GDB's Bubblegum Machine

Plants look great and that squish looks otherworldly!
While I am not prone to generating controversy, I am compelled to report that the company jilted me on my March MoTM prize package. 420 staff was notified but their intervention was to no avail. PB promised to send a "replacement" but never did. I'm doubtful that I'll receive what I'm due from them for my May GJoTM prize either. :straightface:
Perhaps they are peeved because I've never done a grow using their nutes exclusively. Though I have done a grow where the majority of plants (I believe 3 of 5) were fed PB.
If they're still a sponsor I would continue pester them. I had to hit them up a few times after my last OTM and they finally came through.
silicone-coated set of tweezers?
Not sure if zircon ones would help, but Zappa had a heavy duty pair on his Montana dental floss ranch.
Not sure if zircon ones would help, but Zappa had a heavy duty pair on his Montana dental floss ranch.
Zappa was out there -- somewhere!

George Duke was one of my favs at one point. I often wondered about his evolution from playing with Zappa to the seductive, pseudo-jazz he moved to right after that as a solo artist.. Must have been some kind of detox in play!
Hello growers.

Just a few tent pics on Flip + 59.

They were all fed last night and ultimately I decided to increase them all from 5g of MC to 5.5g. The Grape Ape Clone (right rear) also got 5.5g (her first MC feed after being raised on prescription blend to this point).

Here, they're settling down in prep for lights out in about 10 minutes.
Bgum II 6-28-22 F59.jpg

Bgum tent 6-28-22 F59.jpg

Now to see if the nice green returns!

Thanks for looking in.

getting closer and closer :rollit:

any order in which you will haverst ?
Danishoes, I made a bold prediction here. But my predictions often go like my "plans" -- awry! :laughtwo:
Sup GDB..

You added more nutes? I would say time to taper down, and add some molasses

JMO.. They looks freakin awesome!
Sup GDB..

You added more nutes? I would say time to taper down, and add some molasses

JMO.. They looks freakin awesome!
Hey Mayne! :ciao:

Just a bit early to cut them back, IMO. I'm trying to get the colors right again.

But I do like the idea of using some molasses at the end! I've got a jar around here somewhere.

They look lovely!
Thanks Grandpa!

Got something I want to share. Since you've dropped by I'll share it now!

The other day I got my best result ever from one of my smashes!

I always smash 4 grams so I'll know how to gauge (by way of comparison) what I get in return. Recently I got my largest return, ironically, from the plant that I love to hate -- my Cheese plant. (I like the weed and the effect but hate the smell.)

I usually smash at 200 degree but on this occasion I lowered the temp. to 190. The rosin came out a thick, dense and beautiful brown!


Smashing is fun! :)
Looks like you’re getting in the swing of it with your smashing. Very cool GDB! I know it’s not a cheap endeavor, so I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying it so much. Plants are looking good, bring ‘em on home GDB!
Looks like you’re getting in the swing of it with your smashing. Very cool GDB! I know it’s not a cheap endeavor, so I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying it so much. Plants are looking good, bring ‘em on home GDB!
I'm trying HH!

It's really nice to have something new to play with! :)

And thanks about the plants. I'm trying there too!
Hello growers.

It's about 4:15am here and it's time for an update on the Bubblegum Machine on Flip + 61. :thedoubletake:

Night before last, I upped the feed for all of them from 5g of MC to 5.5g. The primary targets, Kera and Blk Cherry Pie seemed to respond well. The RQ seemed unfazed. The RQ twin reacted by generating yellow splotches on some leaves. And the Grape Ape clone who had been being fed @Prescription Blend was not happy at all. Most of her leaves turned down like she had been gravely humiliated. I think (hope) this is temporary.
Bgum tent 6-30-22 F61 labels.jpg

Come on clone, adapt!
GApe clone 6-30-22 F62 not happy.jpg

As always, thanks for your visit.

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