Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

No Sir, I am actually torturing her. :rofl:
First we topped her and today we started the low stress training, since she continues to grow like a wild and crazy thing, and I introduced her to my LST training hoops. This is going to produce some strong growth from the lower nodes and before you know it, this is going to be a massive plant. She still is water heavy... probably back to a 3 day wet/dry cycle, but she may surprise me. We are checking on this one multiple times a day, just to make sure she doesn't leap past us.

Here are before and after the training shots:
Oooh I almost forgot to ask. When are you planning on feeding with the bloom? Any different to your usual timing? I know some start a little earlier than they would with photos as everything moves so fast.
I am looking for the transition, not just the first pistols.
Today our Auto is 22 days old. She has been 5 days from the last watering and 18 days since last feeding. Today she got both. I also readjusted her training hoops toward the outside edge to further open up the middle to allow for additional growth.

Hopefully you have two full weeks of veg left!
I am looking for the transition, not just the first pistols.
Good mornin em, may I ask what you mean by transition? I start a very low dose like 1/8 cup bloom added to 1/3 cup veg for last veg feed at first signs of flowering(not single pistils but start of full fuzzy headz). And then Switch to full bloom no veg next feedingz all the way to the end.
Good mornin em, may I ask what you mean by transition? I start a very low dose like 1/8 cup bloom added to 1/3 cup veg for last veg feed at first signs of flowering(not single pistils but start of full fuzzy headz). And then Switch to full bloom no veg next feedingz all the way to the end.
Just as in any plant, there has to be a short period of time between when she first starts showing her sex to when the growth tips start throwing out pistils instead of new green growth. However fast it occurs in an auto, we are not actually blooming until it does. During that transition from one phase to the other, there should also be significant stretching. I am curious how this all works in an Auto, and I am hoping that I will still be able to recognize the signs that I look for in a photoperiod plant. I may be wrong, but I am here to learn. So far, she has reacted just as I expected her to.
Just as in any plant, there has to be a short period of time between when she first starts showing her sex to when the growth tips start throwing out pistils instead of new green growth. However fast it occurs in an auto, we are not actually blooming until it does. During that transition from one phase to the other, there should also be significant stretching. I am curious how this all works in an Auto, and I am hoping that I will still be able to recognize the signs that I look for in a photoperiod plant. I may be wrong, but I am here to learn. So far, she has reacted just as I expected her to.
Thanks I'll be taking note of how you feed for each stage. I appreciate your time.
Just as in any plant, there has to be a short period of time between when she first starts showing her sex to when the growth tips start throwing out pistils instead of new green growth. However fast it occurs in an auto, we are not actually blooming until it does. During that transition from one phase to the other, there should also be significant stretching. I am curious how this all works in an Auto, and I am hoping that I will still be able to recognize the signs that I look for in a photoperiod plant. I may be wrong, but I am here to learn. So far, she has reacted just as I expected her to.
You’ll be surprised. She’s going to stretch and behave no differently than any other plant you have. You’ll see. They’re very photo once they hit flower. And yes, the signs are identical although autos tend to shoot more pre-pistils, which can throw you off if you don’t know what you’re looking at. As you just outlined, you do. So treat it exactly the same. 60-70 day flower just like the others.
Here she is today, responding well to the feed and water. She was in a bit of a funk for a day or two, but seems now to have come out of it, surely a result of such strenuous training. So far no pistils... things are good.
If you really want to have some fun, assuming you still have no pistils in a few days, top all those again. Heh.
Our Auto is growing furiously again, much faster than a photo would at this point. She will be demanding a larger container very soon, I can just feel it. Right now we are on our 2nd day after watering and she still does not need another drink. I did have to do some more training though and have now moved the hoops out about as far as they can go in a 1g container. I can already see 16 buds that will be producing when she starts blooming and I am working on getting all of that secondary and tertiary growth to rise up to the top by continuing to spread her out, and today I even trimmed 3 fan leaves that were blocking bud sites from the light.
Most of the lower fans have been able to be tucked under for now, but at the moment I am treating her like any other plant. I don't expect to be able to get away with this for long though, so I am going to calm down on this training pretty soon. If she develops what I can see now, she will be a big producer.

Here is before I started working

Here is after the 3rd torture session, now showing all of her her goodies to anyone caring to look.
Our Auto is growing furiously again, much faster than a photo would at this point. She will be demanding a larger container very soon, I can just feel it. Right now we are on our 2nd day after watering and she still does not need another drink. I did have to do some more training though and have now moved the hoops out about as far as they can go in a 1g container. I can already see 16 buds that will be producing when she starts blooming and I am working on getting all of that secondary and tertiary growth to rise up to the top by continuing to spread her out, and today I even trimmed 3 fan leaves that were blocking bud sites from the light.
Most of the lower fans have been able to be tucked under for now, but at the moment I am treating her like any other plant. I don't expect to be able to get away with this for long though, so I am going to calm down on this training pretty soon. If she develops what I can see now, she will be a big producer.

Here is before I started working

Here is after the 3rd torture session, now showing all of her her goodies to anyone caring to look.
Wow this is amazing work and training. I would get some stems underneath what you’ve created now. The bigger the stems the bigger the buds. 16 colas plus tertiary growth and I am guessing she yields on par with the photos. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?!!

Edit - worthy of note that you have already trained this auto more than most do or dare to. More anecdotal evidence that at least this crazy XXL genetic auto behaves much like a photo in that regard.
OK - I'm trying it!!! I nipped off the top of poor Lemmy - I'll leave Squiggy to go natural just for comparison. :nervous-guy:
I love it! We are advancing the art of growing Autos, automatically on this forum, thru experimentation.
Science lives, even without lab coats!

I can't wait to see your reactions and results!
Here is our girl yesterday. I fully intended to snap a picture of her when I was up there, but I didn't. She has accelerated the middle growth and looks completely different than this right now. I am not at home right now... sorry. More pictures later. Imagine what she looks like and I will show you how close you are a bit later.

This evening she needed water, at 3 days since last watering. Every watering is a feeding... this is getting exciting! Today is the 24th day of her journey.
I can't wait to see your reactions and results!
Lemmy seems much smaller - she is in the ground so watering shouldn't be an issue. (just edited - wrong pic)
Three photos above - Peyote and two Blue Cheese.

This is Squiggy - she be natural.
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