First Grow - 400W HID

Looks absolutely great. Those plants are looking beautiful. I knew you'd see a benefit from a dark cycle. I'm glad to see your runoff is at a better ph. 6 is a lot better than that 5.5 you had last week. Mylar is great but in a space that size just some nice flat white paint will do just as good. One thing that might help though is some white film or something on the floor to help reflect the extra light back up. That carpet is just absorbing any light that hits it and then it's gone. Keep up the good work though man.

Do you have any product names or anything like that for me to search up to find what you mean for the white film

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Do you have any product names or anything like that for me to search up to find what you mean for the white film

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Panda film comes in white but really any heavy film that is white would do fine. You should be able to pick some up at your local home improvement or hardware store.

Hi! Don't mind me, I'm just passing through and admiring your plants. It must have been very frustrating to have to pull everything down and move it. Glad you're all setup again though!

*Hangs a "Reserved for Fuzznutter" sign on the back of a comfy corner chair* I'll be back!

Ah yes taking all of it down was horrible. Especially considering how long it took to put up all the Mylar because I didn't put it up until maybe a week ago and it has hard to put up with all the plants and lights in there, and all the measuring for cutting it :/ anyways welcome to the grow:)

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Ah yes taking all of it down was horrible. Especially considering how long it took to put up all the Mylar because I didn't put it up until maybe a week ago and it has hard to put up with all the plants and lights in there, and all the measuring for cutting it :/ anyways welcome to the grow:)

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Thank you. I think you'll like the panda film better than Mylar. It's not as flimsy as most mylar so it's easier to put up, and it's easier to clean later. Panda won't reflect heat like the mylar either which is nice for small closets.
Hello everyone, I'm curious to see if anyone could advise me as to wether or not it would be too early to begin flowering. They are about a month and one week old from seed I measured them all and they are all about 12 inches tall.





By the way I'm using a 15 inch ruler in those pics

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If they'll double in size like people say then I'll want to flower right now, how accurate is it that they always double?

Mine more than doubled. They grow a lot after you switch to 12/12. I'd say go with your gut. Some guys like a longer veg. Some like a shorter one. Most go for a 4 week veg.
Mine more than doubled. They grow a lot after you switch to 12/12. I'd say go with your gut. Some guys like a longer veg. Some like a shorter one. Most go for a 4 week veg.
20 days since flip to 12/12......


I supercropped them the next day...



If they are healthy and in their final containers, go ahead and flip them....especially your sativas. They are going to really fill out...will that closet be able to accomodations all those plants?

Can you keep some in veg while training to stagger them some or do you only have the one space?

I keep training all the way through flower but you will likely have to change out your tie downs. Just make sure to keep your loops loose. If they are a snug fit the branch will start to grow around it.

I already took them all off:/ should I put them back on? Will I lose some yield for not continuing to train them?

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I already took them all off:/ should I put them back on? Will I lose some yield for not continuing to train them?

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Maybe, maybe not. You'll be able to tell what your plant is doing. Give it a few days, if they start closing up then train the branches back down. It's never too late to train. Just play it by feel.
Interesting. I was always told to stop training during flowering unless you had to keep a bud out of a light or such or unless it was very low stress like scrog. The idea being that continuing to stress her during flowering could restrict bud growth and also because by that time the branches have firmed up and are not as easy to manipulate without injuring the plant. Is this no longer the prevailing opinion?
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