Four Fine Fall Phillies

I also implore you not to remove these leaves, because the only one they are offending is you. If you take them, and the plant still has a problem, you just moved the presentation of this deficiency to a new set of leaves. Instead of the drastic move of spreading lime all around and really messing up your soil balance, I would first try increasing the amount of calmag given by 50%. Bigger plants now have bigger needs. Try to address those needs first, before freaking out and doing something silly to the entire room.
I did just that with calmag. That's good troubleshooting Em one piece of the puzzle at a time. She's my biggest plant to date in this happy frog potting soil and has been challenging me. In stead of doing something silly to the whole tent I fed her including the extra camg and did the funky chicken as I exited. :)
part of it too is the amount of light that your leaves are now able to capture, in that silly sideways configuration. A vertical plant just can't see that much light. SCROG works. Feed hard now... she can take it. You have built up to this moment.
I will thanks. She looks light colored and I did give her an extra feed cycle last time. I think she liked it. Allright!
hi stone

did you flush before upping the cal-mag ?

just curious. been chasing cal-mag issues on one of my strains for an entire grow.

everything looks real good here. :goodjob:
Hey bluter, no I didn't flush. I'm using organic nutes and have overspill.

very nice. always impressed by organic soil grows. soil produces the best flavors / terpenes imo. like what you are doing here.
Highya StoneOtter,

Glad to see you have a handle on the calcium deficiency. I have some calcium carbonate laying around for that reason. Fast acting and doesn't take very much.
Now, I'm wondering how to add humic and fulvic acids to my soil. However, I grow in the ground, and I have that covered with compost and some biochar in the soil from a burning building on that spot 3 years ago.
You do have a support staff on hand to iron out any problems. We all learn something through these moments. I appreciate being able to learn and apply. Cheers
Highya StoneOtter,

Glad to see you have a handle on the calcium deficiency. I have some calcium carbonate laying around for that reason. Fast acting and doesn't take very much.
Now, I'm wondering how to add humic and fulvic acids to my soil. However, I grow in the ground, and I have that covered with compost and some biochar in the soil from a burning building on that spot 3 years ago.
You do have a support staff on hand to iron out any problems. We all learn something through these moments. I appreciate being able to learn and apply. Cheers
Good morning Bode, @Van Stank says he adds it to his. Maybe he'll let us know what he uses. Reading the other day a little on it and I found the humic and fulvic acids differ depending on the source. I swear I noticed remarkable growth since I added it.
Haha my support staff. Everyone on look in the mirror. That's my staff. Such fine folk, and good looking too! I'm a lucky man. Enjoy spring conditions today.
The one thing I noticed about humic and fulvic acid is if I’m feeding heavy and add the acids uptake increases to the point I’ll burn the plants up. I have to lower me EC before I add Humic and fulvic acids.
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