GDB's Bubblegum Machine

Hello growers.

It's time to start another trip down the grow hole!

I grew a Fast Bubblegum a few months back and fell in love with both it's taste and effect. Problem was the "Fast" strain did not grow very much and the yield left me wanting more, more, more. So I sought out some regular feminized BGs

If you want to continue your search after your current grow, this information might help:

Green Born Identity said:
There are several strains out in the world of cannabis genetics whose origin and further breeding process seem to be unclear. Growers get especially confused, when a certain strain is offered under the same name by two or more seed banks: who has the original one, whose are copies? The Bubblegum strain is such one contentious strain, of which at least two seed banks do offer their own versions, in this case Serious Seeds and T.H. Seeds (both residing in Amsterdam), not to mention all those internet-based criminal copy cats here. So I decided to trace back the real roots of Bubble Gum. Asking both the above-mentioned breeders resulted in two corresponding versions of the Bubble Gum`s breeding story, giving good reasons for the existence of two high-quality Bubble Gum strains: The original material was developed by a grower in Indiana (USA) during the 80ies. In 1993, this guy gave three very different female Bubble Gum plants to Adam from T.H. Sees as well as to Simon and Tony (the two splitted up shortly after, with Simon founding Serious Seeds and Tony Sagarmatha Seeds) from Cerebral Seeds. So Bubble Gum arrived in the Netherlands in the hands of three breeders. And from that moment on, different new chapters were written in the breeding history of Bubble Gum, its development kind of branched out. Three breeders – three ways of breeding: These seed meisters were going to make their own special selection out of the three different genetic types they had received. Simon reports: “As far as I know, T.H. Seeds did work further with another of those 3 plants than I did”. That`s the reason why Adam (T.H. Seeds` BG will be another story…) considers his Bubble Gum as “mostly indica”, whereas Simon puts his version into the “Mostly Sativa” category. He focused his research on two of the three lines, finally deciding for one type that should become his Bubble Gum seed strain. It took Simon five generations to end up in the desired breeding result, officially registering it then as “Bubble Gum”. He says that it is not possible to give exact sativa/indica percentages, but reveals that the genetic background of Bubble Gum consists of three different exotic sativas, amongst them Mexican and Columbian, and an Afghani indica. It is remarkable that Bubble Gum is the only inbred strain (no F1 hybrid) in the Serious menu, thus being especially uniform. Upon being asked about special considerations to Bubble Gum, Simon explained: “The bubble gum shows a remarkable uniformity in plants grown from seeds. It is a strong and beautiful plant which grows a heavy stem, you never need to tie heavy buds up. The initial stages of seedlings can be tender, and you have to take care a bit for them in that stage. It is important to not let them be overgrown by neighbouring plants which may grow faster at first. Once when about 2 weeks old, the Bubble Gums will start to pick up speed and grow as fast as other plants.” This delay in growth can be explained by the fact that the BG is an inbred strain and therefore does not have that hybrid vigour effect (faster and stronger growth) of F1 hybrids.
Thanks Stone. Sure sounds like something I'd like! I'll check out a few episodes if I can find it

I've been watching episodes of The Andy Griffith Show lately because Barney is one of the funniest characters I've ever seen on a sitcom! :laughtwo:
Another fine show for ustimers! Oh Ernest T :love: what another character!

So I think you have to get the rh down asap looking at your beautiful buds! I use a dehumidifier but am considering a standing air conditioner(needs a wet drain and a dry vent) instead. I'd be disappointed to find a bunch of rotten bud.
If you want to continue your search after your current grow, this information might help:
Good info TorturedSoul!

Of course I went searching, and I was able to find the TH Seeds Original Bubblegum. And I put them in my cart!

But then I backed off. Just couldn't do it.

If there was a Seeds Anonymous treatment program I would join it. I need to stop buying friggin' seeds!

Still I appreciate the info and it's in the memory bank! :thanks:
Another fine show for ustimers! Oh Ernest T :love: what another character!

So I think you have to get the rh down asap looking at your beautiful buds! I use a dehumidifier but am considering a standing air conditioner(needs a wet drain and a dry vent) instead. I'd be disappointed to find a bunch of rotten bud.
Thanks Stone.

Ernest and Otis. Too much. :laughtwo:
Now that I can see them all I can definitively say they all look very nice, and it looks like they're going to need all the support they can get by harvest!

:thanks: for that great info TS!

And you would not be alone in that feeling Otter!
I got the dehumidifier and it's running now. Unfortunately, it's not helping much.

I bought a mini when I probably needed one with more pull.

In two hours it's only dropped the humidity by 3 percentage points and it's still way too high at 81%.

Back to the drawing board credit card.:straightface:
It might work in the 2x2 so it's not a total loss!
That's true. But most likely I'll return it.

Yeah, I'm one of those people! :)
Ok, but I don't want to hear any whining when the humidity in the 2x2 gets too high... :)
Hello growers.

It's Flip + 47 for the Bubblegum Machine and time for some of my "almost never right" predictions!

I predict that the RQ Bgum twin will be the first plant to go down in this grow. Her pistils have started to turn and have started to curl. Plus she has firmer buds than all the others.
RQ twin bud 6-15-22 F46.JPG

I predict that the Black Cherry Pie will go next. Her pistils have started to turn and have started to curl. Plus she has firmer buds than all the others except for the RQ Bgum.
Blk Cherry bud 6-15-22 F46.JPG

The pistils on all the other plants are still mostly, if not all, white.

I've gone out on the limb again with some bold predictions! :laughtwo:

Thanks for your time.

Hello growers.

I meant to post a tent pic yesterday but forgot. So here it is today:

Bgum tent 6-15-22 F46 labels.jpg

The Kera Bgum got fairly large compared to the others and is developing some really significant buds sites!

After running for a a few days, that mini dehumidifier I put in has manage to get the RH down to 75%. Still too high but better. I've got a larger one on the way that should arrive by tomorrow.

Thanks for you time.

Hello growers.

I meant to post a tent pic yesterday but forgot. So here it is today:

Bgum tent 6-15-22 F46 labels.jpg

The Kera Bgum got fairly large compared to the others and is developing some really significant buds sites!

After running for a a few days, that mini dehumidifier I put in has manage to get the RH down to 75%. Still too high but better. I've got a larger one on the way that should arrive by tomorrow.

Thanks for you time.

I bet it smells glorious there now!
Thanks for the feedback folks! :Rasta:

Ok, but I don't want to hear any whining when the humidity in the 2x2 gets too high... :)
I've changed my mind and decided to keep it. I hate whiners! :laughtwo:
I wouldn't expect it to, if you're running an exhaust fan.
Please explain why? I'm coming up empty trying to figure out why and I'm not ashamed to admit it!
Gawd they're nice!
Thanks Stone!
Nice pics. looks Sweet !!
Thanks Smoke!
You're going to need more bamboo to support that limb you went out on!
I feel confident about my predictions. I will not be deterred by my many past failures in this area! :laughtwo:
I bet it smells glorious there now!
You would win that bet Stone! :)

Hello growers.

I meant to post a tent pic yesterday but forgot. So here it is today:

Bgum tent 6-15-22 F46 labels.jpg

The Kera Bgum got fairly large compared to the others and is developing some really significant buds sites!

After running for a a few days, that mini dehumidifier I put in has manage to get the RH down to 75%. Still too high but better. I've got a larger one on the way that should arrive by tomorrow.

Thanks for you time.

WOW nice work.
And im not big on commenting but some pics need more than just a like.
Nice work GDB ;)
Please explain why? I'm coming up empty trying to figure out why and I'm not ashamed to admit it!

Well, let's change the situation slightly. If you've got an air conditioned room, and someone opens a window and sets a fan in it, what happens to the temperature?

You're trying to dehumidify air that is constantly being changed.

If the room your tent is in is sealed, and serving as a king room (tent exhausts into the room, pulls air back into the tent from the same room), then I'd get a device rated to dehumidify the entire room... plus maybe 20% more area - and stick it in the room. Then your exhaust fan will (eventually) be pulling in dry air to replace the humid air that it is exhausting.

Might have to play with the numbers (area rating). An indoor garden is, in effect, a biological humidifier. But how much of one depends on the rate of translation. Which, itself, is a variable. Temperature of the plants, how much moisture they can get via their root systems in a given amount of time, and the rate of airflow paying through the canopy to evaporate the moisture and carry it away from the leaves.

I mostly don't worry about it. Good airflow. If I'm in a sauna with no fan, my sweat just drips onto the floor. But with even slightly high humidity (IOW, not an actual sauna), a fan will evaporate my sweat well enough to provide some degree of evaporative cooling.
Well, let's change the situation slightly. If you've got an air conditioned room, and someone opens a window and sets a fan in it, what happens to the temperature?

You're trying to dehumidify air that is constantly being changed.

If the room your tent is in is sealed, and serving as a king room (tent exhausts into the room, pulls air back into the tent from the same room), then I'd get a device rated to dehumidify the entire room... plus maybe 20% more area - and stick it in the room. Then your exhaust fan will (eventually) be pulling in dry air to replace the humid air that it is exhausting.

Might have to play with the numbers (area rating). An indoor garden is, in effect, a biological humidifier. But how much of one depends on the rate of translation. Which, itself, is a variable. Temperature of the plants, how much moisture they can get via their root systems in a given amount of time, and the rate of airflow paying through the canopy to evaporate the moisture and carry it away from the leaves.

I mostly don't worry about it. Good airflow. If I'm in a sauna with no fan, my sweat just drips onto the floor. But with even slightly high humidity (IOW, not an actual sauna), a fan will evaporate my sweat well enough to provide some degree of evaporative cooling.
Hmm. Thanks for the response Tortured, but I still don't get it. That's not to say your explanation is lacking it's just that some things I just don't get.

I initially had both intake and exhaust fans running on medium. When I turned the intake fan down to low, the humidity went down a little. And when I turned it off completely it dropped even lower. I thought I was blowing out the humid air faster than I was pulling it in and was helping the mini dehumidifier do what it does. I thought that the humid air coming into the tent was then passive, just leaking in through nooks and crannies where it could since I wasn't pulling it in.

Admittedly, I had not given thought to such matters in my lifetime, until I started growing in tents and having to deal with such issues.

I'm not surprised if I got it completely wrong! :)
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