Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

She looks great Emmy! So does your other grow wow!
Thanks Bubba! She didn't need to be watered today, 2 days after the last watering, but she is working on it! I am fully expecting to need to water her tomorrow! From nothing to light speed... you really have to watch these Auto's carefully. Today she got topped too... snipped that 5th node right off of there. That ought to give her something to think about. I fed her 12 days ago, and if we were going by the calendar, she would need another hit of Geoflora in two days. I am thinking seriously about giving her another week... not because I think this might overfeed her, but because with as little water she has used, I don't think she has hardly touched the nutrition in that previous feeding. I suspect that I will need to transplant her very soon anyway, and she will get another feeding then.
What a change in the nature of this Auto plant in just a couple of days! Suddenly, she is on a 1 day wet/dry cycle. Note the progression of about 9 days, to 3 days and now 1 day between watering. In your mind's eye you can almost see the roots furiously growing in there. She wants to uppot! She is at 13 days since the last application of Geoflora, so it seems to be a natural move and then I will feed again in the new container. I am going to uppot her either tonight or tomorrow... I need to check on my partner's schedule for the rest of the evening.

Here she is 24 hours after being topped between 4-5. Tremendous side growth has already occurred. There was no stunting from that bold move.
What a change in the nature of this Auto plant in just a couple of days! Suddenly, she is on a 1 day wet/dry cycle. Note the progression of about 9 days, to 3 days and now 1 day between watering. In your mind's eye you can almost see the roots furiously growing in there. She wants to uppot! She is at 13 days since the last application of Geoflora, so it seems to be a natural move and then I will feed again in the new container. I am going to uppot her either tonight or tomorrow... I need to check on my partner's schedule for the rest of the evening.

Here she is 24 hours after being topped between 4-5. Tremendous side growth has already occurred. There was no stunting from that bold move.
Yea time to start the party she’s exploding in growth! Also congratulations on the nomination Em:)
I just uppotted our Auto into a 1 gallon container since she definitely needs water every day now. We are at day 18 above soil and day 14 on the feed. She was transplanted gently into soil that had @DYNOMYCO mixed throughout, and she was top dressed the full 2 tablespoons of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG and watered to runoff. Pictures at 11:00
Hey Em - is that your sort of criteria - if they need water every day they are probably ready to move??
My benchmark is actually 48 hours... if a plant can drain the container in 24-48 hours, I am happy to uppot it, but I like it better when they can do it in 24 hours. You don't always get to that point though because with some strains you reach the benchmark once and then the roots start crowding each other and the water uptake actually slows down. If you don't catch it that first time, you might be waiting a while to reach the benchmark. I didn't have a camera with me this evening and I was rushing to go out to eat, but when I uppotted this auto it had a good strong rootball with several very healthy and thick roots growing on the outside edges.
I just uppotted our Auto into a 1 gallon container since she definitely needs water every day now. We are at day 18 above soil and day 14 on the feed. She was transplanted gently into soil that had @DYNOMYCO mixed throughout, and she was top dressed the full 2 tablespoons of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG and watered to runoff. Pictures at 11:00
This is the 17 days now where you work your magic. This growth spurt is not a spurt - she will continue this growth until flower. This one is growing even faster in veg than Titan did so far, btw, as anecdotal reference point. I’m about to start another on on a 7 of coco once Titan is clear. I really think there’s something to this XXL genetics. Titan is closer to a pound than not, you won’t even believe the yield report. But MAN does that plant look happy.
Topped her a few days ago... transplanted last night. New pictures yet this morning...
Awesome, yup I read through that you up-potted and sorry I must missed the topping...my apologies.....so how are you liking auto grow so far? Are you liking the faster pace?
Awesome, yup I read through that you up-potted and sorry I must missed the topping...my apologies.....so how are you liking auto grow so far? Are you liking the faster pace?
so far, I am liking her and her faster pace is not a deal killer, but it does take some getting used to.
so far, I am liking her and her faster pace is not a deal killer, but it does take some getting used to.
Yup shorter time to deal with issues and shorter time for mistakes....I think that's why I like them so much...is you must be on point for the most part or things can go south.
Here she is, the next day after the transplant. I see no stunting, no blooming and no stress of any kind. I trust she is going to fill up this container in record time. Soon, we are going to have a need to bring out the LST training hoops.

Looking great Em she’s a fast grower mine took way longer at this point but I’m sure your treating her in optimal conditions :)
Looking great Em she’s a fast grower mine took way longer at this point but I’m sure your treating her in optimal conditions :)
No Sir, I am actually torturing her. :rofl:
First we topped her and today we started the low stress training, since she continues to grow like a wild and crazy thing, and I introduced her to my LST training hoops. This is going to produce some strong growth from the lower nodes and before you know it, this is going to be a massive plant. She still is water heavy... probably back to a 3 day wet/dry cycle, but she may surprise me. We are checking on this one multiple times a day, just to make sure she doesn't leap past us.

Here are before and after the training shots:
She's looking bang on the money there Em. Great stuff.

I've said before that I find growing autos is like growing under duress. The clock starts and she's off. Keep up or get left behind. Like growing a ticking timebomb. They don't seem to be doing all that much and then BOOM! They can be incredibly fun to grow.

Also I would say that in my personal experience with them is that 'autos gonna auto'. I know others have said the same. Occasionally they just say naaaaaaaaaa I'm going to be a pain in the arse no matter what you do. :laugh:
No Sir, I am actually torturing her. :rofl:
First we topped her and today we started the low stress training, since she continues to grow like a wild and crazy thing, and I introduced her to my LST training hoops. This is going to produce some strong growth from the lower nodes and before you know it, this is going to be a massive plant. She still is water heavy... probably back to a 3 day wet/dry cycle, but she may surprise me. We are checking on this one multiple times a day, just to make sure she doesn't leap past us.

Here are before and after the training shots:
Nice ya she’s taken off but as you said with a close eye you you’ll keep her tame I like the progress so far :)
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