hits all the buttons. :)


Thanks for looking in.

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