First Grow - 400W HID

Interesting. I was always told to stop training during flowering unless you had to keep a bud out of a light or such or unless it was very low stress like scrog. The idea being that continuing to stress her during flowering could restrict bud growth and also because by that time the branches have firmed up and are not as easy to manipulate without injuring the plant. Is this no longer the prevailing opinion?
Well I believe the lst is what he was doing. I don't think you want to top or FIM during flower but I have seen videos where guys do lst or super cropping during flower just to keep the limbs spread out.
I'm probably just paranoid then. It's always been my experience that plants are more likely to hermie or react negatively to changes in flower, especially once they get about halfway into flower. It's like they go all hormonal and throw a hissy fit over the littlest thing that a month or two before would have been a blip on their radar. :blalol: However, I can see how continuing gentle training during stretch could be beneficial, but I certainly wouldn't try to tie her down like in veg. That's just me though. I'm probably too gentle with my girls. Thanks newbiegrwer.
I tied down an auto all the way to the end on my first grow and she did just fine with it and I've been super cropping some nice big thc bombs and they haven't shown any signs of hermie yet. But hey. I am what my name says. I'm still a newbie so don't just take my word on it. I have done a ton of research and formulated my own hypothesis and strongly urge everyone to do the same.
I'm probably just paranoid then. It's always been my experience that plants are more likely to hermie or react negatively to changes in flower, especially once they get about halfway into flower. It's like they go all hormonal and throw a hissy fit over the littlest thing that a month or two before would have been a blip on their radar. :blalol: However, I can see how continuing gentle training during stretch could be beneficial, but I certainly wouldn't try to tie her down like in veg. That's just me though. I'm probably too gentle with my girls. Thanks newbiegrwer.

To cut down on Hermie's...use a green light at sleep time for the girls.
I tied down an auto all the way to the end on my first grow and she did just fine with it and I've been super cropping some nice big thc bombs and they haven't shown any signs of hermie yet. But hey. I am what my name says. I'm still a newbie so don't just take my word on it. I have done a ton of research and formulated my own hypothesis and strongly urge everyone to do the same.

I love how many methods there are to growing these plants. So much to experiment with!
That's interesting. I've never heard that. Consider me intrigued. Do you have any links? I would love to read up on that.

No links. Just been growing a long time. The plants can't really see green all that well. What the green light does is absorbs any light leaks that you may have. It works really well.
That is absolutely correct.
See, now I'm tuned in to your wavelength. I sat in my room in the dark for about 2 hours plugging leaks after I built it. First I went around taping up all the noticeable ones then after I thought I had it pitch black I sat there for about a half hour waiting for my eyes to adjust. Then found a couple of spots that didn't have light leaking through so much as kinda glowing like a flashlight through your palm. Covered them up too.
See, now I'm tuned in to your wavelength. I sat in my room in the dark for about 2 hours plugging leaks after I built it. First I went around taping up all the noticeable ones then after I thought I had it pitch black I sat there for about a half hour waiting for my eyes to adjust. Then found a couple of spots that didn't have light leaking through so much as kinda glowing like a flashlight through your palm. Covered them up too.

Lol. My wife has thee best eye for leaks. I had to sit for hours too lol.
I gotta say, I don't understand how one light spectrum can absorb another light spectrum. Light is additive. I can see how this might work if you painted your entire room green though, because then the walls would absorb all the colors and only reflect back the green.

If it works for you that's great! I can't help but wonder if it worked for a different reason than you think though.
I gotta say, I don't understand how one light spectrum can absorb another light spectrum. Light is additive. I can see how this might work if you painted your entire room green though, because then the walls would absorb all the colors and only reflect back the green.

If it works for you that's great! I can't help but wonder if it worked for a different reason than you think though.
I was kinda thinking the same thing but not being sure on the science of it all I figured it best to take his word on its success for him and do some research on the science. Besides. I think we're hijacking grants thread and taking it way off topic. Sorry buddy.
I was kinda thinking the same thing but not being sure on the science of it all I figured it best to take his word on its success for him and do some research on the science. Besides. I think we're hijacking grants thread and taking it way off topic. Sorry buddy.

Yeah sorry. I only posted because someone asked about Hermies. It definitely works.
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