Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

It's the upside-down canoe leaves that make them look odd to me..and those stalk-hugging branches keep them looking "narrow"...
I'm interested in seeing how their Mom is doing- she had the canoe leaf thing too, last time we saw her..
It's the upside-down canoe leaves that make them look odd to me..and those stalk-hugging branches keep them looking "narrow"...
I'm interested in seeing how their Mom is doing- she had the canoe leaf thing too, last time we saw her..
I hope to get to see her tomorrow, Carcass.
The transplant looks much better , i bet she will take to it real well , I would like to see you try and put lipstick on a pig 🐷 LOL💄👄🌷
Thanks Smoke. I hope she starts something!

Prolly wouldn't be too hard to put lipstick on a pig, if you could find one that would pucker up. :)
Hello all.

I got to visit the remote Cosmic Lights today.

I haven't seen her in 15 days and she actually doesn't look all that different than when I last saw her. She may have gotten a little bit beefier, but her height remains about the same.

Fifteen Days Ago:

Remote CL 7-24-24 (4).JPG

Not much difference to these old eyes.

But when I looked at her another way I could see she had put on a little weight:
Remote CL 7-24-24 (3).JPG

LB tries to look busy when I'm there. :)
Remote CL 7-24-24 (7).JPG

He actually found and picked a thrip from her while I was there. He said he thought he had gotten rid of them.

He's doing a fine job, IMO. He's dealing with the hand I dealt him and the plant is alive!:Rasta:

I took him some Safers insect soap to begin using. Before we had just be going with SNS 209. I also took him some BT spray for the caterpillars. (I saw a few munched leaves so they may be around already. If they're looking for some buds they've landed on the wrong plant!)

She's still not in flower and is still throwing single leaves.
Remote CL 7-24-24 singles.JPG

So that's it.

She's still in "hold" mode. Hopefully, as some here have suggested, things will change come August.

Until then she continues to hide in plain site.
Remote CL 7-24-24 (1).JPG

BTW, LB is really bummed about his garden this year. The record heat and lack of rain has taken its toll. He says he can't keep up with some many of his plants needing watering this year when in past years they were sustained, for the most part, by rain. That dead tree to the right of the our weed plant is one that he just planted about 3 months ago. He said it struggled mightily under the heat and eventually succumbed to it despite his best efforts to save it.

It was a sad story. It made me feel a pang of guilt because of all the attention I believe he's devoting to the CL.

But I quickly got over it. :Rasta:


Thanks for looking in.

Hello all.

I got to visit the remote Cosmic Lights today.

I haven't seen her in 15 days and she actually doesn't look all that different than when I last saw her. She may have gotten a little bit beefier, but her height remains about the same.

Fifteen Days Ago:

Remote CL 7-24-24 (4).JPG

Not much difference to these old eyes.

But when I looked at her another way I could see she had put on a little weight:
Remote CL 7-24-24 (3).JPG

LB tries to look busy when I'm there. :)
Remote CL 7-24-24 (7).JPG

He actually found and picked a thrip from her while I was there. He said he thought he had gotten rid of them.

He's doing a fine job, IMO. He's dealing with the hand I dealt him and the plant is alive!:Rasta:

I took him some Safers insect soap to begin using. Before we had just be going with SNS 209. I also took him some BT spray for the caterpillars. (I saw a few munched leaves so they may be around already. If they're looking for some buds they've landed on the wrong plant!)

She's still not in flower and is still throwing single leaves.
Remote CL 7-24-24 singles.JPG

So that's it.

She's still in "hold" mode. Hopefully, as some here have suggested, things will change come August.

Until then she continues to hide in plain site.
Remote CL 7-24-24 (1).JPG

BTW, LB is really bummed about his garden this year. The record heat and lack of rain has taken its toll. He says he can't keep up with some many of his plants needing watering this year when in past years they were sustained, for the most part, by rain. That dead tree to the right of the our weed plant is one that he just planted about 3 months ago. He said it struggled mightily under the heat and eventually succumbed to it despite his best efforts to save it.

It was a sad story. It made me feel a pang of guilt because of all the attention I believe he's devoting to the CL.

But I quickly got over it. :Rasta:


Thanks for looking in.

She looks good, nice plant. :thumb: 🍋
Hello all.

I got to visit the remote Cosmic Lights today.

I haven't seen her in 15 days and she actually doesn't look all that different than when I last saw her. She may have gotten a little bit beefier, but her height remains about the same.

Fifteen Days Ago:

Remote CL 7-24-24 (4).JPG

Not much difference to these old eyes.

But when I looked at her another way I could see she had put on a little weight:
Remote CL 7-24-24 (3).JPG

LB tries to look busy when I'm there. :)
Remote CL 7-24-24 (7).JPG

He actually found and picked a thrip from her while I was there. He said he thought he had gotten rid of them.

He's doing a fine job, IMO. He's dealing with the hand I dealt him and the plant is alive!:Rasta:

I took him some Safers insect soap to begin using. Before we had just be going with SNS 209. I also took him some BT spray for the caterpillars. (I saw a few munched leaves so they may be around already. If they're looking for some buds they've landed on the wrong plant!)

She's still not in flower and is still throwing single leaves.
Remote CL 7-24-24 singles.JPG

So that's it.

She's still in "hold" mode. Hopefully, as some here have suggested, things will change come August.

Until then she continues to hide in plain site.
Remote CL 7-24-24 (1).JPG

BTW, LB is really bummed about his garden this year. The record heat and lack of rain has taken its toll. He says he can't keep up with some many of his plants needing watering this year when in past years they were sustained, for the most part, by rain. That dead tree to the right of the our weed plant is one that he just planted about 3 months ago. He said it struggled mightily under the heat and eventually succumbed to it despite his best efforts to save it.

It was a sad story. It made me feel a pang of guilt because of all the attention I believe he's devoting to the CL.

But I quickly got over it. :Rasta:


Thanks for looking in.

LB looks to be doing a good job she's pretty lush looking, is this his first pot plant?
LB looks to be doing a good job she's pretty lush looking, is this his first pot plant?
Thanks con.

LB is just a plant guy -- loves growing! We've never talked about him growing weed so I assume he hasn't.
Nice to get to visit! Alive is good, and flowering will happen eventually. I'd watch for mid-August for real flowering, and I hope your weather holds. 🤞

Sorry about his tree. :(
Where's that "10-day" prediction when you want it? :Rasta:
Only you would notice that Otter LOL It looks bigger to me GDB that one pic looked like it had gone to flower the way the stems are clustered wit leaves , if that makes since .... I just found out this mon. my ex boss killed someone in a bathroom at a food loin ,gun shot . flips me out has family owns a business. OH WELL in jail now
Funny man giving you the finger reminds me of every friend I have getting their pic taken.

When I look at that one I can't help thinking how all those pistils are going be a head start to bloom up a real storm!
Ha! I had not noticed, Stone.

He must have done that for the pic. Usually he just says it out loud! 😁
Only you would notice that Otter LOL It looks bigger to me GDB that one pic looked like it had gone to flower the way the stems are clustered wit leaves , if that makes since .... I just found out this mon. my ex boss killed someone in a bathroom at a food loin ,gun shot . flips me out has family owns a business. OH WELL in jail now
There's too much of that going on Smokes! I'm a proponent of responsible firearm ownership and what I'm seeing flips me out all the time! How did that help his life? That's the question we have to ask if we choose to arm ourselves. Will I use it to better/save my life? That's the only question and it's mandatory! All that's serious as a heart attack! Most folk probably shouldn't carry a weapon in my opinion.
Ha! I had not noticed, Stone.

He must have done that for the pic. Usually he just says it out loud! 😁
Tell him an old street kid you grow with picked it up and that I think he has a good flip. Actually we were woods kids. No one in their right mind went there at night but us! :)
Hello grow gang.

Stella's been outside for nearly 2 months now and she lives, despite of me!

First, I was right not to water her when I transplanted her 3 days ago. She's doing fine and her soil is still quite moist. I'm thinking I was about to drown the poor thing in her previous pot. I was likely overwatering her in addition to letting her sit out in several rainstorms.

Second, she has some damage on some of her uppermost leaves. I think that's my fault too.

I shudder at the thought of bugs ravaging my plant. I've likely gone overboard spraying Stella with stuff that's meant to protect it against bugs and fungus. I've been consistently hitting her with Safers 3-1treatments. When I first noticed the discoloration a few days ago my first thought was, "I've been spraying her too much."

I re-read the Safers instructions and noticed they recommended not spraying if temps exceed 90F. Shit! We haven't been under 90F for the last 2 weeks and had a 4-day run of days over 101F during that period!

I hope the discoloration hasn't affected her growth. It doesn't appear to be affecting the growth of the leaves after the discolored areas (you'll see in the pics below).

Despite all that she's grown a bit since I transplanted her and now is slightly more than 2 feet tall. If I don't give her any drinks until I'm certain that she's in need of more, I think she'll be okay.

Stella 7-26-24 D76.JPG

Stella 7-25-26 leaf damage (3).JPG
Stella 7-25-26 leaf damage (2).JPG
Stella 7-25-26 leaf damage (1).JPG

I welcome your comments on my prognosis!

I welcome your comments on my prognosis!

I'm with Keith's opinion!
It might be caused by the tranplantaion if it is just a few days ago... Otherwise if it will get worser might be a lack of trace elements like iron and zinc.
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