First Grow Indica Under CFLs 2012

Also today I start 4 plants on 12hrs light cycle.I want to find out the sex then go back to veg if i have any females out of the 4. If this works good Ill try more I plan on cloning for early sex and covering a bottom branch. Which ever turns out to work the best for me ill stick with.
hi there growrook,
I'm using t-12 (2)daylight and (2) cool white 4ft long for sprouts and seedlings.
for the first two or three weeks then under the MH 1000w.It worked well for the first crop. I'll start my second in two weeks because i'll (hopefully) harvest this one in four to five weeks.
Last night I went to my cousin house where i got the Clones last yr and he remember the strain he gave my. [The Purps] Now I need to find out what kind of kush plant the male was and Ill know what both parents were of my seeds. batteries are dead in the camera, so ill gets some update pics soon, there looking great!:party::allgood:
New pictures. Clone 10 plants for early sex today.
Here s first set of clones taken off the plants with the largest bottom branches. purpose for cloning is for early sexing. Cut lower branch on 45 degree angle. put tiny slits in steam with razor, covered bottom of cutting with a good amount of cloning powder, then planted into jiffy pots with a dome. placed under 2 26watt cfls 6500k. Hopefully gonna gets some roots.
Need a bigger dome, Wondering what I can use to make one. No stores where I m from have anything but jiffy pots with the low domes.:hmmmm::hmmmm::nomo:
Thank you Drewskee, Its my first indoor grow so its nice to hear that:passitleft:
Looking at some pre-flowers and it looks like I got some girls starting to show sex.:cheertwo::party::allgood:
Nice looking setup for clones, i really can't wait to start myself ,but all the autos started budding at once

You look like you've done YOUR home work!!!! :welldone:
Ya I tried to learn as much as I could. Im still spending time reading others journals for more tips. I think before i do anything I goggle it.
Really starting to see the difference in males and females Im get a pretty even ratio so far. Some preflowers I cant till but the shape and growth of the plant is telling if its male or female.
Here s some new pictures. First is the difference in my plants, from reading the preflowers and the way they are growing. Im pretty sure on the left is a female [notice how short and bushy it is] on the right im pretty sure is a male [tale and lanky no lower branch growth]. Im almost sure by the preflowers of there gender.
Hers some LST. As I find out the sex of the plant. I start LSTing, I have topped/fim [hopfully fim] a few I find this strain does really well with LST.
Firsts roots are showing from the first clone I did on the 19th. Good news.
heres some pic, its been about a week and Im on my 3rd clone that have shown roots

Just wondering if anyone knows why sometimes the tips of the leafs are browning. overall plant is healthy. Ive had this happening the entire grow nothing really bad just once and a while Ill see a tip turn brown?
Being from Ontario this is a BIG month for us!!2011: R. v. Mernagh (Ontario Superior Court)
On April 12, 2011, Justice Donald Taliano found that Canada's Marijuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) and "the prohibitions against the possession and production of cannabis (marijuana) contained in sections 4 and 7 respectively of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act" are "constitutionally invalid and of no force and effect".[18] The government was given 90 days (until July 11) to fill the void in those sections, or the possession and cultivation of Marijuana would become legal in all of Ontario. This includes the non-medical use of the drug.[19]
The mid-July deadline was extended when federal government lawyers argued that current cannabis laws and regulations should stay in place until Ontario’s highest court could hear the appeal which has been scheduled for May 7th and 8th, 2012[20]. In granting the deadline extension, the Court of Appeal noted that “The practical effect of the decision if the suspension were permitted to expire on July 14 would be to legalize marijuana production in Ontario, if not across Canada.”
good stuff, did you find a larger clone dome? I went household on my clones and just used root powder, put them in rockwool, and put them in a plastic cup covered with plastic wrap. I'm hoping this cheap technique works cause I don't have space in my stealth op for a big ole dome. But it's nice to see that your clones rooted!!!!! that's got to be so exciting :)
Good idea with the cake lid and the plastic wrap, My kid birthday is coming so i hope it come s with a big dome, so far ive found it easy to use 2 clear plastic cups, one for the plant the other for a lid, once I see roots I transplant to a bigger pot.
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