Good Morning

You still have some white pistils, but some strains go on throwing out pistils for weeks
They are starting to turn though, so I'd hazard a guess at maybe one, probably two weeks
I sometimes harvest regardless of a few white pistils if the buds just 'look' ready
In that last pic, is that a blob of white fuzz on the bud?
I think it's lighting glare
Good Morning All

Today the. “Beast “ is on Day 80 and still fertigatibg at 5.5 grams of MegaCrop

This part is the hardest as my old eyes ain’t what they used to be.

Next week or the week after she should be done.

Feedback is a wonderful to!



Lol. My hubby had a hair in his ass the other day and made a comment about destroying my plants....all I could think was ..."touch my garden and you will magically die in the night."

I know your gonna be all over that thing once it's dried. I can feel the anticipation in the thread. 🥰
Lol. My hubby had a hair in his ass the other day and made a comment about destroying my plants....all I could think was ..."touch my garden and you will magically die in the night."
Probably best to voice that out loud so he can make an informed decision. 🤔
Lol. My hubby had a hair in his ass the other day and made a comment about destroying my plants....all I could think was ..."touch my garden and you will magically die in the night."

I know your gonna be all over that thing once it's dried. I can feel the anticipation in the thread. 🥰
'You can do anything that you want to do, but don't you, step on my blue suede shoes touch my fucking plants' lol
Probably best to voice that out loud so he can make an informed decision.

he probably knows there's more danger lurking in the silence ... :p
Good Morning All

Today she is on Day 83 and still drinking heavily. She has to come down this Sunday or next as we are getting ready to sell the house



If you have to chop you have to chop :Namaste:
Showing a house with a pot plant in the kitchen sink might prove difficult.
Regardless how beautiful she is.
Nothing you can do right?
Hope it goes well my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good Afternoon All

Started the chop this morning after unforeseen circumstances occurred.

So far, i have chopped 550 grams of wet beautiful orange, red ab green buds! Yeah I know it’s wet. Im excited and that’s what matter.

I will provide a total when it m done chopping.

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