SBG's First Grow Cabinet Under CFLs (Wish Me Luck)

LOOKING AWESOME! loving the scrog. keep it up, looking forward to seeing your results. +rep
Ok can someone look at these leaves and tell me what's up?

in the upper cabinet now, is 2 clones from the same mother plant have lead the same life all the way to here. and now one has leaves that are doing this just the ones closer to the centre. New growth looks fine and there is no sign of stress from re potting. Ph water since I now have a meter. about 6.3 - 6.5
Possibly up the nutrients a little more? When fan leaves die off like that, they needed the resources in the leaves to support the new growth. It's completely natural :) As the plant gets bigger it needs more and more nutrients to support it.

Hope that helps :)
thanks, I had been increasing frequency of feeding from once a week of bio thrive line from Gen organics, Grow 10 ml, Cal/mag 6 ml, Bio Marine 10 ml. and Bloom 10ml added when flowering. to once every 3-4 days.

Your thoughts?
Today I learned somin new.

I watched a few video's from Perfect gardens about organics nutes and Joey was saying you don't need to adjust your PH with organics if your water starts out a little high because when you add the organic nutes to the water it will lower it by about 2 points so my water starts out at about 8 - 8.5 add the nutes and what he is saying it will go down to 6 - 6.5. One more version of a never ending story. So the tech from the nute company said lower ph if it is closer to 8 and do not adjust it if it is closer to 7 before adding nutes.

I know you all adjust your PH after the nutes but from what I'm hearing out there is that you should treat Organic nutes diff.

Both versions sound good in theory and the tech theory I have been using for several weeks now and all seems well except for the few yellowing leaves but this could be from under feeding them.
Hope all is well Mr. SBG. I bookmarked your photography page by the way. I look at those pictures everyday my friend, they're amazing.

Much love and respect :)
Thanks for checkin up on me.
leaves on the new grow are still going yellow with increased nutes how long should I wait to see if that fix's the problem?
Thanks for checkin up on me.
leaves on the new grow are still going yellow with increased nutes how long should I wait to see if that fix's the problem?

Leaves on the new growth?! Can you please take a picture of it for me? :)
So status quo keep feeding the way I am and don't worry so much?

congrats for the Nug of the month.
not much happening here. just waiting for the bud to dry and a final weight.
Ok can someone look at these leaves and tell me what's up?

in the upper cabinet now, is 2 clones from the same mother plant have lead the same life all the way to here. and now one has leaves that are doing this just the ones closer to the centre. New growth looks fine and there is no sign of stress from re potting. Ph water since I now have a meter. about 6.3 - 6.5

Your leaf damage appears to be from low nitrogen. Where on your plant did these leaves come from? Have you measured the pH of the first runoff liquid when you water? You may consider flushing your post with at least twice the volume of pH adjusted water as pot size.
Well first indoor grow is over.

It didn't weigh much it all came in at 55gr in total ish. It's all in small jars now for the cure. smoked the first little bit last night in my Vapor Genie 2 tokes each for the wife and I and SWOOSH THERE YAH GO. Pretty happy with the results.

Things can only get better in the Cabinet, Right? Considering what I put those poor little plants through.

I'd like to thank all those that stopped by and lend a hand, put their two cents worth in. pushed me in the right direction. and all of that.

And in the famous words of Porky Pig

B-dee-b-dee-b-dee, That's all folks

See yah all in the next grow.
Just shy of 2 ounces. That's a nice harvest man! Congrats and +Reps.

I've noticed that a lot when growing. Back when I was buying it, if I had a 1/4 or a 1/2 ounce, life was good.

As soon as we start growing, expectations always rise. Never be disappointed man, as long as the potency is there, that's what's important. I'll take 2 ounces of highs over a pound of garbage weed any day.
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