Gorilla Cookies Auto ViparSpectra P2000

I usually stay under 5.5 but yea full strength. FFOF is great for a few weeks on its own and then it needs MC fairly regularly.

That problem up above looks like what happened to my Ruby Tue plant. Originally I blamed it on overfeeding. Now I think it was pH lockout and she’s back to regular color and feedings with everyone else.
For me it’s DEFINITELY not cold cause that plant is in my living room tent.
I think the ultra bright light and ultra dry air don’t help in my case either. Some plants are just sensitive in different ways.
Thanks J.
I appreciate the assistance.
I know KeO just added a light recently. I haven't asked about rh.
They also switched from GeoFlora to MC.
Using pH adjusters.
Plant is drinking quickly, is in an air pot.
Low temps lights off.

My recommendation would be to warm up the space, dial back the lights a tad and feed MC between 4.5-5 gr/gallon...sans the pH adjusters.

What are your feelings about feeding daily is KeO has to? Still full strength or lower dose around 4gr/gallon since it's daily?
Will need water tomorrow. tap and then again later with nutes?
If you think she's going to be bone dry tomorrow, feed her tonight. Don't let her go past half dry in flower.
If her root tips are still moist enough you can just feed her without the plain tap. If she's bone dry and drooping horribly,you can hydrate with plain water and follow up with immediately a feeding. This helps to lessen tip burn.
I usually stay under 5.5 but yea full strength. FFOF is great for a few weeks on its own and then it needs MC fairly regularly.

That problem up above looks like what happened to my Ruby Tue plant. Originally I blamed it on overfeeding. Now I think it was pH lockout and she’s back to regular color and feedings with everyone else.
For me it’s DEFINITELY not cold cause that plant is in my living room tent.
I think the ultra bright light and ultra dry air don’t help in my case either. Some plants are just sensitive in different ways.
@Justin Goody what was Your process to get out of the ph lock?
@Justin Goody what was Your process to get out of the ph lock?
Just paying closer attention. I have super high pH tap water so if I forget to add acid, it throws off the final pH a few days later.
Testing might be necessary depending on your water and desired pH (and forgetfulness)
I like the water to be about 6.2 when I add the MC and it ends up somewhere between 5.7-6.0.

As far as feeding every day, yes, I feed full strength every day. I feed at least 5 days a week, sometimes every day. Some people I know water like once a week but when my humidity is ideal, it’s almost daily for me.
If you do water daily and it’s not always to runoff (like me), you’ll occasionally want to bottom water and make sure those roots travel and also aren’t swimming or drying out in their own salts.

Hope that helps a little, it looks like yours will be a decent harvest no matter what, just stay consistent til then and don’t change much
To me it looks like cool temp lockout or pH lockout. @Carcass and @InTheShed ,what do you think?
Sorry, I'm late to the party... but, I've not experienced a cool temp lockout- it does get down to 48-50f in the garage at night, but the plant sits on an "always on" seedling mat, so the soil stays at 73-78f all the time...

And I haven't ph'd my water since I got my last bale of HP Promix (2 yrs ago)- figured I'd find out if HP's buffering really works, and it evidently does!

Regarding that yellow one- She just looks hungry to me, but I don't really know what a lockout looks like...
Testing might be necessary depending on your water and desired pH (and forgetfulness)
I like the water to be about 6.2 when I add the MC and it ends up somewhere between 5.7-6.0.
Hmm I typically add nutes to the water and then ph down to get to about 6.3 - 6.4 maybe I will move to your process of ph the water and then add in nutes.
I feed at least 5 days a week, sometimes every day. Some people I know water like once a week but when my humidity is ideal, it’s almost daily for me.
If you do water daily and it’s not always to runoff (like me), you’ll occasionally want to bottom water and make sure those roots travel and also aren’t swimming or drying out in their own salts.

Hope that helps a little, it looks like yours will be a decent harvest no matter what, just stay consistent til then and don’t change much
My RH is about 40% so not overly humid at all. And I’m feeding at each water about every other other day. It’s so odd as both plants are the same, and are on the exact same program. I do water to run off as they are each getting about a half a gallon at a time.

Thanks for all of the advice. I’m hoping I can get it turned or at least stabilized a bit.
The Mother In Law from England is here. She is referred to in the family as “The Mother Ship”. She is very knowledgable in most things growing in dirt. Her opinion on it is that I need to water daily. She asked how much I’m watering and feeding and she thinks it’s just a watering issue.

So based on the advice everyone here has given me and what the mothership has said I am going to go to daily feedings and just keep a close eye on her.

Also RH this morning was 48% when temps were right at 75° I will take a peak this afternoon as it heats up in the tent and see how that changes.
Sorry, I'm late to the party... but, I've not experienced a cool temp lockout- it does get down to 48-50f in the garage at night, but the plant sits on an "always on" seedling mat, so the soil stays at 73-78f all the time...

And I haven't ph'd my water since I got my last bale of HP Promix (2 yrs ago)- figured I'd find out if HP's buffering really works, and it evidently does!

Regarding that yellow one- She just looks hungry to me, but I don't really know what a lockout looks like...
Thanks for the info there @Carcass I now have some heating in there to help with soil temps in the night.

I’m also going to HP for my next grow as well and hopefully won’t have these issues. Though it is a good learning experience so long as I can pinpoint the issue(s) and get them fixed.
Day 75/46

Seems that they might be turning around a bit. Starting to see darker green in the veins of the leaves now that I’m feeding daily.

Buds are exploding and most certainly getting bigger.







Monday update. Days 78/49 - 7 weeks into flower.

Hard to tell in the pics as the leaves on the one plant are still very pale, though there are signs of some green returning. Regardless the buds are a booming with both plants.

Daily watering/feeding now and the soil is much more absorbent than it was before. Lesson learned, I think haha.

Had to put in a support stake for the main stalk on one of them and then tie off some supports from that for a couple of the branches as they were starting to get some bend in the middle of their branches.




Gonna be some nice smoke for ya.

Looks to be maybe a few weeks left on them. Do you have a microscope or loupe to check trichs?

This scope is that I use.
Gonna be some nice smoke for ya.

Looks to be maybe a few weeks left on them. Do you have a microscope or loupe to check trichs?

This scope is that I use.
I have a loupe but it’s not really good enough to easily see with. I’m going to look for a better one. That’s a nice little telescope you’ve got there. Not sure I can get away with using my celestron LOL!
I have a loupe but it’s not really good enough to easily see with. I’m going to look for a better one. That’s a nice little telescope you’ve got there. Not sure I can get away with using my celestron LOL!
Are you a telescope freak like me????
Dabbling with the telescopes is fun after a few lung burners.
The problem here is when the skies finally calm down in the winter it’s too damn cold to go out and view…
Saturday update. Days 83/54

Still cruising along. Might be almost time to chop one of them as it is starting to get some rust colored pistols. The other one isn’t ready yet. Will probably wait until they are both at a point that I can chop them and go for it.







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