Five's Huge Blue Dream Perpetual In 2 Tents - 1700+ LED Watts - Soil - Nutes

I think the high humidity is just for Five's new clones.

Exactly. Those stats are my veg tent. The flower tent has a rh of 40-50% depending on when I water. Since they are smart pots, on water days the rh is 50%, then it slowly drops to about 40% over a 3-4 day period. Then I re water and it goes back up.
Hey Five! How them Blue Dreams coming along?

Bob ;)

Great! Today they just got fed so I'll snap some pictures for you guys tomorrow. I got a big oscillating fan I need to install for the flower tent so I can pull out the little guys. I decided since I'm this far buying a nice fan that oscillates was a must for the big tent. It's one of those wall mount units so I need to figure out how and where I'm going to mount it. Do you guys run these 24/7 or do you have them tied into your timer. Is it better to have it going at night or keep the big fan off while they sleep?

I have roots showing on a few of the clones already too! I can't believe how fast that happened. I'll get some pictures of that as well. I did my best to get the environment right and the clone x solution seems to be working great. Roots showing in 3 days, I didn't think that was possible??
Great news on the clones. I am a lazy seed growin' fellow and never get my clones started so reps on that!

I keep fans going all the time, 24x7, especially in the flower tent. In fact, I gotta go buy more as I needed more flow in the flower tent and pulled the veg tent fan yesterday to augment. Funny thing is you can't buy fans in AK during the winter. People look at you like you have lost your mind when you ask.

Bob ;)
Thank you guys! Fan came in and I've temporarily mounted it, airflow is wayyyy up even on the low setting. This weekend I'll make a better mount so I can let it osculat. As promised I have some pictures, yesterday they each got a gallon of nute water with all the goddies. Next will be plain ro water Ph'd to 6.5.

The scrog net is up, set to 30" from the ground. They have about an inch or two of stretch before they hit in most spots. I've spread the plants out so they each have the same space and also raised the lights 3" all around. The main 900 watt is back to 26" from the tops. They were getting in the 22-23" range. The last pic you get to see the little root sticking out the bottom of the clone. By this weekend they will probably all have roots. Should I change out the cloner water after a week? I've read it's ok to set and forget for the ~14 days they will stay in it?.. Not sure. Cheers!

It looks like you've skipped the rookie part and gone straight to seasoned grower.
It looks like you've skipped the rookie part and gone straight to seasoned grower.

I wish that was the case! Plants are N toxic, showed signs yesterday and are more apparent today. They aren't dry enough for water tonight so tomorrow night I'm going to give them the sledgehammer then flush the heck out of them. Probably at least 5 gallons of Ph'd water each, at least.. I could just do water feeding for the next 1-2 and that would work out of the system but at this point I think a flushing is best. I need to reverse this toxicity as quickly as I can.

I'm not sure how it happened, using the fox farm nuts at 50% and I even cut out cal mag the last 2 feedings to reduce N for the transition into flowering.. Guessing the feed feed water was just to much with the addition of flower nutes. Moving forward I will do feed water feed to reduce any buildup and cut the nutes down to 25%..
Try and find some FF Boomerang, that with sledgehammer works great to recover plants. Boomerang has bene bac and compost tea properties. Girls do not look too bad, I'd ride it out myself unless it's getting worse.

I just reread your last paragraph. I doubt your toxic, looking at plants old growth is yellow and new growth looks good. You are in a nute def situation. 50% FF is not enough at your stage of flower. I use 2 TSP of TB, GB. 6 TSP big bloom, .25 TSP open sesame or beastly bloom or cha ching per gal. Also, micro brew, roots drench, kelp and Poly_Si. FF is hard to burn at feeding schedule strength. I used 4x open sesame and no burn.

Flushing could make it worse if you are nute def. I'd still ride it out and next feed go full feeding schedule strength.

Take a look at my last update, picture #6. Lower left side you can see a little clawing. Yesterday upon peeking in, that claw, just the small portion of the tip is bent exactly 90* on wayyyy more fan leafs. I don't have any yellowing on even the lower portions of my plants and they are not super dark but some of the older growth that is clawing is definitely darker than the rest. These are the first signs of N toxicity from google research lol. I'm thinking they are N toxic because the growth isn't crazy like it should be right now. Almost a full week into 12/12 with nearly no stretch. And they still arent showing sex. From my research this clawing, slow growth, and slow maturity are all due to N toxicity. The last 2 feedings in a row got the addition of tiger bloom and cha Ching, this clawing and growth stunt wasn't until I added those. I'm just guessing mainly, but I know I have not over watered. That can be taken out of the equation.. From an hour of research all signs point to N toxicity.

Lights are off now but when they come back I'll get pictures of what I mean, you can google it and it looks just like those. Just the tip is bent 90* down. New growth is slightly twisting as well, another sign of N toxicity. Before the lights go off tonight I either have to make a choice of just feeding RO water, or at least flush a few gallons through it after a gallon of the sledgehammer. At the very least I'm going to give them a gallon of water each and test my run off to see where my soil ph and ppm is at.

I can tell something is up, they are just starting to show me. Watching closely to how they react to feedings over the past 2 months I can tell I'm starting to do something wrong. It's not major yet because it's only been a few days. Maybe this watering if the runoff is ok I'll ride it out to see how they react to plain water. It will either get better or get worse?!

I know I haven't been going nuts with the feeding, ppm was at 1060 last feed ph was exactly 6.52 on each gallon they got. If they are deffeceint at this point why would they claw? They don't have any faded leaves or weird marks saying give me more food.
I may be wrong, but cha Ching should only be used toward the end of the flowering cycle. I believe the first few weeks open sesame, then beastie bloomz, then cha Ching to finish it up. Anyways subbed, ill try to pop in from time to time
Correct fopho. Moreover TB is low N, cha ching is low N. GB is high N. FF does claw my leaves with out yellowing too, but it's from using big bloom, I use 1/2 cup gal or 2 cups in 4 gal. It will bend the crap out of leaves but plants like it. Just take your time and watch over a couple of days. There is no acute danger at this time. Nothing happens fast in soil.

Whoops I meant open sesame not cha Ching lol. I use the trio literally cut in half of what the soil schedule says. I kind of panicked when I saw the leaf tips curling because up until that point they were picture perfect plants. Tonight calls for a water only feed anyway. I will just switch to feed water feed so I'm not doing back to back feeds creating any buildup.

I do have a update though about my G8 light..I've noticed the glass apeared kind of foggy when the lights came on, when off it apeared clear so I left it alone..I don't remember what it looked like new, that was 2 months ago.. If you read back a bunch of pages I talk about how my pre filter was clogged with this white powder from when I was running my humidifier. Well it turns out my tap water I was using in the humidifier is so hard + a ton of cloriene that's what it was. Basically the cloriene and other things solidifying again. Well this got into my light, pretty heavily. I remember when I first got the light, I couldn't open the tent without my led glasses. This morning I noticed it didn't even really hurt my eyes. Looked at the foggy glass and said screw it. Tore the thing apart and sure enough it was foggy as all heck. It's been like this for a long time, 5 weeks or more. It's back up and running...and...WOW. Well that's one thing fixed lol this might explain the non explosive growth? I don't know maybe I'm just too worried lol

Either way the light basically has been fogged over and now it's back to new again with nice clean heatsinks.
That is the answer. If your feeding back to back even 50% strength it will burn your plants. Foggy LED's will slow growth too since your at a dis-advantage in watts. I'd still hold on flushing and just start to feed, watet, feed at full strength by stepping up ppm each week.

Thanks for the info! I got the led back up and running, it's wayyy cleaner now. Spotless.

Bad news though..the ones showing sex look male :( today is the first day of any sign and 2 out of the 4 look like ball sacks.. And to top it off they are the 2 healthiest. I'm so bummed. I'll shoot pics now so you can see what I see.
So I have a sad update but still some positive news! 2 confirmed males, 1 confirmed female. The last one will probably show sex in the nex day or 2. The smallest of the 4 just shot out pistles last night (thank god). I left the the 2 that looked like males for another day just to be sure, sure enough the ball sacks doubled. Had to chop them :(

The good news is I have a female for sure and 5 clones from that female that look like they should survive. I killed off the male clones and changed out the cloner water with some fresh stuff and fresh clone x solution. Just want to be sure these survive! I still have 5 clones from the other plant that has not shown sex..

So moving forward with my chin up, I've turned off the t-5 supple lights and moved the last 2 directly under the 900. Worst case I'll be flowering a single plant but she will get all the love in the world.

Since I've cut clones the next round will be a full tent. I've popped a bunch more seeds as well. 7 blue dream, 20 mixed bag seed I will run in small pots to try and grab something special. My plan is to get at least one nice mother blue dream to keep in the veg tent and cut clones from her.

Here is the tent right before the chop. Man they are so healthy this was hard to do! The next is of a male. The last is the smaller of the 2 males I chopped. Just wanted to show the main stalk structure. Just studying how I did with my LST so I can improve on the next round. And improve I will my friends! I've learned a ton from this first round and it will be applied in full to the next round!

Yeah, that definitely sounds like N toxicity. Not a huge issue if you pick up on it like you did. Just give water for a while until things improve. Probably not necessary to flush though. Just give enough water to get some runoff.

Pity about the males bud. I thought this was a fem grow, my mistake. Following too many journals. I hope the remaining plant turns out female. I'm betting she will if she hasn't shown sex yet. Males are normally more vigorous than females.
Yeah, that definitely sounds like N toxicity. Not a huge issue if you pick up on it like you did. Just give water for a while until things improve. Probably not necessary to flush though. Just give enough water to get some runoff.

Pity about the males bud. I thought this was a fem grow, my mistake. Following too many journals. I hope the remaining plant turns out female. I'm betting she will if she hasn't shown sex yet. Males are normally more vigorous than females.

I did plain ro water last one and I'll do it again until the claw goes away! The female looks happier after the last plain water so 1-2 more and all should be good.

You have no idea how mad I was when I saw the balls! I thought these were fem seeds as well. I was sure I picked fem to avoid this from happening..but looking back I didn't. I overlooked that when I purchased these and I'm kicking myself for it! Lesson learned.
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