Gorilla Cookies Auto ViparSpectra P2000


The one on the right looks like it has at least a few weeks left to me. Lots of white pistils yet. The one on the left is close.

I see some amber trichs!
Are those pics from the plant on the left? You got some nice color on her from the cool temps. Really brought those anthocyanins out.
Friday update. Days 89/60

It’s been one of those weeks……. Glad it’s Friday!!

I have had to tie a couple of the branches up for support as they were drooping and twisting from the weight. Buds are dense and getting big.

Plant on the right is a few weeks behind so my plan of harvesting both at the same time I think is out the window. I need to come up with a solution to chop and hang the left side plant (next grow in naming my plants!) as I was just going to hang them in the tent.

I also need to get some pictures of it in some warmer light so it doesn’t get as washed out, but it is just about ready to get chopped I think. Any thoughts on if it’s time or not? Here some pics.








Are those pics from the plant on the left? You got some nice color on her from the cool temps. Really brought those anthocyanins out.
@Virgin Ground yes those are from the plant on the left. Some of the leaves went a little too far and started to dry out. Some of them I was able to bring back. Before I harvest I’m going to try and get some pictures of her in some warmer lighting.

Your plants are looking HEALTHY!! I need to head over and see if there is an update :)
Friday update. Days 89/60

It’s been one of those weeks……. Glad it’s Friday!!

I have had to tie a couple of the branches up for support as they were drooping and twisting from the weight. Buds are dense and getting big.

Plant on the right is a few weeks behind so my plan of harvesting both at the same time I think is out the window. I need to come up with a solution to chop and hang the left side plant (next grow in naming my plants!) as I was just going to hang them in the tent.

I also need to get some pictures of it in some warmer light so it doesn’t get as washed out, but it is just about ready to get chopped I think. Any thoughts on if it’s time or not? Here some pics.








Outstanding! Lookin Goooood....
And then there was 1.

Scoped again today and saw lots more amber in there so decided to chop her down. I failed to get pictures though, I am only realizing this now as I am writing this…

She is hanging in a make shift “tent” made of a tomato cage and a paper yard waste bag that has a contractor’s black trash bag loosely draped over the top to try and block out as much light as possible. During the night that will come off to allow more airflow. If I need to I can rig a fan in there to get more airflow. I will probably do that this evening just to make sure actually.

Hopefully this set up will work well enough hahaha
Friday update. Days 96/68

Well the lone plant is still booming! I will have to get in there this weekend and add supports for a few more the the branches.

I also cleaned up and got the other plant into jars after a week of hang drying.

3.85 oz into jars, I’m guess most of the water weight is gone at this point. But I will do a final weigh in 2 - 3 weeks time.






Monday update. Days 99/71

She is still growing, buffs are getting much bigger than her sister. Had to add some more support in there as another branch twisted and went towards the soil…

I am also thinking I might have dried the other plant out a bit too quickly. Buds are very dry on the outside but still have some give to them in the middle. Hopefully that will balance in the jars over the next few weeks :)


Monday update. Days 99/71

She is still growing, buffs are getting much bigger than her sister. Had to add some more support in there as another branch twisted and went towards the soil…

I am also thinking I might have dried the other plant out a bit too quickly. Buds are very dry on the outside but still have some give to them in the middle. Hopefully that will balance in the jars over the next few weeks :)


Have you been using geoflora? And if so did you use
Monday update. Days 99/71

She is still growing, buffs are getting much bigger than her sister. Had to add some more support in there as another branch twisted and went towards the soil…

I am also thinking I might have dried the other plant out a bit too quickly. Buds are very dry on the outside but still have some give to them in the middle. Hopefully that will balance in the jars over the next few weeks :)


If I recall correctly....your using geoflora nutes correct? If so did you use Terpenator and massive bloom as well? Lookin good!
Those are some adorably chonky buds. 💕

It may be a good idea to set up a dedicated place to dry your harvest. It doesn't need to be anything fancy.
I use whatever space is available at the time. I try to time my harvests so one space is available. Most times it works out. Every once in a while I'll have to take down a plant that's not quite done or let one get a little over.

Carcass and IntheShed both use large cardboard boxes with small computer fans attached. That's probably one of the cheapest options. A spare tent or better yet, a refrigerator would be the most expensive.
The refrigerator would be for slow and low drying. It helps to preserve terpenes and gives a better end product. I just mention this in the off chance that you may have a garage fridge.

Have you samples your harvest yet?
Have you been using geoflora? And if so did you use

If I recall correctly....your using geoflora nutes correct? If so did you use Terpenator and massive bloom as well? Lookin good!
I was using geoflora and then switch to mega crop and love how easy it is and they seem to work better then the geoflora I was originally using. I still add in some calmag every one in a while, probably not as often as I should actually. Learning curve and all :)
Those are some adorably chonky buds. 💕

It may be a good idea to set up a dedicated place to dry your harvest. It doesn't need to be anything fancy.
I use whatever space is available at the time. I try to time my harvests so one space is available. Most times it works out. Every once in a while I'll have to take down a plant that's not quite done or let one get a little over.

Carcass and IntheShed both use large cardboard boxes with small computer fans attached. That's probably one of the cheapest options. A spare tent or better yet, a refrigerator would be the most expensive.
The refrigerator would be for slow and low drying. It helps to preserve terpenes and gives a better end product. I just mention this in the off chance that you may have a garage fridge.

Have you samples your harvest yet?
Hmm I didn’t even think of using the fridge…. I have a keg’o’rater that has the space to hang dry in…. I might keep that in the back of my mind. This next plant I can use the humidifier to keep the rh closer to 55. I also had one of my oscillating tent fans on low blowing over the plant the entire 6 days it was hang drying. Buds wher crispy and the stems were still bendy. Not totally bendy but not dry either.

I haven’t sampled any yet. I will this weekend most likely will report back :) I have a nice new hammer to break in with it :Rasta:
I was using geoflora and then switch to mega crop and love how easy it is and they seem to work better then the geoflora I was originally using. I still add in some calmag every one in a while, probably not as often as I should actually. Learning curve and all :)

Hmm I didn’t even think of using the fridge…. I have a keg’o’rater that has the space to hang dry in…. I might keep that in the back of my mind. This next plant I can use the humidifier to keep the rh closer to 55. I also had one of my oscillating tent fans on low blowing over the plant the entire 6 days it was hang drying. Buds wher crispy and the stems were still bendy. Not totally bendy but not dry either.

I haven’t sampled any yet. I will this weekend most likely will report back :) I have a nice new hammer to break in with it :Rasta:
Thank You
I was using geoflora and then switch to mega crop and love how easy it is and they seem to work better then the geoflora I was originally using. I still add in some calmag every one in a while, probably not as often as I should actually. Learning curve and all :)

Hmm I didn’t even think of using the fridge…. I have a keg’o’rater that has the space to hang dry in…. I might keep that in the back of my mind. This next plant I can use the humidifier to keep the rh closer to 55. I also had one of my oscillating tent fans on low blowing over the plant the entire 6 days it was hang drying. Buds wher crispy and the stems were still bendy. Not totally bendy but not dry either.

I haven’t sampled any yet. I will this weekend most likely will report back :) I have a nice new hammer to break in with it :Rasta:
Thanks for the update. I just flipped my girls 2 weeks ago. I'm using Geoflora and just started with the Terpinator and Massive bloom supplements. Hopefully the stretch is almost done! Its like a jungle in the 4x2 tent and Im running out of headroom.
Monday update. Days 106/78

Still cruising!! Almost every branch has at least 1 support at this point. Buds are still getting bigger!

I tested some of the first plant and am a little disappointed with the results. I think I harvested to early and then I dried to fast and it impacted the quality.

I am going to let this one go until I think it might be to far :)



Monday update. Days 106/78

Still cruising!! Almost every branch has at least 1 support at this point. Buds are still getting bigger!

I tested some of the first plant and am a little disappointed with the results. I think I harvested to early and then I dried to fast and it impacted the quality.

I am going to let this one go until I think it might be to far :)



Nice chunkyness you have going on there 🤤
Nice chunkyness you have going on there 🤤
Thank you! I’m happy with how big they have gotten! As this plant was a sleeper and has given me issues.
Some of them get a lot of thc building in the last couple of weeks so it's important to let them get there!
Yeah I was an eager beaver with the first plant and made a snap decision to chop her down. I really should have waited until probably this week to chop her.

I am guessing this one will be another 3 weeks to a month before she is ready. Just starting to show a little amber in her now with 90% being clear still.
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