Five's Huge Blue Dream Perpetual In 2 Tents - 1700+ LED Watts - Soil - Nutes

The first picture is during the build, keep in mind I did the res last weekend. My res is a 27 gallon setup fitted with a 60 gallon dual air pump with 2 6" stones in the tank (max o2), it has a 300 gph pump always running with the air pump to keep the res from also has a 400gph pump which is set on a cycle timer and will kick on depending on programming to feed the's really simple actually and didn't break the bank for how much easier this will make life..not to mention the product will be wayyyy better.. The main line feeds into the tent and loops around. It's a 1/2" feed and I have 1/4" lines that run up to adjustable drippers. That's it! The smart pots sit on special stands that let runoff drip into the saucers. It's clean and simple. What do you guys think!?

Keep this up and you will have a POTM candidate for sure. I see you're not afraid to put in a bit of work as well. I am like you... i obsess over the details.
Keep this up and you will have a POTM candidate for sure. I see you're not afraid to put in a bit of work as well. I am like you... i obsess over the details.

I will start to get into the contests here and try to contribute more how to and DIY posts for the community then! Sounds like fun and I love giving back. :love:

I'm a very hard worker, unfortaunly I currently 'live to work' 14-16 hour those ethics naturally transfered into my medi garden. Believe it or not any coco or water seen on the tent floor in those pics is cleaned up and it's spotless. It will always remain that way, I keep a tub of Clorox wipes just for my tents! Lol

As for updates I'll get you guys some pics this weekend on the flower/veg tent with the focus on my newly installed drip system and recently transplanted clones! Cheers
It's only been 2 days since the drip system went live and they LOVE it! One change this weekend will be swapping out the adjustable drippers for a pressurized 1gph style dripper. The adjustable ones are too hard to get each and every one set for an even watering.. So I bought a bunch of drippers that cap at 1galllon per hour. Since I'm running an over kill feed pump at 400gph the new style should ensure an even watering each and every time. This will be installed tomorrow and I'll adjust my cycle timer in accordance to the new flow rates.. After every run I'll break the system down and soak in CLR or something to ensure no clogging and equipment longevity..

The clones are finally greening up and just look happier. It's been set at 2 small feelings daily..I will bump to 3 this weekend when I reprogram the timer. The added feelings and bumping to 50% nute strength is working! Thanks for the tips folks :)
Here is a sneak peak of the difference in 2 days with the drip system and multiple feedings..I swear the stems are almost double the size lol

Here is the day of install after LST..

Here is right when they woke up literally 48 hours from the top pic..insane! And a close up of my LST job trying to make more tops.. Sea of green anyone? Week 6 of veg starts Monday! Next week the centers will be filled out completely and I'll let them grow up a little more so I can get ready to cut more clones!

What's up everyone! It's about that time I send a small update your way with the deets for today.. It's been a few days now since I've installed the automatic drip system and they LOVE it! I've since been watching closely to any dry spots in my coco and over wet spots. Each day I've been watching closely to how they react and the overall condition of my coco.. I've decided to pull the system and make more changes, version 2.0 is going in today! Now nothing changes with my res, just the main feed line, drip lines, and lastly new drippers. I've decided with my adjustable drippers is wayyy to hard to get them all I've went with a standard 1 gallon per hour emitter this time. I'll adjust the waterings via programming with how long I let each cycle run. Another upgrade will be adding a 3rd emitter to each pot. Currently I only have 2 and the waterings will be much better spread out with 3 emitters. Since I want my main line to be clean I'll just redo it and punch all new holes so it's spaces evenly.. Besides I have around 100 feet of this stuff lol. I'll also be making the 1/4" drip lines about 4-6" longer. This will allow some wiggle room for pot adjustments and for larger pots if needed for the future..

I've also been busy cleaning up my grow space with the addition of a 2nd inline fan and carbon filter. I got a larger system this time around so the 5x5 will be getting a nice upgrade, the smaller system is now setup in the 3x3.. Each tent runs on its own ventilation system now and dropped temps 10-12* across the board. So much I'm running the fans on a lower speed setting! Win win.


For the flowers I cut a early sample from the very bottom to cure over the next 2 weeks while they finish up and flush. Just to see were I'm at. I'll be watch the trics closely over the next 2 weeks
Lol I wish I could spread the love like that! Really though, for less than $100 you can build this yourself. It's simple once you learn how the systems work and get creative!

The drip system 2.0 is complete! I've adjusted the programming to run on for 5 minutes, off for 5 hours. This will only kick on during lights on so they will be fed 3 times a day now moving forward. It took me a few hours to put everything together and about $15 worth of supplies to remake the drip lines. I also took the time since it would be the last time they come out for a long time to do the final round of pest preventative mantainance. I also did a mild defol on the tops to clear off the big fan leave that were covering my new tops. I won't be doing anymore LST since I have a Nice sea of green going. Just some branch moving and cutting off fan leaves that block tops.

My new emitters go directly on the mainline so there are less parts with v2.0. Now each pot has 3 feed lines that go up and they will run for 5 minutes 3 times a day..should really help ramp up growth. Week 5 of veg is complete and my stems are already bigger than my flowering plants that were vegged for 7 weeks lol. Coco, new nutes, bigger light, more seat time = results!


I pulled off a lot of leaves that were covering tops and gave them a heavy soak top and bottoms of everything just to be safe! This is a bug free zone!
Really beautiful sea of green...:goodjob:....:circle-of-love:

Thank you! Trying my best to get results this run with a full tent unlike the first lol. The drip system will make life wayyyyy easier! Today I mixed in 15 more gallons of RO water with 50% veg nutrients. Ppm was ~830, ph was set at ~5.8. My res is now almost full, holding 25 gallons of nutrients. Let's see how long that lasts with 3 daily feelings?!
I know this is a really dumb question and one would think as much as I have seen it used I would know but what is RO...:confused: I used to think it meant run off but it doesn't make sense in to many ways If seen it used in a phrase.... If you would answer really quick and then fill up this page so only a few folks see my dumb question I would appreciate it...:;):....:circle-of-love:
:thanks: so much Max... I actually use distilled water for my girls too so it's kinda the same thing isn't it... anyhow thank you and I actually don't feel so silly now cause that isn't something your average Joe would know... Now the fact I've been around here for 2.5 years kinda makes ya scratch your head...:blushsmile:...:circle-of-love:
:thanks: so much Max... I actually use distilled water for my girls too so it's kinda the same thing isn't it... anyhow thank you and I actually don't feel so silly now cause that isn't something your average Joe would know... Now the fact I've been around here for 2.5 years kinda makes ya scratch your head...:blushsmile:...:circle-of-love:

I *think* they are very similar in that both types of water are pretty pure. I'll defer to someone with greater knowledge than me for further clarification. I suspect growers use more RO than distilled water because there are RO systems available for home use but you don't see domestic distillers.
You nailed it, I also think it has to do with electric conductivity or something of that nature, distilled has a ppm of 0 like RO water but it also has 0 ec. RO water has EC since its filtered not distilled. I think the plants like EC..not sure exactly..

Here is a peak in on my vegging clones and the sea of green in the 5x5 tent. Also a peak at the flowering girls as they near flushing. The leaves are fading. I'll check the tric colors this week..cheers!

What's up everyone! Quick update for those who are following :)

Yesterday marked the start of my 10 day flush on my flowering girls, kicking it off with a salt rinse with fox farms sledghammer. I'll be giving them a gallon of RO water each every 2 days or so. Chop will come when I can scope the trics and I see a little Amber.

The vegging clones are doing amazing, the growth in coco with the drip system is nuts. Being under 1000w MH is helping as well I'm sure.. The stalks are already thicker at 5 weeks than my current flowering girls that were vegged for 7 weeks in's on another level. To give you an idea I popped some seeds 3 days before these clones were cut.. By the time these clones were transplanted into coco this seedling I took a picture of was already 14 days old/ahead.. Here is a comparison of soil VS proper coco run..(well as proper as I could make it on my first run)

Here is my seedling, 14 days older than the 8 clones..below that is a shot of a clone..I have bigger ones in the back I couldn't take a picture of..the difference is insane!!

Here is a shot of how nicely they filled out the 5x5 with min LST..I've been removing some fan leaves that cover tops here and there..other than that they haven't been touched..

I'll be taking clones soon and a lollipop. I'll let them recover from the stress for a few days then flip to 12/12. The next wave is about to start real soon and this time I won't disappoint! It's my first run with coco and the drip so I'm sure I'll have questions, stay tuned! Until next time, cheers!
Five, you need to slow down so that the guys who have been doing this for a while can catch up. LOL!! Absolutely brilliant work mate. I mean that.
Five, you need to slow down so that the guys who have been doing this for a while can catch up. LOL!! Absolutely brilliant work mate. I mean that.

Thank you so much! I know I say thanks but it means so much more than that! No plans of slowing down here, especially when it comes to my work and helping people with needs. To fulfill my dreams and scale this process up I'm going full steam ahead!

Moving forward with an upcoming YouTube channel and other things it will get even better and more enjoyable. Until the next update, keep them frosty! Cheers
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