Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hope there's no cat 💩 on those shoes the Mrs will have your ass!🤣🤣🤣
I'm so glad she wasn't here the other day when I tracked cat poop through the house, SOG! You are correct. She would have been livid! :oops:
GDB. here's some info on thrip damage
Silvery trails (similar to those left by snails) and black marks (faeces)
Presence of mature thrips specimens
A progressed thrips infestation will cause leaves to become brittle and papery
Stalled growth. ✌️

Thanks SOG. I have full faith and confidence in LB's ability to mitigate the problem. I will remain blissfully disconnected from the daily battles! :Rasta:
Mine usually start showing in EARLY Aug around here for my outside grow as a matter of fact im showing some pronounced preflowering as we speak so it won't be long✌️
Can you talk to Shed? 😁
Whats with the 3 blades for flower ?? Shed /// nice shoes GDB if it comfy fuck everybody else ,, I had just got some very light weight SPS non slip shoes and love the feel ( well there new ) and the weight all canvas like material I think ,,Hope you and LB get the bugs under control , good dealing with the cat piss/shit prob. too bad you missed !
Hello all.

I'm becoming interested in Stella again. On her Day 59, even against a fairly ugly background she's kinda' pretty!
Stella 7-10-24 D59.JPG

I spray her with SNS 209 about every 4-5 days. It seems to be doing a good job at keep the bugs at bay!

Closer than she was, but not quite there yet...10 more days should do the trick!
10 days.

Et tu Carcass?

Geez. :)
I wear Skechers slip-ons- the ugliest shoes ever made, according to Mrs.C.... 😁
Mrs.C, subtle as usual! 😁
I'll be needing one of those, too...a spray bottle just won't cut it this year..
Well I hope you don't need it too much. But yeah, you're gonna' have a lot of surface to cover when/if the time comes!
Pretty sure she's going to agree with Trala, because, deep down, Mrs.GDB knows you're cool.👍
I kinda' doubt that Carcass. I'm more convinced that deep down Mrs. GDB thinks I'm a fool! :)

Whats with the 3 blades for flower ?? Shed /// nice shoes GDB if it comfy fuck everybody else ,, I had just got some very light weight SPS non slip shoes and love the feel ( well there new ) and the weight all canvas like material I think ,,Hope you and LB get the bugs under control , good dealing with the cat piss/shit prob. too bad you missed !
Thanks Smoke! Comfort is all that matters with shoes these days! My absolute fav footwear are my bedroom slippers. I get a new pair nearly every Christmas, courtesy of the Mrs!

I'm glad I missed the cat. Wasn't trying to inflict any pain. I just want to discourage her visits to my yard!
Three-bladed leaves after a reveg is a good sign that reveg is over. That plant definitely flowered early and then revegged and will head back into flower once the transition is complete.

:welcome: back! There should be a seat off to the side for you.
That's good news! Seems like all my plants are in the 3 blade mode now...
Stella's starting to like it out there...👍
even against a fairly ugly background she's kinda' pretty!
She sure is!
All that perlite brightens the background up a little
It's good that your buddy's taking care of things! You don't have to tell him, but for your own head, when my plants look like that I buy a bottle of Safers Insecticidal Soap and apply as directed. That's apply and wash off at a point. That tidbit came my way via InTheShed I'm thinking. Saved my weed a couple of times!
Good evening folks.

It's Day 61 in soil for the P2 clones and they're all getting flipped tonight. The Cosmic Lights clones are steadfast in their stubborness and the Fat Kid's Cake clone is as big as I want her to get.

In trying to stay with the "New Tricks" theme, I'm going to finish these plants on the swick bases. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get to see how they perform with soil instead of coco. I've still got the "Old Dog" part of the theme covered. 😁

I had thought about finishing the plants I've got going in the 4x4 tent on the swick bases, but I figured they're doing fine - why move them into new territory. Sometimes I have lucid thoughts even while zooted!

Plus, this group is in little 2 gallon pots. If/when they get going, they might need to be watered more than once a day, and I ain't up for that! :)

So to start, I changed the configuration of the wick cords to fit the smaller pots. I had 8 lines dangling in the base the first time I used them with 3 gallon pots. (And I suspect that may have been too many, but I'm not certain.) This time they'll only be four lines dangling.

I used the same wicks from the previous grow because they looked okay to me. Hell, all they've got to do is get wet while dangling in liquid. How hard can that be? :)

Right is the previous set up, left is the new:
P2 clones new wick config .JPG

I prepped the 3 wick lines for the CL clones in multiplication signs, the FKC lines are a plus sign! (I do this kind of stuff just because....tinker, tinker.)

P2 clones wicks xxx+.JPG

Here's the quartet. FKC in the tan pot.

P2 clones 7-11-24 D61 flip nite.JPG

There's no water in the bases yet. They all got top watered with one liter this evening -- plain water for the FKC but the CLs got their first dose of Strive nutrients. This is a big deal for me. I'm really anxious to see how they respond to the Strive. They've been getting nothing but water for a while now. They've just been living off of what the toppings of Lush soil that I added to their pots are providing them. Their leaf curl hasn't gotten much better (maybe just a tad). I had flushed them before I put them on water only in an attempt to get rid some of the Roots Organic stuff that I started them on because I thought they didn't like it. But now I really don't think the CLs problems are nute related, I think I just started with a jacked-up seed. Time will tell.


That's good news! Seems like all my plants are in the 3 blade mode now...
Three blades FTW, Schnookie! :Rasta:
Thanks Shed , The Stella girl is looking much better after the bad leaf removal , glad your starting to like her again !
Thanks Smoke.
All that perlite brightens the background up a little
Ha! Yeah, I guess it does! Imagine what a more energetic me could do! (I'm so ashamed. Not!) :)
It's good that your buddy's taking care of things! You don't have to tell him, but for your own head, when my plants look like that I buy a bottle of Safers Insecticidal Soap and apply as directed. That's apply and wash off at a point. That tidbit came my way via InTheShed I'm thinking. Saved my weed a couple of times!
Thanks Stone. I'll take some on my next visit. Maybe some BT for the fuzzy ones too.
My brain screams it twice errrrry time!
Tra, I've told you it's not that Stella! 😁


Thanks for looking folks!

I appreciate the kind words SOG. But unless my neighbor gets some branches trimmed from that big tree in their backyard (and that ain't gonna' happen - they're renting) then I won't be trying another outdoor grow in my backyard. I simply don't get enough sunshine.

I agree with all that you say, especially the part about this being a "learning season." But the learning started early and one of the first things I "learned" is that I need more sunshine. :straightface:
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy !
Good evening folks.

It's Day 61 in soil for the P2 clones and they're all getting flipped tonight. The Cosmic Lights clones are steadfast in their stubborness and the Fat Kid's Cake clone is as big as I want her to get.

In trying to stay with the "New Tricks" theme, I'm going to finish these plants on the swick bases. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get to see how they perform with soil instead of coco. I've still got the "Old Dog" part of the theme covered. 😁

I had thought about finishing the plants I've got going in the 4x4 tent on the swick bases, but I figured they're doing fine - why move them into new territory. Sometimes I have lucid thoughts even while zooted!

Plus, this group is in little 2 gallon pots. If/when they get going, they might need to be watered more than once a day, and I ain't up for that! :)

So to start, I changed the configuration of the wick cords to fit the smaller pots. I had 8 lines dangling in the base the first time I used them with 3 gallon pots. (And I suspect that may have been too many, but I'm not certain.) This time they'll only be four lines dangling.

I used the same wicks from the previous grow because they looked okay to me. Hell, all they've got to do is get wet while dangling in liquid. How hard can that be? :)

Right is the previous set up, left is the new:
P2 clones new wick config .JPG

I prepped the 3 wick lines for the CL clones in multiplication signs, the FKC lines are a plus sign! (I do this kind of stuff just because....tinker, tinker.)

P2 clones wicks xxx+.JPG

Here's the quartet. FKC in the tan pot.

P2 clones 7-11-24 D61 flip nite.JPG

There's no water in the bases yet. They all got top watered with one liter this evening -- plain water for the FKC but the CLs got their first dose of Strive nutrients. This is a big deal for me. I'm really anxious to see how they respond to the Strive. They've been getting nothing but water for a while now. They've just been living off of what the toppings of Lush soil that I added to their pots are providing them. Their leaf curl hasn't gotten much better (maybe just a tad). I had flushed them before I put them on water only in an attempt to get rid some of the Roots Organic stuff that I started them on because I thought they didn't like it. But now I really don't think the CLs problems are nute related, I think I just started with a jacked-up seed. Time will tell.


Three blades FTW, Schnookie! :Rasta:

Thanks Smoke.

Ha! Yeah, I guess it does! Imagine what a more energetic me could do! (I'm so ashamed. Not!) :)


Thanks Stone. I'll take some on my next visit. Maybe some BT for the fuzzy ones too.

Tra, I've told you it's not that Stella! 😁


Thanks for looking folks!

Yep and BT for future moth/butterfly offspring (maggies) who use our buds as food and a personal toilet. 🤢
Hello grow gang.

It's Flip 4 for the clones and I'm finally beginning to see a slight bit of improvement in the posture of the Cosmic Lights! For the first time, their leafs are sitting at an upward angle! They still have the curled down edges but a few of the new leaves are at least trying to come in without the curls. And even the ones that remained curled appear to have "un-curled" just a tad. It's not much, but with these wacky ones I'll take what I can get! :)

The Fat Kid's Cake clone (tan pot) just keeps chugging along. She got another does of Roots Organic Terp Tea Grow on yesterday. The CLs got their first dose of Strive nutrients 3 days ago and I'll likely give them another tomorrow. I'm using the same feeding sched I used with the Maxi nutrients, feeding the Strive every 4th day with plain water in between.)

P2 Clones 7-15-24 F4 tent.JPG

Example of better leaf posture on one CL.
CL clone 7-15-24 new leaves.JPG

Still, these CL clones are some strange ones. They almost behave as some sort of mutants. But most mutants I've seen have had more principles than these things! 😁

Their side-branches seem to hug the branch they grow out of. They don't grow out -- they just seem to grow up. It's damn strange. And it gives the plants, again, a "wacky" appearance.

CL Clone 7-15-24 F4 weird hugging.JPG

I've yet to feed any of them via the swick base. I have them there in case I need them, but so far their watering requirements have not caused any chirping from you-know-who!


Stella is looking really content on her Day 65.

Yesterday she got another dose of FOOP. This time at the week 4 dosage which is 40ml, 40ml, 15ml of the Veg1, Veg2 and the Sweetener, respectively. Plus she got to sit in a moderate downpour that lasted about 20 minutes.

Stella 7-15-24 D65 happy.JPG


Not sure what the SWICK folks have to say about converting from top to bottom water but there was definitely a time limit on how old a plant can be converted to a SIP. I learned that last summer.
Am I not one of the SWICK folks? Does my opinion count? 😁
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy !
You're like me @SniperX. Easy to please! :Rasta:


Thanks for your time.

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