First Time Grow - CFLs

Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

I appreciate it, beensmokin. Im a very motivated person when it comes to my hobbies and I can safely say that this is my favorite hobby of all. The stealth aspect only adds a thrill and has also become a bigger part of my motivation. I want to perfect the concealed grow to the point where there is no loss in yield/quality as compared to a professional grow. A long road to walk, but a fun road to stumble down...
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

Well, ive been in nature my entire life. I was the kid in highschool that would go into the woods alone and get high. Then walk for hours through gorgeous terrain. I love nature and ive cultivated everything from okra to tomatos to corn to roses to palm trees to gods only know. Raised dogs, cats, reptiles of every sort. I love nature and I have a good grasp on the fundementals as well as many of the excess ideals. Im also in college for botany... That helps. Im also quite a cook and will be attending a culinary school this summer. I love the earth, everything that comes with it and everything you can do with what it provides. Most people on these boards think green as in Buds. But buds arent always green. Think green. Really think green. Preserve this planet. Preserve your plant too THINK GREEEEEEEEN
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

how big is your air input and outlet can you increase either of them or add another inlet for air

i think i saw that some folks say you should have 2-3 times the sizer of outlet for incoming air then out if you can get a 12 volt dc power motorcycle batery charger or wall wart for electronics you could add a couple computer fans you can attach them right to the cab wall over the in/out hole with long drywall screws or tongue deppressor/ popsicle sticks holding the up tight to wall over hole pull in push out should help with temps and you can make light traps out of thin cardboard and duct tape thumbtackled to the inside walls light won't easily turn corners with out a mirror of reflective surface so paint those baffles black and get better stealth airflow a bigger flat cardboard parallel to your fan and about half inch away lets air go aroun the board but stops light walll II fan space light trap .....IIIII xIIIII at least twice as big as outlet hole open but with space for airflow again long dry wall screws work nice for this too in flower cycle you might want more red light WArm cfl color temp nearer 2500-3000 more like fall
sun colors also making day shorter then 12 hrs could shave a couple days off your flower cycle relates to hormone/ daylength
stuff commercial growers do this with lilys and poinsettas google photo period at a good gardening argrculture site or university will get more then you need but it will help with knowing why it works also don't innterrupt your dark period during flower cycle if neccessary cover the cab with a big black towel to stop light pollution during dark cycle innterrupted dark
screw with flower hormones/ compounds related to photo period
and this slows flower cycle seriously you pics look good are you still giving some regular fert mix maybe 1 feeding in 4or 5 of flower mix for first 3/4 of flower cycle helps balance ability to
use flower mix better several; dutch seedbank folks say biggest error most folks make is too much food or water letting soil dry out in developed plants does seem to help some times just remember water a little and then add food to pot when soil is moist more food is actually used that way also if top of dirt aroun stem gets crystally your plant is shitting out excess salts
and should be flushed and or bottom watered so its not drinking in its own shit/waste.... hope some of this helps improve your grow
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

and finally im getting something right! and it feels good. Thanks BerryD! I think youve got it down on me though. Your Blueberry and Bubble were some beauts! I just hope i get some buds half as nice as those girls had.

You could say im GREEN with envy... full of bad puns too...
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

I checked you out awhile ago, must have unsubscribed somehow :hmmmm: I got maybe mere 6 inches more than u do to grow so I'm excited to see what you get with a similar height. What you doing for nutes?
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

Im using Tiger Bloom at the moment for flowering. For vegging i used a light miracle grow veg. growth as well as a mild root stimulator at first. The tiger bloom was alot cheaper than I expected and DAMN it does the job.
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

Yeah. They were. Just scrapped em'. Landlord doesnt like the idea too much. HAH! There goes that guys.
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

No cops. I harvested the buds and mulched the plants. hope to make some hash and get some decent buds but they had to go... 27.2grams moist... Im sure the THC content is low but I smoked a but that was still wet and got a GREAT body high. Ill have pics tommorow...
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

Well at least it wasn't a total loss. For what it's worth I enjoyed the journal. Hopefully soon you can do another when circumstances are better. Maybe I can pick up where you left off?!
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

Egh... The scoop was a large amount of continuous electricity being used on a regiment. My landlord checked the electrical draw from my apartment, and came to me. I wasnt gonna lie to the guy and try and cover it up... I knew he was cool but only so cool. He told me to get rid of it if i wanted to stay here...and i want to stay here. Whats the most aggrivating is not that they are gone but the fact that these buds i managed to get are amazing and the smell gets sweeter and sweeter every 5 minutes they dry... I cant even imagine what it would have been like in 6 more weeks... The buds taste great and smell amazing. Trichs on the top cola of plant #1...They hold a GREAT body high... Disappointing but im not in jail, still have a place to live...and about a an oz. of uncured bud... Im thinking a bit less than a 1/4 when its dried.
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

good for you man. Check the light output on the CFL's or "lumens." You can get CFL's with up to 1750lumens apiece at like rite aid.
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

Its all good. Ive got my 42 watters. 3300 lumens a piece. Im using 2 per baby.
Re: First Time Grow - CFLs...

Homo Depot. $9.97 before tax. They are GREAT but do get warm.
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