Bomb Seeds THC Bomb

Shits wild what kind of dry weights do you get with your one week veg got me wanting to try it lol
the master kush will be my first plant to have 1 week of veg plus grow under the hid its entire life, so ill let you know when shes done, and i make the pull!

next run, i will top or lollipop all my plants. pruning, even once, really does make the plant stronger.

im kind of upset that thc bomb is such a small plant.
please help! its worse without the flash.

Hey man I wish I had more than opinion to add but since you flushed her with ph'd water in the new photos she looks better on the unaffected parts and new growth.those Pistils look strong Maybe the damaged leaves can't repair and replacements are on their way. I would think about phing her water for longer too.
Keep pulling her through this she looks like shes itching to explode on some bud growth and your close to 4 weeks since seein first pistil Thats 3+ weeks to do it:cheertwo:
Nice family portrait the master kush has HUGE Buds Keep her level so she dont tip the pot over:clap:
would you guys guess nute burn or nute deficient? last night i fed with a granular 4-4-4 feed. going to keep testing the ph of the water..but its below 7 so i dont see the issue. all the other plants do fine on the same water.
my fish emulsion burns easily. it usually makes the leaves claw downwards before "burning" like this though..finicky plant..

i take back what i said. this is NOT a chemdawg cross. i smell no chemdawg at all. i smell musky, earthy coffee or chocolate tones with a loud menthol smell when i touch the flowers.
Oh just my thought but this was posted on my journaL by Doc Bud
[/QThe dolomite will stabilize your pH, but unfortunately it will inhibit nitrogen uptake somewhat.

At this point, don't try anymore soil fixes, but do try to find some calcium nitrate. It's very cheap at agricultural supply and feed stores. Liquid is best.

All the organic material becomes acidic, as you noted. But the pH isn't the main problem. The CEC of the soil goes flat. Don' worry about what that means right now, just understand that trying to feed "deficiencies" wil have you chasing your tail.

If you can give them a good drench with calcium nitrate, things should turn around quickly.UOTE]
For future reference:

Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) will negate nitrate's effect on the plant. Nitrate (NO3) is a water soluble, fast acting nitrogen. It also leeches out very fast. This is the type of nitrogen that can give you the claw very easily.

So, if you ever have the claw, or are worried you over fertilized you can add epsom salt, which will negate the problems. It has to do with differing ionic charges.

So in the future, try to get just calcium nitrate when this issue comes up, which it does fairly often in organics. Ag supply stores will have it for sure.

But what you used wont' do any harm and might just help a bit!

I never got cal nitrate or epsom salt to try but I know you have soil life and use compost, so do I .. so that could be a help maybe?

Then I was looking on Bomb Seeds about thc bomb and they stated like you said short plants and also medium/hard to grow, I got my seeds just looking at thc% and am starting to worry for when I try them.
hey bmeat!

sorry to see your thc bomb reacting adversely!
personally! i think king AND Vick were on the ball... i can see signs of heat stress with the edges of the leaves curling upward like that- which ime is heat stress for sure- ive had this happen to a lesser degree... ALTHOUGH it also appears there MAY be a nute deficiency going on as a result of high ph lock-out- this is purely speculation tho...
if it were me?? i would flush the fuck out her for a good 10-15mins with cool water.. aiding to anesthetize her roots also, with the cool water. possibly add a PH buffer to stabilize soil, i would lift the light by ATLEAST a foot to relieve any possible stress, if not take her right away from the light for a day to recover... i would apply a LIGHT foliar spray including analysized micro elements as well as macro elements-mixed with LOW(5.8-6) ph'd water... and pray ;]

you must be able to identify something that is different in the last week that she reacted thusly??

wishing you all the best bro! hope she recovers! :Namaste:
hoping this does the trick guys..flushed her out with some cool water with a low ec to pull whatevers in there out. tap water, free "flush" solution in my eyes lol. then i put this on her. my friends said cal and mag are good to have a little extra of so i got lucky with this. the fish doesnt have it in it (i think?) and maybe thats why she got sick?


as you can see, pruning once (topping) made that one plant grow out of control. the thc bomb is the only one proped up on video game cases -_-
checked ph of the plant via runoff..its fine..i guess i really need some micronute supplements. i only have a cal mag supplement..why isnt it working?

4 weeks into bloom. shes short and small..but theres LOTS of flower sights, super dense.

is sea salt good for the soil? it has a good amount of minerals in it.

thc bomb, 5 weeks into bloom from pistil. shes pissing me off, not doing much better.

dill, basil, cherry tomato, beefsteak tomato and cilantro, 1 week from breaking earth. how does a lemon tree grow? might grow a lemon tree and a pepper plant as well, will just pickup some sprouts from a store.

6 weeks in bloom from pistil.

im trying to let my soil dry out like someone on --------- suggested. i think this is fixing my issue (shes not really drinking for some reason), but its kinda late in the game for this one. what a waste.

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