GDB's Bubblegum Machine

Beautiful plants and buds GDB, they look really dense and heavy, you got the leaning branches to prove it!

Glad to here you got your humidity under control!
Beautiful plants and buds GDB, they look really dense and heavy, you got the leaning branches to prove it!

Glad to here you got your humidity under control!
Thanks so much N420!

I've been getting floppy plants lately as a matter of routine. These last few grows I haven't used silica (for no particular reason). I think these two things are related.:Rasta:
Thanks so much N420!

I've been getting floppy plants lately as a matter of routine. These last few grows I haven't used silica (for no particular reason). I think these two things are related.:Rasta:

What do you normally use for silica and how do you use it?
What do you normally use for silica and how do you use it?
Hey HashGirl:

I use a product called Stout MSA.

I used it in drench feeds at the rate of 3g per gallon, always putting the silica in first and then stirring it up real well.

It seems to make plant branches stronger, but also more pliable and more receptive to training.
Hello all.

Just a tent pic of the Bubblegum Machine on Flip + 54.

This is the most bamboo that I've ever used in a grow. (There are more sticks than you can see in the pic!) :)
BubbleGum tent 6-23-22 F54.jpg

The Black Cherry Pie (front left in the pic above) is starting to look like she wants more nutes. (All the MC-fed girls remain on 5g per gallon.) I'll up her dosage to 5.5ish on her next feed.
B Cherry 6-23-22 F54.jpg

Her buds are kinda' pretty.
B cherry bud 6-23-22 F54.JPG

Thanks for looking in.

Hello all.

I just have a tent pic of the Bubblegum Machine on Flip + 56.

The Black Cherry (front left) is no longer the only one asking for more MC. The Kera Bgum (back left) wants more too. On their next feed (tomorrow) both will get 5.5g of MC per gallon. The remainder of the plants will get 5.25g.

To date, the Grape Ape clone (right rear) had been getting @Prescription Blend nutrients and really loving them. Unfortunately, I've run out of PB.

While I am not prone to generating controversy, I am compelled to report that the company jilted me on my March MoTM prize package. 420 staff was notified but their intervention was to no avail. PB promised to send a "replacement" but never did. I'm doubtful that I'll receive what I'm due from them for my May GJoTM prize either. :straightface:

Perhaps they are peeved because I've never done a grow using their nutes exclusively. Though I have done a grow where the majority of plants (I believe 3 of 5) were fed PB.

If that's the case, too bad. I like to use at least 2 different nutes in most of my grows, and I'm constantly on the look out for new ones to try. It keeps things interesting for me. I will not be reined in to exclusive use of any product unless it's a sponsored grow. And I don't consider using a "prize" that was won the same thing as being sponsored.

Or maybe I've just been "black-listed."

Anyway, here are the ladies:
Bgum tent 6-25-22 F56.jpg

In other news, I experienced a Smashing Success the other day.

I schmooshed 4 grams of a Smoothie auto, a very potent auto strain that's lovely to smoke. Up until now, my rosin has turned out either brown or dark green and very slimy/sticky.

This Smoothie smash resulted in golden rosin that was nearly crystal in texture! Really pretty and exceptionally easier to gather than the slimy stuff, though it was still quite sticky. It was a pleasant surprise and the vape was delicious and potent!

Smoothie Auto smashed.JPG

Finally, I have no clue what the ramifications may be for my criticism of a Sponsor. However, I value honesty more than I do most things.

If, by chance, I disappear (which I truly don't expect to happen, but hey), I want you all to know it's been a blast!

Truly, 420 is the best site of this type in the world and I have nothing but love for 420, it's members and most of its sponsors.

Thanks for looking in.

It's an honor to visit here every time dude. I told you the squish was really really strong. :)
What a nice thing to say, Stone. Thanks!

The gold stuff was really nice. I need to figure out how to duplicate that result!

I smashed some of my newly harvested Black Domina this morning. It's been jarred since 6-17 -22 and is sitting right at 63RH. I didn't get the "gold" but I got more than I've ever gotten from smashing 4 grams. (And then I forgot to take a pic of the large clump of it! :straightface:).

And this from another thread:
Smashing squish! I've been putting a drop on top of a full bowl and putting a light close but not close enough to ignite it, just melt it into the bowl. The first two hits are unbelievable and the rest ignites and makes the bowl supercharged. Just something different. I'm hitting one right now!
I tried this yesterday and it was a comedy of errors. I had one helluva time trying to get a bit of that sticky stuff on top of a mound of bud, and I made a right proper mess trying! :laughtwo:

I wonder if anyone makes a silicone-coated set of tweezers?
It's not you GDB. I haven't gotten my PB for my March or April wins. I contacted the company a couple of weeks ago and they said they would look into it and send it right out. I still haven't heard anything.
Even worse I haven't heard from Nextlight since my April win and it looks like they're no longer a sponsor. 420 staff are looking into it, but I haven't heard from them in a couple of weeks either. I was really looking forward to that 420h and was going to do a sponsored grow journal with it. I'm frustrated and disappointed.
It's not you GDB. I haven't gotten my PB for my March or April wins. I contacted the company a couple of weeks ago and they said they would look into it and send it right out. I still haven't heard anything.
Even worse I haven't heard from Nextlight since my April win and it looks like they're no longer a sponsor. 420 staff are looking into it, but I haven't heard from them in a couple of weeks either. I was really looking forward to that 420h and was going to do a sponsored grow journal with it. I'm frustrated and disappointed.
Sorry to hear that BudMan. Missing out on the 420h is a real bummer, much worse that a set of nutrients being MIA. Still, I am relieved to know that the PB issue is not exclusive to me only, because I was thinking the worse. :straightface:
I think company's may be hurting more than we may know.
They may be Stone. And if that's the case then some up-front honesty would serve them better than "dodgy" responses and then unfulfilled promises. :straightface:
They may be Stone. And if that's the case then some up-front honesty would serve them better than "dodgy" responses and then unfulfilled promises. :straightface:
I know. What serves us doesn't seem to be the corporate model all the time. I can only imagine they(some) live in a world of fear that any remark will be linked back to them and leave them in poor light. I've been disrespected by sponsors before, it hurts even when you know it's not personal. I find it best to know I'm fine and carry on.
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