Five's Huge Blue Dream Perpetual In 2 Tents - 1700+ LED Watts - Soil - Nutes

Ok I'll take that as a complement then :)

Updates will be coming a little more often since I have a lot more going on, my hands are a bit full actually! Tonight I transplanted 2 of the blue dream seeds I popped the day I cut clones, these are in FFOF. They went from a solo into a #1, got a good amount of the great white sprinkled into the hole..watered with fresh RO only. Veg tent got a Co2 recharge today as well! Cheers

I have a bit of money into that company as well over the years. Shouldn't I get a t shirt or something. Every 30 bags of FFOF one free T Shirt? :cheesygrinsmiley:

Looking great as always Five! Now upping to 1000w and more CO2 'eh. Sweet!
Bob ;)
I have a bit of money into that company as well over the years. Shouldn't I get a t shirt or something. Every 30 bags of FFOF one free T Shirt? :cheesygrinsmiley:

Looking great as always Five! Now upping to 1000w and more CO2 'eh. Sweet!
Bob ;)

30 bags!?! Wow lol I bought 4, 1 is unopened and I've recycled the soil from my males. I'm guessing this will last me awhile since I'm switching to mostly coco for a drip system. I've kept a bunch of new seeds in soil in case I screw up this coco thing.. If you bought that many bags you should get some free nutes lol

Thanks for the compliments! It's wayyyy hotter than my LED, even with the cool tube. These lights put off a ton of heat! I've added a small fan blowing on the bottom of the cool tube and turned my inline up to 75% during lights on. When they click off I just dial it back down to 25%.. This has helped me keep it in check. I might get a small booster fan and throw that in the mix, plug it in the timer so it's on when I need it. Probably come warmer weather I won't have a choice.
Quick flower update.

Took a few pics on my phone and used one of the edits to color balance it a little bit..I only have LED glasses, no HPS stuff yet. Bear with me on that lol. The tops are starting to show frost just noticed it overnight with the new light. I gave them RO water yesterday, 2 gallons each to help flush out some of the N. I'm still showing signs of too much. I also raised my HPS light and a few other changes that dropped temps. I'm now 2* hotter than I was with LED, running the 1000w hps. Happy with that! Cheers
Lovely pix Five. Can I ask how high you raised the HPS? I'm new to both and was happy with only LED. Since the HPS I've struggled with temps. Got a 5" cool tube, which is ok for 400w but not the 600 I want to run it at. Any insights into temp control would be most welcome.

ps - I too have a fan blowing onto the cool tube. At night I need an oil filled radiator to keep the tent warm enough.
Lovely pix Five. Can I ask how high you raised the HPS? I'm new to both and was happy with only LED. Since the HPS I've struggled with temps. Got a 5" cool tube, which is ok for 400w but not the 600 I want to run it at. Any insights into temp control would be most welcome.

ps - I too have a fan blowing onto the cool tube. At night I need an oil filled radiator to keep the tent warm enough.
What is your room temp? Heat capacity of air is very low. I have a 2 degree delta in my tent or if my room is 70 my tent will be 72. For my cooltube (last grow 600, 1000) I had my cooltube ducted out window with intake pulling air from my room. Another fan pushed air out of tent into room causing passive tent intake of air. Both of these fans ran on thermostat bought for ~$40 on line. To keep HPS cool you need to move air, lots of air. I have 440 cfm with carbon filter pushing tent air out the window and 560 cfm fan pushing air into tent now running 1050 watt bare bulb now. Room is at 68 and fan kicks on at 74, it will cycle for 10 min or so to get tent to 70 and cycle off. Fans stay off about 4-5 min and repeat.




If you guys need help with setup let me know.

Tent is asleep now but here are a few other shots of tent setup.



Ensure ballast is out of tent.


Hope this helps.

Great info! Like he said, you have to move a lot of air! A lot.. With my 900w LED I had my inline set at 25-30% power. That kept my tent at 79*. Now I run the inline fan at 75% power through the cool tube + a small fan blowing on the bottom of cool tube, and an extra intake vent..this keeps my tent at 82* no problem.. Keep in mind I'm running a good amount of Co2 now as well so I'm happy with temps. Also keeping the ballast outside helps too. Anything that gives off heat run it outside if you can. With these big HPS bulbs I wouldn't run any venting smaller than 6". I think 8" would be ideal, mostly in summer. Just guessing though!

I also keep a heater inside the tent set to 75* for lights off. It keeps the tent around 72 while they sleep.

Those pictures of the flowers are exactly 21 days today from flip. So around ~2 weeks since showing sex. Since I'm going coco with a drip style system I'm going to need more nutes. A lot more than what I have. I've seen a lot of good results on the tube with blue planet nutrients, and the cost is right. I will be finishing out my fox farm line since I don't want to waste a drop lol but moving forward with my 20 gallon res, I'll be using B P N probably at 25-50% strength.


My hps light, forgot to mention that! I can't find my tape measure, but I'm guessing it's around 30-36" above the plants now.
You can get you cooltube closer, if you get to close you will see this.


Your leaves will turn up on edges, no big deal, just move your light a few inches higher.

Tent is now up.


I'm in 4x4x6.8 foot tent. 1050 watts are 62. 5 watts per square foot.




Cooltube will keep bulb cool but not cool tent. You need to move 4x tent volume per min.

How are you supplying the CO2? What ppm do you have it set at?

Sugar and yeast. The byproduct is Co2, and I'm not that fancy yet to have the tools to measure it. I just know it's more than what we have in the air normally lol.

Millertm nice setup! You must move a ton of air in order to keep those temps. I don't want to crank mine up past 75% for noise reasons but it's just enough with the cool tube to be in the safe range.
Get excited! Here is what I've decided for the next round, 5 weeks out. Currently my coco clones are in #1 pots, they will then go into 2.5 gallon next. Then into 5 gallon fabrics where they will stay. I've found a cheap way to deal with waste water (I will set for min runoff, but with this system a little runoff is expected) it's going to be a pain if I have to suck each saucer up with a turkey baster daily..but this will force me to keep a close eye on them since I've never used coco..I'm still working on the drip system, completion and trial testing starts next week. I have adjustable drippers so I want to know exactly how much flows at different adjustments, running the pump at different times, ect.. A lot of testing and measuring will be done to ensure no issues when it goes live and full time.

Here is what I've found. Nice HD saucer pans 14" and these cool 13" stands made just for fabric pots. This will allow them to drip and air prune the bottom of the fabric pots. Win/win. I also found these fabric pots at 1/3 the cost of smart pots, wayyyy cheaper.


Lastly my new nute line. Blue Planet Nutrients, the high yield system, delux size. I'm also picking up these cool pumps for the gallons so mixing nutes for my res will be faster and easier. I'm pumped to take this to the next level applying everything I've learnen and the mistakes I've made from the first round..and mistakes I haven't made since I'm still 5 weeks out from chop haha.:circle-of-love:
What's up everyone, quick update! Mid week pictures come tomorrow but I figured I'd stop in to let you know what going on until then!

This morning just about everything got fresh ro water. The coco plants got a little flush, my runoff ph is a little too to high. Need to work on that.. Any tips? My soil ph runoff was a little low so this watering my phs were slightly adjusted to help until I figure out how important runoff ph is.. Next watering will be plain RO in both tents..My runoff ppm is high enough to do this probably the next 2 waterings in the flower tent, for sure next watering in the veg tent. Moving forward I'm going 1/4 strength when feeding unless I see a deficiency of any type. Period.

The lesson learned today is more isn't always better. Measuring all my run offs I was able to tell what's going on, I'm over feeding according to my runoff ppm. The runoff ph has me scratching my head in both tents..

My N toxic girls.. I've fully corrected the problem in one, the other is bouncing back. Today they started to pray more for the first time since the claw took over.. 1 more RO watering should get me back on track..

Lastly my clones are shooting roots out the bottoms of my coco #1 pots and everying has been FIM'd I'm expecting a stunt for the next week unless the coco works wonders..last time I fim'd it really stunted them..we will see!

Catch you guys on the flipside tomorrow with some pics! Cheers
I think I've read that somewhere here as well, just wanted someone to correct me if I was wrong..

Upgrades and improvements still coming.. I got a 5 stage ro water filtration system, this will feed a large barrel to store many many gallons.. Enough ro filters to last me 4 years lol.. Began work on the drip system, all parts arrived. I've upgraded the flower intake vent from 6" to 8", this allowed me to dial down my inline fan again. Still holding 82*

Also received 8 gallons of my new nutrients.. Yes 8 gallons lol. Basically I'm trying really hard to get things I will need for the long term.
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