Gorilla Cookies Auto ViparSpectra P2000

I'd say yes, though some plants have the tops ripen sooner than the lowers. If the trich color looks about the same top to bottom then most likely the same.
Great! I’m going to snip another tonight, compare and go from there!

Looks like this grow is just about done then!!
And she is hanging!

Turned the lights off, the humidifier on, and the Inkbird is set to kick the heat on if it gets below 63°

One fan oscillating below and one fan stationary blowing above but nothing directly at her. 1 exhaust fan on 24/7 along with the intake fan and one exhaust fan that kicks on every 30 mins for 15 mins to help keep negative pressure in the tent and hopefully it won’t keep it too dry in there. I can kick the humidifier up as it’s only set at about 25% right now. Aiming for 50% rh

Sound about right?

:bravo: on that takedown and it looks like loads of solid flowers!
. I can kick the humidifier up as it’s only set at about 25% right now.
Might be okay for the first 24 hours but after that I'd raise it closer to 50% for a day, and then 60% for the rest of the dry. I like to get the bulk of the moisture out in the first 24-48 (to get the flowers down around 70% to lessen the chance of mold), and then try to hold them in the low 60s for the rest of the week (if not longer).
:bravo: on that takedown and it looks like loads of solid flowers!

Might be okay for the first 24 hours but after that I'd raise it closer to 50% for a day, and then 60% for the rest of the dry. I like to get the bulk of the moisture out in the first 24-48 (to get the flowers down around 70% to lessen the chance of mold), and then try to hold them in the low 60s for the rest of the week (if not longer).

Thanks for the feedback! When I said 25% I should have clarified that is the current setting of the humidifier and not the actual rh. I’m going to give it an hour and see where the rh is then and adjust so that I’m sitting at right between 50% and 60%
I decided to split the plant up and bit and hang individual branches for the most part.

Not a great pic and I can’t wait until this grow is over so I can do a compete redesign on how the inside of my tent is set up!

Temps held at on average of 65° and 51% rh

As the days go on see if you can ramp that RH up to 60% to make sure they don't get over-dried before you pull them off the lines.
I should easily be able to do that. I’m only at about 40% of what this little humidifier can do. The one issue I might run into is the basin running out of water. Maybe I should toss in a 5 gallon bucket of water with a fan blowing across the top to help raise the rh without adjusting the humidifier as it ran for about 20 hours and probably had about 2-4 hours of water left in it.
Tent took on an odd vegetable/hay like semll today. I see no signs of mold. RH has averaged at about 52% with the extraction fan on low 24/7 and circulation fans going 24/7.

Is this smell normal??
Tent took on an odd vegetable/hay like semll today. I see no signs of mold. RH has averaged at about 52% with the extraction fan on low 24/7 and circulation fans going 24/7.

Is this smell normal??
100% normal. That's the chlorophyll "burning" off! It goes away with time and should be almost completely gone by the time you seal them in jars for curing.

My system is hang for a week to get the buds down to 70% RH or lower, burp 2x a day for a week, and 1x a day for a week, all while trying to get the RH into the low 60s. Once it's been 21 days from chop (or more if the RH is still too high), I'll seal them up for curing.
Thank you for that
100% normal. That's the chlorophyll "burning" off! It goes away with time and should be almost completely gone by the time you seal them in jars for curing.

My system is hang for a week to get the buds down to 70% RH or lower, burp 2x a day for a week, and 1x a day for a week, all while trying to get the RH into the low 60s. Once it's been 21 days from chop (or more if the RH is still too high), I'll seal them up for curing.
Thanks for reassurance on the smell there!!

How are you measuring rh of the buds and in jars?
Yeah, that grassy smell usually shows up around day 3- the
first time I smelled it, I was pretty sure I'd screwed something up,
but, like Shed said, it was pretty much gone before it went into the jars..
Yeah, that grassy smell usually shows up around day 3- the
first time I smelled it, I was pretty sure I'd screwed something up,
but, like Shed said, it was pretty much gone before it went into the jars..
Ok good to know it might still be around when it’s time to jar up, which I am hoping is mid week as I have a SIP grow I am eager to get started :)

I’m going to have to look back at the rules and look how send this journal to completed soon :)

So far I’ve lost about 45% in weight since day 1 of the hang. So should be soon to go into jars. Once my little hydrometers get here tomorrow I will have a better idea. Thanks again Shed for the link on those!
So should be soon to go into jars. Once my little hydrometers get here tomorrow I will have a better idea. Thanks again Shed for the link on those!
Glad to help! And one way to check when it's time to take the buds off the stems and put them in jars is when the thin branches crack internally when you bend them but don't break like dry sticks.

If you need to put the tent back in action but the buds are coming in over 70% in the jars, you can dump them into a cardboard box with the lid cracked for air circulation. That will give them a mostly lightproof spot to lose more of the moisture.
I might do that tonight actually as the stems are almost to the point of breaking that that but not breaking like a stick. Will give it a test when I get down into the basement tonight.

If it’s good I have a box to put them in ready to go.

Then it’s tent clean up, reporg and a new journal to start :)
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