Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

I wasn't aware if you had read about or found the sweet spot for converting plants from top to bottom watering. In your New Tricks grow you went to SWICK on day 16 rather than day 61.

But I should really know better by now than to take your "please say something" line seriously. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Oh, so now you're saying I'm about to step in a pile of dog shit! :rofl:

I kinda' doubt it Shed, but if I ever decide to put them to use we shall see. I see some fundamental differences bwt a SIP and a SWICK. In my view (which I admit, is often clouded) a SWICK is nothing more than like periodically feeding a plant from the bottom. If the medium is allowed to dry out a bit before the reservoirs is replenished, then I don't think SIP-like water roots will develop. A SIP, on the other hand, has that chamber of oxygen in play and I think that's major! That said, I don't believe there's any restriction on when you can put a SWICK in play. Hell, if I had a plant that had only been top-watered during it's lifetime and I had to leave town for a few days, I'd put it on a SWICK.

Still, I'd be interested to see what some other SWICKERS have to say. Because, as usual, there's a chance that I'm completely wrong in my thinking! :)
Might be fudge, might be dog shit...can't tell for sure. Thought from your sig line and experience with the reveg that you'd be interested in what I learned from a failed late switch to bottom watering, but I'll stop piping up.
Don't do that! I don't want to step in a pile of fudge either. :Rasta:

You know I was aware of your SIP issue. I just don't think the same concerns apply to a SWICK.

Please don't get sensitive on me. I enjoy messing with you, given the scant opportunities you provide to do so. But I will say this, put that Wizard under a blurple! 😁
Might be fudge, might be dog shit...can't tell for sure. Thought from your sig line and experience with the reveg that you'd be interested in what I learned from a failed late switch to bottom watering, but I'll stop piping up.
Maybe the dog ate some fudge 🤣🤣
Like I said in my original post, I'm sure yours will do wonderfully. It just seemed unseemly not to mention it out loud in case you hadn't already considered it.
So you gonna' move the Wizard inside since I mentioned it out loud? 😁

Your input is appreciated here Shed. Know that, despite whatever I might say in response.
Hello all.

Stella survived her first major thunderstorm this evening! Very hard rain and high winds.

She only looks a little weather-beaten. :Rasta:
Stella 7-15-24 after storm.JPG

She fared much better than the small tree in front of my house. She lost a limb that's now blocking the sidewalk.
Downed tree limb.JPG

Mrs.GDB said I need to go out there and move it! Ain't that a hoot! Pigs could fly by in a V-formation and I still wouldn't try to move that heavy thing. 😁

I called it into the city's non-emergency services line. They'll come and move it or folks will have to walk around it.

Mrs.GDB said I need to go out there and move it! Ain't that a hoot! Pigs could fly by in a V-formation and I still wouldn't try to move that heavy thing. 😁

I called it into the city's non-emergency services line. They'll come and move it or folks will have to walk around it.

Pity I don’t live there. I could definitely save you a non emergency call lol. It’s the upside of schelping. I reckon I could beat most of the men in here in an arm wrestle lolling!
Hello all!

The weather folks are predicting a major thunder buster this evening. Let's see what happens. ⛈️

Stella has been in soil for 67 days now and she doesn't look nearly as sad as she used to! This evening I topped her with a cup of EWC and watered it in with about 1.5L of plain water.
Stella 7-17-24 D67 ewc.JPG

After that, I filled up her pot with more used Fox Farms soil. There was plenty of room for more and I should have added some before now. I meant to, but that's how stuff goes sometimes. :)
Stella 7-17-24 D67 more soil.JPG

Even though she's a petite plant, she weathered her first real storm like a champ. I hope the same for this evening/tonight (if the weather folks are correct about their prediction).


And clean as a whistle, too.😁
She's looking better all the time GDB!👍
Thanks Carcass! I like the way she's starting to look too!
Plants are looking great & glad your clones are looking up
Thanks con. To be honest, the only reason those Cosmic Lights clones are still alive is due to my curiosity. I've got to see want those wacky plants do down the road!
Pity I don’t live there. I could definitely save you a non emergency call lol. It’s the upside of schelping. I reckon I could beat most of the men in here in an arm wrestle lolling!
And I reckon I want some of what you've been hitting! :rofl:


As always, thanks for your visit!

PEACE or not ⛈️⛈️
I reckon I could beat most of the men in here in an arm wrestle lolling!
Logan airport parking lot anytime and I'm twice your age! Girls like you get sore arms! 😂
Hello all!

The weather folks are predicting a major thunder buster this evening. Let's see what happens. ⛈️

Stella has been in soil for 67 days now and she doesn't look nearly as sad as she used to! This evening I topped her with a cup of EWC and watered it in with about 1.5L of plain water.
Stella 7-17-24 D67 ewc.JPG

After that, I filled up her pot with more used Fox Farms soil. There was plenty of room for more and I should have added some before now. I meant to, but that's how stuff goes sometimes. :)
Stella 7-17-24 D67 more soil.JPG

Even though she's a petite plant, she weathered her first real storm like a champ. I hope the same for this evening/tonight (if the weather folks are correct about their prediction).


Thanks Carcass! I like the way she's starting to look too!

Thanks con. To be honest, the only reason those Cosmic Lights clones are still alive is due to my curiosity. I've got to see want those wacky plants do down the road!

And I reckon I want some of what you've been hitting! :rofl:


As always, thanks for your visit!

PEACE or not ⛈️⛈️
Stella's greening up nicely and has nice posture for things to come!
Hello all!

Stella got to bask in some nice sunshine today! And we've got a relief from the heat and humidity! We had broken a record with four days in a row of over 101F. Stella's prolly saying, "Whew!!"

Stella 7-19-24 D69 .JPG

I fed her about 1/2 gallon of FOOP today. It was the second half of the gallon I mixed a few days back. The FOOP nutes drift upward when they sit for a while. When I initially mix them they Ph to about 5.7 and I have to move it up to 6.3. But after they sit for a few days they pH around 6.9 and have to be moved down. (Heckler: "GDB nobody cares about that stinky-ass FOOP!)

You've got to use a lot of FOOP too. Right now I'm at 40ml of Veg1 and Veg2 and 15ml of their Sweetener. The next jump in the schedule calls for an increase to 50ml each of the Veg1 and Veg2 while the Sweetener remains the same. But the next jump calls for another 10ml increase in the Veg parts and 20ml of the Sweetener! I haven't taken the time to do the math but I'm thinking that by the time I finish this single-plant grow, I won't have enough FOOP left for a second grow. (I'm working with a "starter" pack containing 32 ounce bottles. "Starter Pack." They weren't lying! 😁 )

Not a complaint, just an observation. The plant seems to love FOOP, for now!


The Phase II clones are on Flip 8. I skipped watering them for a day to let them get a little drier than usual. This morning their pots were very light and they had the droops. I was actually happy to see drooping with the Cosmic Lights clones because they had not been drinking well. So now I know they're at least drinking enough to show the effects of a skipped watering.

Today, I put water in all of their swick bases for the first time. And I gave them all about .25L of water from the top. Each swick base got .5 gallons of water. I'll check them before lights out at 1am to see how much has been sucked up.
P2 clones 7-19-24 F8 swicks in play.JPG


Looks happy as a shoe pig in earthworm castings shit! :thumb:
Logan airport parking lot anytime and I'm twice your age! Girls like you get sore arms! 😂
You hear that Tra? Woof! 😁
Stella's greening up nicely and has nice posture for things to come!
Thanks Stone. I've been thinking about putting her in a bigger pot. None of the outdoor growers on 420, even the auto guys, seems to be growing in a pot as small as mine.

What are your thoughts on doing that at this point?


Thanks y'all!

Logan airport parking lot anytime and I'm twice your age! Girls like you get sore arms! 😂
Otter you need to stop writing cheques ya bank can’t cash mate!

I’ll have your arm down quicker than Quick Draw McGraw on amphetamines!
I've been thinking about putting her in a bigger pot.
What are your thoughts on doing that at this point?
She's looking plenty healthy as is, but a couple more gallons of dirt wouldn't hurt -is that a 3 gallon she's in?

Logan airport parking lot anytime and I'm twice your age! Girls like you get sore arms! 😂
Otter you need to stop writing cheques ya bank can’t cash mate!
Cool- some international trash talk! 💪😄
She's looking plenty healthy as is, but a couple more gallons of dirt wouldn't hurt -is that a 3 gallon she's in?
I think it's a little less than 3gals @Carcass.

I'm trying to keep her kinda' small, but maybe I'm going a tad too far? I'm beginning to think so. :straightface:
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