Four Fine Fall Phillies

Nice story to read otter .

Look yo a song called fuck cancer by rittz strange music lol

Love that song !

It’s really neat and heart warming to hear stories of growers growing for someone who really needs the aid of cannabis and it’s medical values it offers.

Good day to you and yours otter ✊
Hey Joe, I will. There's more of us than I could imagine. Good one to you too.
Highya SO,

Love that story. I got busted a couple times back in the day, so I still get very nervous around cops. Now, the lamb will lay down with the lion. Never thought I'd see the day! Cheers
That was a Very cool story and the thing you are doing for that young lady , The Plants are looking Great man what a spread ! Good to hear the clones are doing good ,, Has anyone here grown
Californian Snow
I just dropped a seed and when i read some More on it some people well 2 of 3 said they had issues with it , may go with the Girl Scout Cooky auto i was thinking about anyway for a back up and put the snow in the dirt outside if it is going to be slow ... I need to finish up in 3 months !!!
That was a Very cool story and the thing you are doing for that young lady , The Plants are looking Great man what a spread ! Good to hear the clones are doing good ,, Has anyone here grown
Californian Snow
I just dropped a seed and when i read some More on it some people well 2 of 3 said they had issues with it , may go with the Girl Scout Cooky auto i was thinking about anyway for a back up and put the snow in the dirt outside if it is going to be slow ... I need to finish up in 3 months !!!
I haven't but it sounds slick.
Today brings new challenges to the tent. Strawberry Cough caught my eye with spots on a few of her leaves so I followed up on it before I fed her. I'm out of the tent area now so I have to think out loud. Since I see only two or three leaves I'm going to look more closely before I change anything. I remember seeing a few tiny freaky looking leaves weeks ago. They might have grown out. I remember where they were. If that's not the case then I went with the trusty problem solver. My pic looks like the first one to me. Calcium def. I had a problem earlier with calcium and increased it. Maybe I need to go up again. First I need to look at the whole plant and see where the problem actually is, then make the decision to increase calcium. This plant looks 9?% happy, I might want to leave it alone. There's something to be said about picking the leaves that bother me. Here's a pic of the leaf. I'll be off taking a better look. It's watering day for her so I'm on the spot.
Here's what the problem solver says.
Solution to fixing a Calcium deficiency
To fix a calcium deficiency you can treat by foliar feeding with one teaspoon of dolomite lime or Garden lime per quart of water, Or Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have Calcium in them will fix a Calcium deficiency. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients or it will cause nutrient burn!)
Or you can take crushed up dolomite lime or garden lime in a gallon of water and water it in the soil. 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon of water, which will be slow acting. Garden Gypsum, which is medium absorption. Limestone, which is medium absorption, Rock Phosphate and Animal wastes which are both medium/slow absorption. Note: Caution when using gypsum to an already acid soil (pH that is less than 5.5) can have a very bad effect on different types of plants by effecting the absorption of soil aluminum, which is poison to plant roots.

Now if you added to much chemical nutrients and or organics, (which is hard to burn your plants when using organics) you need to flush the soil with plain water. You need to use 2 times as much water as the size of the pot, for example: If you have a 5 gallon pot and need to flush it, you need to use 10 gallons of water to rinse out the soil good enough to get rid of excessive nutrients.

Pictures 1-2 shows calcium deficiencies. First one shows late, 2nd one shows early development.

Looks like calcium but may be an old problem. Is it spreading?
I also implore you not to remove these leaves, because the only one they are offending is you. If you take them, and the plant still has a problem, you just moved the presentation of this deficiency to a new set of leaves. Instead of the drastic move of spreading lime all around and really messing up your soil balance, I would first try increasing the amount of calmag given by 50%. Bigger plants now have bigger needs. Try to address those needs first, before freaking out and doing something silly to the entire room.
Here's an idea of how much I strip under the net. Not as much as some I think. I find lots of good bud below the net. My goal is to be able to work down there watering and to see any problems. Also for air circulation.

Hey stone, your grow looking amazing buddy. Do u use the leafs that u cut off for anything? At what %of amber trichs did u start flushing?
Hey stone, your grow looking amazing buddy. Do u use the leafs that u cut off for anything? At what %of amber trichs did u start flushing?
Hi gaz, If I'm growing an indica I want a good strong couchlocking nighttime sleep inducing med so I wait for 30 to 50% amber if I have the patience. The crosses I go all milky to just a tad amber. Depends on how I'm going to use it. I only use the sugar leaves after trimming but one day I'm going to figure out if I want to do that.
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