Five Bits Of Indica: New420guy’s Seeds

Do you throw the roots in too?
Everything! I let the whole plant dry out from roots to stems, cut the roots, stems, and trunk into ½" pieces, and put it in a crock pot with just enough coconut oil to barely cover it. Eventually it all sinks in as the oil gets absorbed. Around 180º for 4 days and you're done!
Nice. That’s the plan. The ole lady’s stoked.
I started noticing what looked like roots developing 2” or so above the soil so I took the soil from the male plant and backfilled all 5 plants 2-3”, then gave them a good feeding.
I know people have their own opinions, but I bought a bag of Sweet Candy and Bud Explosion back when I got the MC. I read up a bit today and decided I wanted to try and work it into my feed.
I felt like they were all a little dark so I dropped the MC from 5g/gal, to 4.5g/gal, then added .5g/gal of the BE.

Total 25g (22.5g MC - 2.5g BE), no SumaGrow this round.

Well see how they look in a day or so.

Here’s a few shots I took at sundown.
Ladies seem to have taken well to 4.5gMC/.5gBE.
So for the feed yesterday I wanted to step it up a bit. They seemed to respond very well to the MC+BE, so this time I ran 4.5g/gal MC, .5g/gal BE, .5g/gal SC, and 5ml/gal of SG.
They look fantastic today.
They look happy, and nicely spaced now!
Yeah getting the male out sure helped. The two on the right side are leggy as heck. They almost look like quad lines. Lol!
I have a set of nets on their way. I have a feeling these are going to be very top heavy. Lol!
What are your thoughts on how I’m measuring out the nutes? Ie backing off the MC since I’m using BE and SC? I’m at 5.5g/gal total combined right now at 2 weeks into flower.
I don't use an elemental calculator as I don't believe that the BE and SC hold any advantage over MC alone. You could check with farside or MrS as they both like to tinker with that.
Yeah I see folks talking about running a side by side comp. I would but don’t have the space. Like I always say... I need two tents. Lol.
Maybe after all the Corona craziest goes away I’ll see.
Day 90 - Day 16

My nets came in a bit earlier than expected.
I have the Mars 5x5 and these are the Stretchy Net version of a SCROG from the big A.
Honestly not a fan of the fitment, but it’ll work. Just looking for bud support, not a SCROG per say.
The pack came with a 4” and a 6” spaced net for $30, but I think it’s probably a better fit for the 4x4.
the plants are looking very happy. leaves look nice and flat like they were growing under the sun.

Are you liking the mega crop? I just got some in the mail.
Super simple to use compared to brewing compost teas, or measuring out multiple liquid nutes.
I’m using a few other products with it, so it kind of defeats the whole point of it, but mixing dry soluble is so much easier than wet for sure.
They removed the main thread, but there are plenty of folks that are using it now, and experimenting with it. I’m impressed so far.
@Emilya has an awesome grow journal from her last MC grow too. Very Impressive results... can’t stand smelling it though. Lol!
Yescense or something like that. They are some 1500w (334w I think) from the big A.
I was just down there contemplating switching them out with my 4’ers. I ran all 4 last time, but that gets expensive.
Super simple to use compared to brewing compost teas, or measuring out multiple liquid nutes.
I’m using a few other products with it, so it kind of defeats the whole point of it, but mixing dry soluble is so much easier than wet for sure.
They removed the main thread, but there are plenty of folks that are using it now, and experimenting with it. I’m impressed so far.
@Emilya has an awesome grow journal from her last MC grow too. Very Impressive results... can’t stand smelling it though. Lol!
Thanks, I started reading the Emilya thread to pick up pointers, but it was a long read and she had so many things going besides megacrop. The finished buds looked huge though. I'm using ocean forest mixed with dolo lime in 5 gallon cloth pots. Watering with 1/2 RO and 1/2 aquarium water. I figured I will ease into the MC fertilizer before the nutrients start getting depleted in the ocean forest.
You can run the MC right along with the FFOF as @MrSauga does. He doesn't get any signs of toxicity and he starts with the MC pretty young.

And feel free to run MC alone without the boosters they sell. Here is a pic of my summer grow on MC alone, and here are my harvest weights. No one has proven that the boosters boost anything except the bottom line of the seller.
I am in a supersoil mix, much stronger than FFOF ever thought of being, and I found that it is perfectly fine to use MC right in the very beginning. Just start out slow like the manufacturer suggests and you will be ok. Also, don't buy into all these systems that folks have developed around here to use this stuff; just follow the directions on the website to go for the MegaCrop green and don't overdo it, and the product takes care of itself. Be very reluctant to believe anyone who says you need to run anything else along with the GLN products or that the company is only out for the bucks they can make by selling you their supplements.

Regarding those boosters, no one has proven on this forum that the boosters don't work either, and I submit for the record that I had pretty darn good results by using them. I just didn't do a side by side test so it could be seen by everyone what benefit I got, if any. In the spirit of good discussion I guess that it is good that several of our members choose to ignore and argue with my great results and claim that what I did was unscientific, but there you go... my journal is there for you to examine if you care to see for yourself what I did and the stellar results that I achieved.

There are very strong opinions regarding MegaCrop on this forum... and considering that maybe at best a very few of these folks have been able to see 3 or 4 grows using this stuff so far, we are still a long ways from totally understanding this product to the point that we amateurs should think that we know enough to be adjusting the mix with outside additives. Again, the strongest advice that I can give you, and which served me very well in my first Megacrop grow, is to simply follow the directions. They are a little vague, but the core concepts of using the stuff are there. It is not supposed to be hard to use... simply go for the green and pull back if you see damage.
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