Five's Huge Blue Dream Perpetual In 2 Tents - 1700+ LED Watts - Soil - Nutes

I can almost feel your enthusiasm. You are doing a great job with those plants. I'm sure they will reward you for the effort.

Ah more Blue Dream.
I have it coming out the wazoo too. Great strain to grow.
You're grow is looking great. I read up, but only skimmed the last page. I see you're getting some fans.
My fiancee wants to start growing as well. Is blue dream a good choice for a beginner?
Thank you guys for the love! This is my first shot at this in about 10 years so I know I have much to improve on. From what I know of blue dream it's a good beginner strain since it's tough. They are not super sensitive like others and take stress well. From my research they are a grower, so you need either plenty of height, or lots of LST to control stretch. So far I've done a lot of LST so stretch isn't an issue.

Normally I update on waterings but they don't need water yet..though it's mid week so I'll update anyway. Week 6 is coming to an end..I've only done a few lower fan leave trimming and LST since the last update. I've moved the fans around for better airflow..other than that nothing..they are still exploding with growth. Each has at least 10 tops.. I dropped a little of my last feed on a few leaves and they didn't like that lol. You can see one fan leaf that got hit with the nutes.. Woops.

Another thing, I have the Mars 96x5 lights. I thought they were the 3 watt LEDs but I was wrong. Oh well. Lol no big deal these are going in the veg tent shortly anyway. My G8 900 and the 2 t-5 Uva/uvb's are going in soon. Very soon! I'm still not sure when to flip to 12/12 since I still have a ton of space..still leaning on pushing them out another week. Besides if I have a male I'll have more space anyway, I'm banking on all girls. Fingers crossed.

That is a great even canopy you have there. My blue cheese tripled in height when switched to 12/12. I've seen a lot of other blue strains do the same. Blueberry (even the indica pheno) is known for a big stretch, so I'm convinced that is why indica dominant strains like blue cheese and blue mystic grow like sativas. So bank on 2 -3 times the height. My point is, they will get big. I've never grown blue dream, which is obvious by the question i posed to you. (thanks for the reply) However, I am confident that your plants will behave much the same when flowering is induced. Maybe just something to think about when deciding when it is appropriate to flip them.

Great work brother!
Decide how much plant your lights can make flourish when at their peak. Think of how much your lights can penetrate & how much canopy they can cover.
You'll have a good idea then how big your plants should get in veg if they double or triple in height.
Hope that helps.
I would let them veg longer.
That tent setup is impressive. I wish I had the room for a square tent vs always ending up with 2x4s but alas, I can always come onto :420: and see any kind of garden imaginable and yours is a beaut!


EDIT: You have quite the crowd in here Five, you have attracted some of the best growers on here by far. I will just hang in the back and make smarty pants comments.
Ah more Blue Dream.
I have it coming out the wazoo too. Great strain to grow.
You're grow is looking great. I read up, but only skimmed the last page. I see you're getting some fans.

My apologies in advance for what I am about to type But.
i would want my fiance in on my Blue dreams:rofl:
LOL!! I will be helping her grow it, so technically I would be in on her blue dream.
I've been meaning to go through your grows more. I don't keep old journals on my sig anymore for room. But, you & I have grown alot of the same strains.
Black Rhino & Blue Diesel are the only ones I haven't grown.
How's you like the Blue Diesel? Sounds interesting.
Oh shit! Sorry 5! Didn't mean to take over.
They be babies still at the mo :) this is the point in veg that each day you extend will pay you back no end!!

Notes taken!

Thanks for all the love guys and the good laughs haha. I need more of that in my life lol.

We are looking at a watering tonight, I'm just going to give them phd water with some silica this time around to help flush out the veg nutes. Then the next shot they will get a small dose of flower nutes, including the open sesame. By that time they should be big enough to flip and attempt clones. I plan to take as many as I can from each plant, numbering the plants so I know what clones are what. Then if any go male those clones will be chopped and I can pick the best of the best to pass into the next cycle. Hopefully that gets me to my goals and keeps the healthiest going.
New Blue Diesel is one of my all time favourites. It is a great mix of sativa and indica, and it is extremely potent. One of the most powerful strains I've ever smoked and I've smoked plenty. It has a great smell and taste as well. Very fruity with a powerful fuel smell below. When you exhale you get this strange soapy taste. Sounds disgusting, but it's the opposite. You just know it's going to wallop you when you taste that. Good luck finding seeds though. I still have 3 left regs left, but won't pop them until I have the space to clone. They are just too valuable to me.

Hope you don't mind 5!
Ah more Blue Dream.
I have it coming out the wazoo too. Great strain to grow.
You're grow is looking great. I read up, but only skimmed the last page. I see you're getting some fans.

My apologies in advance for what I am about to type But.
i would want my fiance in on my Blue dreams:rofl:

Yeah, but with nothing comin' out my wazoo, whew!
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