Five's Huge Blue Dream Perpetual In 2 Tents - 1700+ LED Watts - Soil - Nutes

Quick update with a lot of good news and more changes lol.

Today I tore apart the clonner, cleaned it out, and added 2 fresh gallons of my clone mix. This should last until the last 2 push enough roots to transplant. I'm kind of a neat freak, I think they pushed such healthy roots because I took apart the clonner 3 times now throughout this process. Each time they were just starting to get gunked up with weird stuff..I was told I didn't have to touch it for 2 weeks from the makers.. Well here's the deal. Everytime I cleaned it and added fresh solution, they exploded. The extra work was worth it.

I also mixed a fresh gallon for my little clones in coco but they still don't need it. The pots are still heavy from the 14oz I gave them on transplant. They are looking great, not really drinking much yet! Growth is already noticeable and the yellow ones are greening up nicely. I can't wait to show you this weekend! Maybe sooner :circle-of-love:

So I'm diving head first into a fully automated drip system for my coco. It's completion is out a month or so but I've already started getting parts. I'll probably make some type of product for those interested since there litterlly isn't anything on the market for under $500, dtw drip anyway.

Lastly a touch on lighting. I'm not sure how I feel about my G8 900. I got a Black Friday deal on it so it was $1000 instead of $1100. It's bright as hell, heat isn't bad, pulls just over 600 from the wall. Coverage is not enough for a full 5x5 tent, imo anyway. And it's not sealed perfectly. I've already cleaned it out once, the build on this is pretty good, but compared to my Mars light, it's not enough to justify the price. I'm looking into return options now, if Amazon favors my claim. They claim a 1400 watt hid replacement and Don't get me wrong it's good, but $1100 good? Well my lack of experience..I can't really say but I'm leaning its marketing now. We will see what happens.

If I keep it, ok I'm fine with it for now. But I'm leaning that I hope I can return it. I have a system already picked out, HPS double ended in a sealed air cooled hood. I will have $100 in gift cards to use and I'll get 5% back as well. I'm going to order 2 1000 watt systems. They come with mh and hps bulbs so I'll be set on bulbs for a year. I'll throw the 1000 watt in the flower tent, and the 1000w in the veg tent (3x3) haha. On 50% of course. The Mars LED will stay in the veg tent for the first few weeks..

Here's my new theory on how I'll make this cost effective and extend bulb life:

-Clones and seedlings will stay under the Mars LED in veg mode for the first 2 weeks under 24/7
-Clones then will get the bloom spec flipped on, 208 wall watts for 2 weeks 18/6
-Clones then get the DE MH 1000w set to 50%, 500watts in my 3x3 for 3-4 weeks.
-Clones then transfer to flower under DE 1000w HPS

Rinse + Repeat

The reason I'm thinking about doing this is for future expanding if I choose. 1000w in the veg tent is over kill but I can set it at 50%. The main reason is bulbs. They come with 1 DE MH, and 1 DE HPS each. So I'll be starting out with 4 bulbs and buying them in a pair is cheaper. Total cost for both systems (my cost) is $550 shipped. That's 2 1000w kits, air cooled hoods, straps, dimable ballasts..if I send back my other led that's $450 back in my wallet and a massive step up in coverage and wattage..

Wow, big changes. Most DE systems are bare bulb. In fact I have not ever seen DE air cooled. It has to do with them shifting spectrum when air cooled. I have seen air cooled hood's with two sockets for two bulbs but not true DE. DE run at almost 5700 BTU's while 1k is 3500 BTU's. They are hard to run in 5x5 but 4x8 or larger will be easer to cool. Look at a dial a watt ballast, you can run 400, 600, 1000 with overdrive setting for all bulbs. I run 400 MH for veg and 1050 flower. If you have a split air conditioner you might be ok with DE in small tent.

Wow, big changes. Most DE systems are bare bulb. In fact I have not ever seen DE air cooled. It has to do with them shifting spectrum when air cooled. I have seen air cooled hood's with two sockets for two bulbs but not true DE. DE run at almost 5700 BTU's while 1k is 3500 BTU's. They are hard to run in 5x5 but 4x8 or larger will be easer to cool. Look at a dial a watt ballast, you can run 400, 600, 1000 with overdrive setting for all bulbs. I run 400 MH for veg and 1050 flower. If you have a split air conditioner you might be ok with DE in small tent.


Huge changes, most are thoughts..but since this would put money back in my pocket.. I'm 90% sold lol. Check this out I'll link you to it! Legit DE in a air cooled hood with 6". It can be ran at 500w, 750w, 1000w, or even 1100w. I figured with this hood heat would be ok. Summer I'll have ac setup to help. There is a legit 3 year warranty covered by Amazon and yield labs. Already talked to them, I'm not sure why more people don't run this? I have a $100 gift card and I get 5% back..making this switch would literally put $450 back in my pocket! I wanted some feedback first though.

Ok I don't want to break rules so I'm not going to link it. Just type in yield labs 1000w de you will find the system I'm talking about.
Already heard back from Amazon, they approved my return.. If you think my space can handle the heat with the air cooled hood I'll place the order today lol.
I just read the reviews on that hood. Might want to look as well. It needs 220V but says it will run 110V. Reviews state ballast has issues shutting off. Nobody states what voltage their running but my local grow only sells them with 220V plugs and do not have issues. Reviews also state high heat and leaky hood. Honestly, DE might be overkill and cooltube 1k is much easer to control in a small area.

I just read the reviews on that hood. Might want to look as well. It needs 220V but says it will run 110V. Reviews state ballast has issues shutting off. Nobody states what voltage their running but my local grow only sells them with 220V plugs and do not have issues. Reviews also state high heat and leaky hood. Honestly, DE might be overkill and cooltube 1k is much easer to control in a small area.


Good call, I didn't read them all, just saw the 4 star rating. I decided with the Apollo, the cool tube hood version. All mostly good reviews and better light spread for my 5x5.

It was just under $400 for 2 1000w cool tube complete systems with my gift card and rewards lol shipped. So I'm getting back $600 and I'll have 2200 wall watts to play with! This weekend will be interesting since it's going to be a massive pain to swap these out with the net in there.. Oh well.

Big lights and an auto watering system with a res is in the works! Stay frosty my friends
Thats what I got but bare bulb and bought another cooltube setup. Works great.

What brand hood, bulbs & ballasts you got there?
Do you have the elect. load capacity at your house panel to run it all? Lots of amps in a small grow.
You may find yourself fussing with heat problems in that small space.
What brand hood, bulbs & ballasts you got there?
Do you have the elect. load capacity at your house panel to run it all? Lots of amps in a small grow.
You may find yourself fussing with heat problems in that small space.
I run 1050 watts in flowering tent and 192 watts in veg closet. Apollo Purple Reign 1k dial a watt. T5HO for vegging, 2', 8 bulb setup. Two 6" fans cooling tent pulling about 2 amps from one outlet with 70 watt dehumidifier. Ballast on one outlet T5HO on another. Not much left on power envelop so my grow is capped to what I have.

Oh, 1K SHPS Eye bulb by hortalux and 19" gull wing reflector.

What brand hood, bulbs & ballasts you got there?
Do you have the elect. load capacity at your house panel to run it all? Lots of amps in a small grow.
You may find yourself fussing with heat problems in that small space.

I went with the Apollo stuff, it was their complete kit type of deal.. I won't be running it at full steam since I only have 2 plants in the flower tent..probably will be running the hps at 750w. The veg tent won't see more than 400w, it's a 3x3 so I will have it turned down all the way.

I will be running the flower tent off a dedicated 20 amp breaker, at full steam it won't pull more than 15 amps..the rest will be on a 15 amp breaker which won't exceed 8 amps. I don't plan on turning the veg tent past 400w, and that will only be half the time, first 4 weeks of veg will be on a 480w (210 wall watts) LED. Heat shouldn't be to much of an issue, after this run I'll have the tents running on opposite shifts.

Here is an update for you guys on my prep work for new lights and a few other ocd

The veg tent is looking good, the rh is wayy to low though. Need to fix that somehow. Clones got feed yesterday with 14oz of water each creating a little runoff that I drained so they don't wick it back up. I don't think I'll be keeping those little clones in the cloner, the larger one is ready for transplant. The flower tent got a overhaul. New timer, much less wires, cleaned everything up. I move my carbon filter again to remove a sharp bend, and used light ratchet straps to hang it. Looks cleaner. My net got cut in half, lights were moved to optimize current space needed. I cleaned it out top to bottom, wiped down everything.. I will finish this run out how you see it, it's way better now I can actually get inside lol. Next run I'll have 3 plants under the net and the rest I'll be playing around with! Can't wait, I already know the next run will be better just looking at the clone health.

Damn dude, you seem to be doing everything right. Everything.

You can use a cold air humidifier to increase RH. They aren't expensive. Probably about $50 and they work well.
Damn dude, you seem to be doing everything right. Everything.

You can use a cold air humidifier to increase RH. They aren't expensive. Probably about $50 and they work well.

Ditto. You're nailing it.
Happy Trees...
Damn dude, you seem to be doing everything right. Everything.

You can use a cold air humidifier to increase RH. They aren't expensive. Probably about $50 and they work well.

Ditto. You're nailing it.
Happy Trees...

This means a lot! Thank you guys for the compliments, it seriously makes me feel like I'm doing good. It's a lot of work too! I'll probably throw in the humidifier, my veg tent is jammed packed though. I was able to remove the cloner today, but since I popped like 6 more blue dream seeds because I paniced my clones wouldn't make it lol...I have no space.. Not sure what to do yet. I might build a platform so I can make my veg tent 2 levels, I have plenty of height to work with. I'll have to get crafty in the near feature with it.

Here is my new light setup.. 2 cool tubes with reflectors, 2 1000w adjustable smart ballasts, 4 1000w bulbs, 2 timers, 2 sets of ratchet straps. All for $380 shipped to my door! Not a bad price.
Are you guys leaving because I'm swapping out the main LED to the old fashioned stuff?! I'm sorry!

I got the new light up, on 750w the tent went up 6*. I've put my inline fan at 75%, was running it at 50%..this thing is very bright, a lot brighter than the LED even at 75% power.. The veg tent is on a timer now so it will cut off for 6 hours a day. Today I also got everything I need for my drip system, a lot of parts but I can't use it until the veg tent gets a little older. I'm excited!

I'll post up some more pics this weekend! Cheers
Nice setup. I had a CT extraction fan vented out the window and one pushing air out of tent with passive intake.

They're learning cause it was believed you were a new grower needing help.
You don't. Job done. Lol.

No one's gonna think a negative thought about ya using HIDs.
Just remember plants see light differently than we do.
What appears to be brighter light, might be wasted on a plant.
LED works way differently than HID. I won't bore you to death & get into it here.

That all said, Apollo is a good middle of the road brand. Decent ballasts. Your Hortilux bulbs are great ones. Just know that you won't get the full spectrum of light the bulb package States of the ballasts are dimmed down.

Better to crank them up & raise the tubes.
I started with a very similar setup.
Good luck!
Fair enough! I'm new just addicted to reading this board and taking ideas that seem to work lol. Everyday I'm on here and following all the tube channels too! It makes me wish I had more resources lol

I took your advice, the hps is now running at full steam. 1000w. Because I'm expecting the heat to increase more I've recharged all my Co2 and added more..double to be exact. This is less concentrated though, I placed it by the intake vent so it blows around.

I got more pots, going to transplant 2 out of the solo cups tonight at lights out into #1s. They are starting to dry out too fast. I also lowered the veg LED down one last time now they are used to it, the cloner is out, and it's set on a timer.

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