Five Bits Of Indica: New420guy’s Seeds

Oh, and Mater... she hasn’t been too happy lately. Stiff, droopy leafs all the time.
Still living large for an indoor tomato!

With any luck they'll be exactly the same!
Started to warm up so its been outside. Gave it a good feed, and leaves are soft and lush again.

I’m starting to battle the temps in the tent since I’ve added the 4th light. Hit 90F today for a brief moment. I’ve reconfigured all sorts of things, but can’t get it under 80F without having the bottom of the door open with a fan. Not a big deal.


What I at first thought was bleaching, I later found to be some of my favorite buddies. All day messing with things, but I hosed them all down with Agro. Fingers crossed, it’s the last time I’ll spray.
I figure you could be in the low 60% range
I usually have it 78F @55-60%, but now that I added the 4th light in, I have to keep the bottom of the tent open with a fan blowing cold basement air.
I can’t keep it stable and the RH drops. All three floor vents and the front door vent are opened. I added a second 6” inline booster fan to help the exhaust, but still can’t keep the heat down.
Maybe I can stick my humidifier back in there. It blows out cooler air, but I’m already tripping surge protectors.
Long extension cords are your friend ;).
Lol... I’ve already tied up two circuits, just tied in to my third with a 30’ for this 4th light.
5g/gal MC
1g/gal BE
No SC or SG this feed since I bumped the dosage.
I took off the 18” Vivosun filter and it dropped the temp to 75.5 from yesterday hitting 90.

Anyone know a good carbon filter?
Is it typical for them to restrict that much, or is it clogged?

Im not really concerned with smell, though I’d still like to keep it down.
I don't use one but I'd ask that in a more populated thread. Try VG's thread.
Are orange pistils at 4 weeks from flip anything to worry about?
Just thought it looked cool. I’ll get some natural pics later.


Hit them with 5g/gal MC, 1g/gal BE, 1g/gal SC... no Suma.
I feel like I need to bump their watering up to every day. Things are thirsty and hell.
I thought about alternating SumG then feeding.
5 plants 5 gallons every other day... I think they could handle 2.5gal each day easy. Im thinking hit them half capacity with feed in the morning one day, then SG the next night.
This quarantine makes me want a farm. Lol!
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