Good Morning

Makes me nervous as i read not to do that with Autoflower
Yeh, if you're not careful, you'll get small plants like I did! :)

My first five grows were autos. Flip through the journals and you'll see that any issues I had were completely of my own doing.

If you want to learn more about autos, there's a cannabis site "dedicated" to growers who grow them. Check out that site, read through the "Myths about Autoflowers" section, and then check out the grow journals.
Howdy All

The Beast is on Day 64. Finally able to add a few more stakes to support the branches.



Howdy All

The Beast is on Day 64. Finally able to add a few more stakes to support the branches.



Looking good :thumb:
Just curious do you have veg and flower turned on your lights.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
As i just turned 65, we will sell our home and move to a adult 55+ in December when its paid off

I will try just one for now and see how i did . Never supercropped before
I don't understand, your selling your house to move into a independent living facility?? Is that what you're saying? Why? 65 isn't old. Lol. It's like post-prime.
Regardless, I think your plant looks cool, even if theres lotsa limbs and chaotic display of bud sites everywhere, it's a cool looking plant. You're very own homegrown Octopot.
My house is paid off in December. Tired of repair bills. Its an adult 55+ community, not retirement village @JiggiLotus
Cool cool. Yeah repair bills do suck. Lol. We just got a $18,000. Estimate to replace a few stuff
gotta be one of the wildest autos i've ever seen. time to start watching trichs and thinking about finish. i don't let autos go long as they tend to develop late hermies.

you're gonna miss growing a lot after this. you may want to think about your next living arrangements in that light. it's not fun having to go back to commercial and black market weed once you've been independent.
still a good time to watch the trichs. i doesn't have to be incessant lol.
i begin having a look when about 50- 65% of the pistils have ambered out. once every few days or so.
Hey @bluter can the buds be ready if there's still a few white pistols? I'm still lacking confidence when it comes to looking at the trichomes.

it's a bit of a sliding scale based on preference. consensus is more amber = more couch lock ... more milky = more racy. clear is not matured.

majority shoot for about 10% amber with most of the rest milky and maybe a few clear. that is what you'll find is the general recommend. you can 'tune' it a bit to preference.

be aware some long running sativa strains never really mature into amber. pure sativas will often never get 10%. on the opposite scale pure indica can amber past 10% in day or two. hybrids are easier to monitor.

edit: to be clear i am talking about monitoring trichs. i begin when the pistols are browned out about 50 - 65%
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