GDB's Bubblegum Machine

Well, let's change the situation slightly. If you've got an air conditioned room, and someone opens a window and sets a fan in it, what happens to the temperature?

You're trying to dehumidify air that is constantly being changed.

If the room your tent is in is sealed, and serving as a king room (tent exhausts into the room, pulls air back into the tent from the same room), then I'd get a device rated to dehumidify the entire room... plus maybe 20% more area - and stick it in the room. Then your exhaust fan will (eventually) be pulling in dry air to replace the humid air that it is exhausting.

Might have to play with the numbers (area rating). An indoor garden is, in effect, a biological humidifier. But how much of one depends on the rate of translation. Which, itself, is a variable. Temperature of the plants, how much moisture they can get via their root systems in a given amount of time, and the rate of airflow paying through the canopy to evaporate the moisture and carry it away from the leaves.

I mostly don't worry about it. Good airflow. If I'm in a sauna with no fan, my sweat just drips onto the floor. But with even slightly high humidity (IOW, not an actual sauna), a fan will evaporate my sweat well enough to provide some degree of evaporative cooling.
I think TS is on to something and worth trying an experiment. If we are pulling in extremely high humid air from outside it will always be humid air and the dehumidifier will not have time to extract that humidity. But if we are recycling the majority of the air there is an increase in the time and effect the dehumidifier can have.

In the earlier stage of growth when we want higher humidity I cycle my exhaust fan on and off so that my humidifier can increase the RH in the tent.

GDB the plants are looking great! I would hate to see them get rot.
I do exactly as SG explains. I grow in my basement (>1000sf unfinished), and I have a big dehumidifier that keeps my basement at 45% humidity. Then I use the tent extraction fan and my AC Infinity controller to dial in the tent humidity. I can get the tent down to 48% at night like this easily. If I need to go any lower, I can set the room dehumidifier lower but there are diminishing returns.

Those are some gorgeous plants, GDB.:welldone:
My basement is running a dehummer now. Keeping around 45 to 50 % . That's venting the tent into the room. Venting outdoors does create a bigger issue to overcome by bringing warmer, wetter air in.

I was considering a free standing air conditioner when the de hummer craps out but now I'm back to moving outside air in again. A window unit may be better for my need here. Thought provoking!
Hello growers.

My dehumidifier arrived on Friday and has been running since I got it. With it, I've been able to get the RH down to 60% but no lower than that.

I'm beginning to suspect that I've got some sort of moisture seepage issue brewing in the basement. Most of the walls are paneled and, thus, hidden from view, but I think something's amiss. I don't recall having these kind of humidity issues over the past few years.

Hello growers.

My dehumidifier arrived on Friday and has been running since I got it. With it, I've been able to get the RH down to 60% but no lower than that.

I'm beginning to suspect that I've got some sort of moisture seepage issue brewing in the basement. Most of the walls are paneled and, thus, hidden from view, but I think something's amiss. I don't recall having these kind of humidity issues over the past few years.

It's always something!
Hello growers.

I've got the humidity issue "sort of" under control!

This morning my Govee device reported the RH in the tent as 54%. That's a number I can (and probably must) live with.

I don't know a lot about humidity or it's principals but it seems to me that my basement had become sauna-like and needed a prolonged initial removal of moisture. When I first got the dehumidifier I had to empty it about every 2 hours and that lasted for a couple of days while the RH hovered around 60%. The reading on the dehummie also read 60% though I had set it to run at 50%.

This morning when I checked the dehummie there was barely any water inside and it was reading 50% RH! So I'm thinking that initial mass of humid air has been sucked away. Hope things stay this way.

A couple of pics through the side door of the tent this morning. It's Flip + 50 for the group today.

Bgum tent 6-19-22 F50 side II.jpg

Bgum tent 6-19-22 F50 side.jpg

Have a wonderful Sunday all!

Thanks for looking in.

I'm happy you got your humidity issues straightened out. Your plants all look like they're getting there with some nice colas.
:ciao: Happy Father's Day GDB! :love:. The Bubblegum ladies are gorgeous AF.
I'm going to look for a way to support them other than jamming a bunch of bamboo stakes into the pots.
I copied something from Van Stank when he was still around. I took one bamboo stake and centered it in the pot. Then tied each branch to it (with various lengths of pipe cleaners). Kind of like a May Pole.It worked beautifully.
Hey, 54% should keep the buds safe. And I wouldn't be surprised to see it go lower over time as your basement dries out.
Those are some healthy looking ladies with big beautiful buds. :welldone:
Hello all.

It's Flip + 52 for the Bubblegum Machine.

No real issues to speak of now that the humidity is under control.

The Grape Ape clone is the first to begin some real leaf removal and is also in need of some support now.
G Ape clone 6-21-22 F52 leaf drop.jpg

The buds on the Kera Bgum are looking quite appealing!
Kera bgum 6-21-22 F52 buds.jpg

Tent pic. The RQ Bgum (front right) is leaning like a junkie. I'm going to replace that bamboo with some taller ones to get her back upright.
Bgum tent 6-21-22 F52.jpg

That's a wrap.

Thanks so much for the feedback. My apologies for some late replies.

My water pipes are all wet on the outside a lot of days with the temp difference and humidity in the air They pick it out and keep it around. I covered what I could with pipe insulation. Got much of that?
Haven't noticed any wet pipes, Stone. Thank goodness! :)
Glad you could get that sorted out under $100 LOL Here in NC its humid as fuck about all the time summer is hard on the old lungs .. The Bubble gums want be as juice but am sure they will taste Good !! :volcano-smiley:
Whoa, Smoke. I didn't say anything about under $100. But under $200, yes! :laughtwo:
I'm happy you got your humidity issues straightened out. Your plants all look like they're getting there with some nice colas.
Thanks HH!
Happy Father’s Day GDB!
Thanks again, HH! :thanks:
Lovely tent G
Thank you Danishoes!
That is awesome GDB! Glad you got that under control! Plants are looking great and you’ll be rewarded with the lower humidity. Anything under 60% is where it is at for now. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Sobergrower and thank you for stopping by! :)
I copied something from Van Stank when he was still around. I took one bamboo stake and centered it in the pot. Then tied each branch to it (with various lengths of pipe cleaners). Kind of like a May Pole.It worked beautifully.
Thanks, Boo. We used to do May Poles at the local recreation center and it was actually fun.

Kids are so easy to please!:)
Happy Father's day big dog.
Thanks Rhino. Same to you, my friend! :thanks:
Hey GDB, looking chunky in the garden brotherman...
Thank you Bionic and thanks for peeking in! :ciao:
Happy belated Father's Day GDB! Congrats on getting the RH under control and this grow is really looking spot-on. :welldone:
Happy belated Dad's Day to you too, Shed. And thanks for the compliment! :thanks:
Hey, 54% should keep the buds safe. And I wouldn't be surprised to see it go lower over time as your basement dries out.
Those are some healthy looking ladies with big beautiful buds. :welldone:
Thanks Budman!

After reading about your takedown, I hoping for staggered harvests!:)

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