Five's Huge Blue Dream Perpetual In 2 Tents - 1700+ LED Watts - Soil - Nutes

It's that time again! I have a quick flower update. We're a week into flowering, and we have 2 girls! The 2 males are long gone. This morning I cut 2 more clones off the female that just showed sex today. It's a little bigger and healthier than the other. The clones from my first female are doing great. Most are exploding with roots. I have a bunch of seeds germanating, 2 blue dream seedlings and 12 female blue dream clones in the veg tent. Last night they were fed mostly water with a little bit of nutes added, 25% strength. I only added nutes with no N.

The 2 girls in the flower tent are starting to hit my net, this week and moving forward I'll be going in to spread them out daily. Some of the clones are exploding with roots, those will be transplanted later this week. I also did another round of lollipoping on the flower tent. Not super aggressive as I don't want to stress them out, next week they will get hit one more time lightly for the final trim durning flower. I wanted to spread it out over a 2 week timeframe for min stress. Cheers!

Nice roots, do you SCOG during flower? I've seen most SCOG in veg to fill the net then flower. I'm not a SCROG or SOG guy but I like watching what it can do for yield.
Nice roots, do you SCOG during flower? I've seen most SCOG in veg to fill the net then flower. I'm not a SCROG or SOG guy but I like watching what it can do for yield.

Thank you! First time trying to clone, I feel like a dome would help but this cloner didn't come with one. Maybe I can figure out a DIY dome? This is my first grow so the plan was to have a full net/tent. I had 4 pretty large plants and with the stretch and flower growth, the net would have been full. Now I only have 2 plants and I'm not pulling it out..There is no way it will fill up now, killing half my plants wasn't in the books. Now the scrog technique will be more for plant support. I'll still be using it to spread them out, at least with the net I won't get any flopping!

Looking most excellent Five! You will yield well from those 2 ladies.

Thank you! It's not how I had pictured but for my first run mistakes are going to happen. I'm trying my best here lol

The veg tent also got co2 added, the flower tent got a co2 recharge. I forgot to mention that.
What's up buddies! Five here with a gang of updates on both tents. I'll separate them for your viewing pleasure :)

Flower tent update:
So we are almost 2 full weeks since I flipped to 12/12 and half the plants were males. One femal took a little longer to come out of the closet but it's bigger and actually surpassing the other. Stronger genetics, this is the #2 blue dream, the smaller one that showed sex first is #3. #1 and #4 were males that got chopped. I took 2 more clones of the #2 as soon as I saw sex.. We now have great oscillating air movement! I got some peg board and mounted the fan so I can let it oscillate. The way I have it mounted is temporary since it's hard to do anything inside with the net.. Once this run is over I will change a few things and mount all wires and things neatly to it.. I gave them another watering of RO water with nothing added to help reduce N. They are looking very happy still. Next feed will be flower nutes, anything with N will be cut to 25%.. Today I also gave them the final lower lollipop and minor upper defol. Throughout flower I will lightly defol as needed.. Here's the flower pics!




Veg tent update:

My clones are 12 days old except for the 2 I cut from the blue dream #2..roots are exploding and they are ready to come out this weekend. I changed the cloner water 2 days ago and added the clonex solution, 2ml of calmag, and a few other minor things to help get them ready. I've popped 7 more blue dream seeds to try and snag a different pheno and keep a full time mother plant in the tent. 2 are about a week old the other seedlings just came up yesterday.. Most of the clones will be going into coco, more on that below.. Here are the veg tent pictures!


Last part of the update is my new medium. I'm going to give coco a whirl since its a step towards hydro..I have a batch cooked up with a few additives including some perlite. It was charged with calmag from the get go, based off results from others this works good. The hard part will be managing the multiple daily waterings and nutes. I would like to move to a drip style system with a res in the future..buts that's along ways away lol. Once I have clones transplanted I'll hit you guys up again! Cheers
I forgot to mention the root balls in my male plants! Today I was able to remove the smart pots and try to recover some of my! The root system literally filled the entire 7 gallon pot up. The air pruning system made the roots insane. After I knocked out all the dirt it reminded me of those guys that grow insane roots in DWC, only this was soil lol. I was happy to see that they were nice in filled out in 7 weeks. I expect my females have just as healthy of a system since I've added great white into the mix. Cheers
Love the root shot on your clones, looks like some kinda sea creatures. :)

Haha yes they do! After I changed the res water out and cleaned everything with soap and water..the next day boom, sea monsters haha. This morning I added another 1/4 tsp of great white to the cloner, and got my ph back in check. It drifted up to 6.6, so I brought it back down to 5.8... Also did a little clean up on my clones and moved a few things around. I added 2 air stones and put my air pump in the mix to maximize O2 for my new roots! I lowered my LED 6" getting ready to flip the flower tent to 18/6.. Minor changes and maintaining work but it should help take them to the next level in prep for transplant.

My coco, it's winter so I'm not really getting any 'cooking' action.. It started as a 10lb brick of coco that I charged with 5 gallons of RO water and calmag. I added a small amount of bone/blood meal, perlite, and today mixed in 2lbs of worm castings. This is all hand mixed in a 30 gallon bin. I also set a small heat pad under the bin, set it to low and I'll leave it like this for a few days to try help get it ready in time for my clones. I've never used coco but compared to my fox farm soil this seems even better. It's simple, hopefully it works!

Peaking in the flower tent as the lights turn on and again they look very happy since my lollipop. I'm happy with the reaction. I put my heater back in the tent a few days ago since during lights off the temp was dropping to 66. It would probably be ok, but with the heater night temps stay dialed at 75*f. Lights on its 77-79*f. Tonight they will be getting a heavy feeding, first one in a while. I might give them 2 gallons each, the last I did 1.5 gallons each and they drank that fast lol.

I also forgot to mention when I was doing my lollipop..the smaller lower larf that was just starting to shoot pistles..when you pinched literally smells like fruity pebbles! The cereal. MY FAVORITE CEREAL. Lol I want to eat my plant now. It made my mouth water, no joke lol
Good day everyone! Five here with a 48 hour update after the heavy lollipop, 12 hours since being fed, and a few days under the 900..they look happier then ever! I'm thinking this weekend will for sure be the flip to 12/12.. I took a bunch of pictures some came out better and a little closer to see their health! Enjoy!

That is one amazingly level canopy Five. I'm also on my first grow and even with a scrog net I'm not achieving that perfectly level top. Well done sir.
Thank you! First time trying to clone, I feel like a dome would help but this cloner didn't come with one.

Hi Five -just realised what I wrote and chuckled :)

I've not got all the way to the end yet so apologies if someone else has said this, but it's easy to make individual domes by cutting the bottom off clear plastic drink bottles. Sometimes a little DIY solution works wonders - no need to buy a special cloner dome.
That is one amazingly level canopy Five. I'm also on my first grow and even with a scrog net I'm not achieving that perfectly level top. Well done sir.

Hi Five -just realised what I wrote and chuckled :)

I've not got all the way to the end yet so apologies if someone else has said this, but it's easy to make individual domes by cutting the bottom off clear plastic drink bottles. Sometimes a little DIY solution works wonders - no need to buy a special cloner dome.

Thanks for stoping back in, hopefully you're enjoying my hard work :)
I never thought of that! Great idea noted for the next run, I'll start saving a few to test out. I won't need any for 2 months lol. My current clones are ready to come out today.

Last night they got a gallon of feed, 1010ppm that was bubbled for 9 hours.
What's up everyone, Five here with my promised veg tent/clone update! All my clones are transplanted into #1 pots with my coco blend except 3. 2 of those are the later clones I cut, the other I just want the roots to develop more. All clones are about 2 weeks old today, 100% rooted, will they survive..that's up to me now I guess lol. I gave them each a solo cup of food and that was enough for a little runoff. I put a small amount of the great white into each hole I placed my clones in for root development. I wipped down the tent a swell to make sure all is squeaky clean and added a larger fan to keep the air moving. Some of these clones just came out nice!


Here is an update on my flowers the morning after being fed! I also wanted to show you guys how I run my DIY Co2. The gallons of sugar and yeast sit below. I have tubes and a fish tank stone that run the Co2 exactly where I want it. In the center top of each plant. In the last picture look closely, the stones are where the Co2 comes out!

Looking good Five. Excellent roots on the clones and the air stone CO2 distribution is inspired. +reps

Thank you for the reps! I'm really happy with the clones, they take awhile to come around it seems. For awhile I wasn't sure it would work. The first signs of roots took a few days but after that it sure was slow lol. Both my tents are set for the next few days.. I just have to keep a close eye on my new coco pots with water. Once I can pull out that cloner, my veg tent will finally be set on cruise for a few weeks.
Your garden is looking fantastic. Your flowering girls haven't stretched as much as I thought they would, but they sure are happy and healthy!
It looks like you've skipped the rookie part and gone straight to seasoned grower.
Think he's pulling our collective legs....
Don't even think about taking my job. I'm keeping an eye on you. Lol.
Seriously, one of the best 1st grows I've seen my friend.
Can't wait to see what ya take on in the up coming future.
Happy Trees...
Your garden is looking fantastic. Your flowering girls haven't stretched as much as I thought they would, but they sure are happy and healthy!

Thank you! I didn't really get any stretch, I was expecting them to double in size lol. Maybe it's this LED or I did something wrong?

Think he's pulling our collective legs....
Don't even think about taking my job. I'm keeping an eye on you. Lol.
Seriously, one of the best 1st grows I've seen my friend.
Can't wait to see what ya take on in the up coming future.
Happy Trees...

Haha no sir, no leg pulling here. If I had as much experience as you're giving me credit for my flower tent would of been full lol. I can't wait either! The near future I'll be taking a select few plants from my veg and putting them into flower. It depends on which is better, the #3 or #2 blue dream. The #3 clones are beast, but the flowering #2 plants is better so far. We will see! I want to run guerrilla glue, some cookie strains, and a few other..but getting my hands on those genetics will not be easy..or damn near impossible.

Hey 5,
Ya don't need a dome with the cloner.
You could use sandwich bags for the cuttings in solos.

Thank you! Notes taken.
Thank you Dr Bob! That is one of the healthyist clones I had so I snapped a picture. It's 2 weeks old from cutting using a cheap $50 cloner, a heating pad with thermostat, clone X solution + gel hormones. That's it really. Under a Mars 96 480 watt reflector in veg mode, 24/7 light..

I will be changing out my cloner res water tonight for the last time for the late clones I cut and I'm bubbling a water feed now for my flower tent. They seem to be drinking more now. I gave them a gallon of feed Saturday night each and they already want more tonight so I'm bubbling 2 fresh gallons. Maybe I should be feeding with 1.5 gallons each? I've been bubbling the feeds and they seem to like the oxygen rich waterings!? I haven't done all like this but moving forward they will be bubbled.

My coco clones are still looking wet 24 hours later, I would really like to avoid over watering them..Ill check again tonight, maybe I'll give them a 1/2 solo cup of water? This coco watering has me really guessing right now lol
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