Five's Huge Blue Dream Perpetual In 2 Tents - 1700+ LED Watts - Soil - Nutes

I'm not sure I'm completely dialed but compared to the first time around its night and day. Mostly had watering issues the first time, now I understand it better lol, at least in soil. Next run of coco should be better too since I'm still learning with that! Yester I fed all the coco plants 2 gallons total, 1/4 strength nutes. Today the girls in flower got a feeding as well, just over 1/4 strength. I've also stripped most of the fan leaves off for the lower sites..they don't seem to be packing on much for blue dream..probably because I stunted them so many times and had issues with N toxicity..all lowers yields. Oh well the first run is more of trial and error anyway. They sure are getting frosty though!

I'm not sure I'm completely dialed but compared to the first time around its night and day. Mostly had watering issues the first time, now I understand it better lol, at least in soil. Next run of coco should be better too since I'm still learning with that! Yester I fed all the coco plants 2 gallons total, 1/4 strength nutes. Today the girls in flower got a feeding as well, just over 1/4 strength. I've also stripped most of the fan leaves off for the lower sites..they don't seem to be packing on much for blue dream..probably because I stunted them so many times and had issues with N toxicity..all lowers yields. Oh well the first run is more of trial and error anyway. They sure are getting frosty though!

It tough brother, same here, soil is hard to master.

Thank you! They are coming along, I wish I went with a 4x4 veg tent now. The 3x3 is wayyy too small :(

Anyway here is a flower tent update, it's been a hot minute since I posted any pictures. These are from a phone camera under hps so the color is a little off.. I tried to get some close ups. ~40 days since I flipped to 12/12..

This weekend my clones will be going into 5 gallon smart pots most likely as they already outgrew the 1.75 gallon pots. This will give them ~3 weeks to grow into the new space :)

Hey guys another quick update! Checked on the clones and they don't need a transplant yet, so next weekend it is! Until then I've LST all of them and bent them in ways they didn't want to go. Looks like a mess lol, in a few hours they will be perky again! Also I've decided to turn the fans up and my light to the 750w setting.. They will love the extra 250w I'm sure! They only have about 20-27 more days to veg so the next 3 weeks will be under 750w MH..then they will have 2 weeks to grow into 5 gallon pots. I will be chopping the flower tent in 20 days so I'm thinking I'll put the clones into the flower tent, cut clones again, swap in my MH bulb and run it on 1000w for one more week. This will let the roots develop more, they will have a chance to grow out of the clone cutting shock, and just a week under wayyyyy more space then they have now..just thoughts but I'll probably be going in that direction. This will also give me a week to make sure my automated drip watering system is dialed in for a week prior to flipping to 12/12. Playing it safe I guess! I just want the 5x5 to be full this time around.. Here is a shot of the veg tent just after LST...also peaked in the sleeping flower tent for some better color pics! Enjoy, cheers!

Thank you guys! They still have at least 3 weeks of flowering, maybe 4 depending on the trics..need to get a loop and scope them out in a few weeks..

The veg tent became overcrowded wayyyyy too fast. Noob mistake, not sure what I was thinking. I've pulled 10 plants out already lol all my unsexed seedlings I popped and 3 is still tight. I have 8 clones slammed in there, really need a 4x4 space to veg in order to flower in a 5x5.. I'm really thinking about pulling the trigger on ANOTHER tent, this time 4x4 for veg. Then my 3x3 will turn into a seedling/clone/nursery..but WHEN do I stop is the question lol? I still haven't finished a single run and I already want to turn this into a 3 stage perpetual lol my space is quickly running out!

Last night I gave the clones about 16oz of food, a little extra N and extra cal mag..they were showing me they wanted the full does of cal mag. Last feeding I cut it down to 3ml per gal...that wasn't enough! Tried to get away with the lower dose but in 2 days they were showing it wasn't enough..they sure do like the 750w setting though! They are already filling in the center with tops since the 2nd round of LST.. Co2 was also recharged.

QUESTION** I made a foiler feed up with some cal mag, organic sea weed with like 70 different vitamins and minerals in it, and a trace amount of b vitamins.. The dose is set for a foiler spray mix according to the directions, I even slightly reduced it to be safe, ph set around 6.2..the question is, if I'm watering my coco clones every other day with 16oz of 1/4 strength feed ph at 5.8, on the days I don't water can I foiler feed them with my special mix? What's the benifited of a foiler spray and what's the best time to use it?

Currently bubbling a half strength feeding for my flowering girls, this will bubble for about 2 hours. I'll check the ph again the feed my girls.

I really want to get some more genetics, maybe I can get a sponsor to hook it up with some tester strains or something cool I can run and log! If I can get some sponsors I'll go all in and get a 3rd tent lol

Hey guys what's up! Five here with a pretty major update! Today I was hard at work and a made a big decision that should pay off..I switched the tents around completely..the flowering girls were very very carefully cut out of the net and placed in the 3x3 under the hps.. My 8 clones and 2 seedlings are now at home in the 5x5 with a MH bulb on the 1000w setting.. My res is completely setup and outfitted with a 60 gallon air pump, 2 6" air stones, a small 300 gph pump that will always be running with the air pump to keep the nutes from settling..then my main 400 gph pump for the drip system. I have my main line going into the tent and that's where I stopped. I have to finish the main line then add all the 1/4 inch drip lines, program my cycle timer, and it's done!! Woot woot I can't wait! I'll be transplanting them into 5 gallon smart pots very soon and will do more LST now they can breath.. They will soon be drip fed and are under 1000w..this should give me great results over the next 3 weeks I hope!! I'm just happy the 5x5 will be full wall to wall with females :)) I'm having a hard time getting them to really green up in the coco, I've been running 1/4 strength, should I up the dose or just add a little more cal mag?? Any coco users in here?

Here are the pics! Enjoy.


Nice tent's. You'll kill it in the veg tent under 1k MH. But don't over veg. My largest area is always flower. But you can now take more time in veg. With that light you can manifold your plants.

Hopefully I can kill it! I only switched tents because I had 2 plants in a 5x5 tent flowering while my veg tent was busting at the seams.. On the next run I'll have to switch it up somehow, I only want a max of 9 plants in the 5x5' tent. This should be good we shall see how it works out this run. Now I have my girls finishing flower in the 3x3 under 750w hps, should turn out ok..
I always end up running out of flowering space. Now I have autos whereas they flower under any light.

Hey Five. Looking good mate! :goodjob:
In regards to nutes in coco.. I'm running 2/3 strength Canna coco (2ml/L) and half strength AN additives (1ml/L) and my girl is loving it. This is my second all coco grow, my first was some autos following A-train's feed schedule. I think you can defs up the feed a little! :thumb:
Absolutely beautiful stuff! Blue Dream is really a beautiful strain, and some of your photos look like they should be in a dictionary!

I think 3x3 tent is a bit small for these beauties, you should definitely go for a bigger one ;)
I'm not sure what I was thinking when I went with the 3x3..but heck now when I buy a 4x4 I have it for clones clones and seedlings. I'll have to make what I have work for the next run at least and improvise..I've spent so much and until I can recover some of these costs I need to be careful with the budget lol.

Thank you guys for the love and support its a ton of work at this point lol. I thought transplanting a few was tough..doing 10 plants is a lot of work into 5 gallon pots lol. I sprinkle in my mircoriza powder and do all this meticulous things that take forever! I'm halfway done, I need to take my other 11lb brick of coco and get it ready today so I can finish my transplant into their final home..

Lastly thanks for the feedings tips! I'll bump up to 1/2 strength and see how they respond to small daily feedings until my drip system is up and running. I'll be mixing 10-20 gallons in my res at a time so I would like to get the ratio down pat before I start dumping in all that money lol now under the 1000w I bet they will be ok for sure.

Once my transplant is complete and they have a day or 2 of recovery I'll get some update shots for you guys. The flower tent is starting to fade a little, you can see the calaxes swelling and they are bulking abit. I gave a lower one a pinch and it was rock hard, like I could kill someone using it as a beating stick haha

Lol I like the boat reference and can see how that would be! Boats are flippin expensive tho!

Welllll I got my drip system up and running!! It's compete and I'm really really happy how it turned out..only issue I need to figure out is what I'm going to do with run off..I was thinking of buying another pump and hook hoses to it and pump it out that way into a jug..but I need to stop buying stuff!! Haha seriously. I'm going to run it 2-3 times a day for 30 seconds on my cycle timer and see how they like that from now until the then I'll know if I need to run it longer or less.. I'll probably bump it down for now, they just went into the 5 gallon pots. In 1-2 weeks I'll ramp it up once the roots establish more.. I put 2 adjustable droppers in each pot, they can be adjusted/completely turned off if need be.. Since it's set on a cycle timer I literally have to do nothing now but check the ph in my res daily and top off with 5-10 gallons of nute water when I feel like it..

I mixed my nutrients at a 50% ratio and ppm was 850, ph was set to exactly 5.8. My res will hold 25 gallons max, I only mixed 20 gallons.. I'll stick to even numbers until I get this dialed in.. I did LST on everything to bush them out and more topping on the main shoots so the others will catch up to even things out.. Since they were transplanted yesterday they are pretty pissed I topped today lol. Well they just look a little sad but much greener!! In 48 hours they should be loving life!!

Pics shortly!! Cheers
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