Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Of course you do, but you get a boatload of weed as well. I've no use for boatloads and I hated trimming even the small ones that I grow. I can only imagine trying to trim a big outdoor plant and that's all I plan to ever do -- imagine it! 😁
That's cool we all have our own system it helps keep cost down on electricity and everything else plus it gives me time to do 1 or 2 @ a time inside to fine tune the process and experiment a little with different things and if i fuck up which i usually do i dont sweat a fuck up as much as i do when im running low on stock because as you know Murphy's law is not on my side 😂
Interesting you changed from the "square" wicking pattern to the cris cross. How come? Did you feel they got too much water with the square?

I did the criss cross last time and while it seemed great in veg, it did seem like they weren't getting enough water in flower. I think that may be one of the reasons the roots grow into the bases.

I have them both ways this grow to see.
Interesting you changed from the "square" wicking pattern to the cris cross. How come? Did you feel they got too much water with the square?

I did the criss cross last time and while it seemed great in veg, it did seem like they weren't getting enough water in flower. I think that may be one of the reasons the roots grow into the bases.

I have them both ways this grow to see.
Hey Tim! :ciao:

Yeah, they were getting a lot of water with the square pattern. Eight lines -- 4 each, pulling individually. With the criss-cross only 2 lines pulling individually. Put another way, from 8 lines hanging in the water to only 4 lines hanging in there.

I didn't think I needed the square this time since I am using only 2 gallon pots. (I may not have needed them with 3 gallon pots, but I'm nearly certain I don't need that many lines for just a 2gal.)

I'm watching your grow with interest! :nomo:
I'm seeing a difference in the way the wicks perform with soil as opposed to coco. Or at least I think I am.

BTW, you know my thoughts on the root intrusions: reposition the pots just a little on the daily and the roots will get tamed! :)
What differences are you seeing with soil vs coco? I believe coco wicks up water that correct?
Yes, Tim, that's what I've seen too.

I kinda' said that wrong. It's not a difference in the way the wicks perform but a difference in how the mediums use them.
Hello all.

Thought I'd post a pic of the Phase II clones on their Flip 18. Not much has changed in the 5 or so days since their last pic. The Cosmic Lights still look weird to me and the Fat Kid's Cake (tan pot) continues to grow like a "normal" plant. :)
P2 clones 7-29-24 F18 tent.JPG

They're all feeding from the swick bases now.


Outside, Stella is just beginning to appear as if she's ready for something to drink! I'm planning on giving her some more FOOP tomorrow.

We had a severe thunderstorm roll through this evening bringing buckets of rain for about 30 minutes. I put Stella under the back stairs to ride out the short storm.
Stella 7-29-24 D79 sheltered.JPG

Ha! Very few of 420's outdoor growers could do that! 😁


Thanks for stopping by.

Hello all!

As you might imagine, I'm floating on Cloud Nine today! And I'm posting this message in both of my active grow journals so that it can reach as many of you as possible.

Thank you 420 staff for your vote of approval towards my photo. And thank you members for your votes of approval towards my journal and, I guess, towards me. From deep down inside, Thank. You. All.

I'm am so humbled I'm really at a loss for words. And I can't just keep repeating thank you. That would get old.

Anybody want to hear a joke? 😁

:circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love: THANK YOU ALL :circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love:
Hello grow gang!

In the few years I've been on this forum I've tried to maintain a separate thread for every grow. It has been problematic at times, and now I see more clearly why some users start a single thread and just keeping adding to it as they grow new babies.

I am adopting that strategy today. I will finish the Cosmic Lights thread (GDB Does Cosmic Lights & Other Photos). But I will no longer post on the other two threads I have going (GDB Does Fatkid's Cake And Other Photos and GDB's Auto Array). That information will be posted in this thread from this point forward.

Doing this should make things a lot easier for me to report on. I hope you'll continue to stop by my new consolidated thread! :Rasta:
I really enjoy the names that you come up with @Grand Daddy Black I look forward to checking this out, Happy August friend
Hello grow folks!

Thanks to all who have said hello. So now time to continue with updates! :Rasta:

I am giddy! My new consolidated thread is one reason. But the bigger reason is that my buddy that had hip surgery is back home, and he's getting around pretty well.

I took his plant back to him today! :goof:

I didn't mind plant-sitting her but it's a huge weight off my shoulders.

Here is a parting shot of my bud's Glue Gelato on day 86 by the front door. Adios!

this is what I'm talkin bout, all the people with 8 plants in a 4*4 need to see this :lot-o-toke: :yummy::420:
Thanks for the prayer doc just called all arteries are clear. Says he has 30 year olds that would be jealous of the flow . Now they have to try and figure out what happened. I had gotten a pneumococcal shot in this arm ? Let’s see if they figure it out .
I am really happy to hear, uhm, I mean read that you are doing well, I love it when things work out, I hope that life treats you today friend, and please keep up with your health. thank you for sharing the update, God bless you
Hey Stone! Guess who bought a lottery ticket today? 😁

I wanted to ask you if you've had a chance to try the canna-brush yet and how it worked for you, if you did. Somebody put one on my Zon shopping list. :straightface:
Hello all!

It's Flip 21 for the Phase II clones and I noticed something interesting today.

I went to lift and rotate the CL#2 from its base and it kinda' stuck. I tugged a bit harder to free it, but it partially pulled the wicks up from the base. I immediately blew my whistle and called the foul: "Root Interference!"

So I thought I had this issue resolved since rotating the pots daily kept the roots from entangling the wick lines in my previous grow on these bases.

But, in my previous grow the wicks were positioned so that there was no intersection point. They formed a square.

This time all the wicks cross each other. And I notice that it is there where most of the roots were able to grab hold of the wick lines.

It makes sense. That point where they cross is right in the middle of the base. So even if I turn the pots slightly daily, the roots escaping the center of the pot pretty much stay in the same place. And soon they're able to grow into and around the wick lines.
P2 clones 8-1-24 roots at intersect.JPG

You can see from bottom of this pot that the center is thinned out. That's where the roots got pulled out when I removed the pot from the base. Most of the roots around the perimeter are getting smashed and air-pruned due to the daily rotation.
P2 clones 8-1-24 roots out.JPG

So I changed the configuration of all the wicks so that there's no longer an intersection between the lines. I think that oughta' fix it. (famous last words! :) )
P2 clones 8-1-24 base chg pattern .JPG

The group. CL#2 left, CL#1 next, CL#3 right rear, Fat Kid's Cake in tan pot.
P2 clones 8-1-24 F21 tent.JPG

The CL#1 is starting to look almost normal and the CL#2 is trying to. The CL#3 is being stubborn and has barely changed a bit.


I finally gave Stella a drink yesterday. She got .5 gallon of FOOP @ 60,60,20ml per gallon (Grow1, Grow2 & Sweetener). Looks like I was not a minute too soon, as a few of her lower leaves don't look so hot.

Stella 8-1-24 D81.JPG

Those leaves up top that I damaged by spraying will be discarded in the near future. They're not needed.


Thanks for taking a look.

The dreaded wick grab. Interesting theory on the cross being the culprit. I did mine a few different ways this grow and the one that grabbed the wicks was crossed. You might be in to something!
Hey Stone! Guess who bought a lottery ticket today? 😁

I wanted to ask you if you've had a chance to try the canna-brush yet and how it worked for you, if you did. Somebody put one on my Zon shopping list. :straightface:
Win big baby!
I tried it on the Purple Ghost Candy plant. It was a very positive thing! Cutting, stripping, and hanging without wet trimming felt like a day off! Then after a week or so hanging in 60 to 65% rh I settled in to see what this was all about. Well I can't hate on any part of it really. A touch with the brush drops most of their clawed sugar leaves. Some of mine needed a pinch with my fingers to remove. I may have been a tad anal since it was my first time and I wanted to see what it could do.
Hand picking as much as possible, drying a while and relaxing ala Bob Ross as perfect buds appear is a good thing! My nug for this month's of the month will be one.
I didn't touch trichomes much or at all on most so they're all there. Pretty cool! I plan to try the next run the same.

It worked perfect on buds with almost no sugar leaves. You know, all bud bud. I need to try it on other types.

I finally gave Stella a drink yesterday. She got .5 gallon of FOOP @ 60,60,20ml per gallon (Grow1, Grow2 & Sweetener). Looks like I was not a minute too soon, as a few of her lower leaves don't look so hot.
Both of my outdoor ladies are doing that now. Every year all the main stalk leaves go yellow and all the rest stay green.

Stella's looking super!
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