Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

Em, your gardens always look so good!
I am trying to find some of those tall pots like you have. I found some, only, they don't say 1G, or 5G, they just give the measurements.
Is it possible that you might could please send me the measurements on your tall 1G pots, and your tall 5G pots?
Thank you.

this is the 5g... I will have to measure the 1 gal for you
The Auto got transplanted today.

Here are the roots

And here she is in her new 5g tall container, after watering to runoff, and retraining the ends with big girl hoops. My fears of going into bloom immediately have been shown to be unfounded. I see no signs that she is trying to transition, much less bloom.

She is now located in veg room #2, under the 19 hours of light. Of course, since we just transplanted her, we can expect her to stunt out and start blooming. Time will tell.
The Auto got transplanted today.

Here are the roots

And here she is in her new 5g tall container, after watering to runoff, and retraining the ends with big girl hoops. My fears of going into bloom immediately have been shown to be unfounded. I see no signs that she is trying to transition, much less bloom.

She is now located in veg room #2, under the 19 hours of light. Of course, since we just transplanted her, we can expect her to stunt out and start blooming. Time will tell.

Thanks for pictures of the rootball!
That auto looks amazing!
She’s going to love it in her new home :) with fox farms ocean forest do I need to worry about it burning my seedlings?
I no longer start seedlings in ocean forest because it is indeed too rich for some varieties, while others love it. I have returned to using Happy Frog in the tops of my planters with new seeds, because that soil was made for that purpose and to promote rapid root growth.
Good to know, what do you do with left over soil? Is there a good way to store it?
There are little holes in the bags to let them breathe and not explode when thrown around, so its not like they are air tight, or need to be. I usually have at least 2 partial bags of soil laying around, and to keep them as nice as I can, I have tied together the tops of 2 previous bags after using a scissors to slice off the first 3-5 inches of those bags, and I use that DIY plastic rope to twist and then tie closed the tops of the partial bags. That seals them well enough for the near term. Soil never sits around here for long, so I don't worry about long term storage.
There are little holes in the bags to let them breathe and not explode when thrown around, so its not like they are air tight, or need to be. I usually have at least 2 partial bags of soil laying around, and to keep them as nice as I can, I have tied together the tops of 2 previous bags after using a scissors to slice off the first 3-5 inches of those bags, and I use that DIY plastic rope to twist and then tie closed the tops of the partial bags. That seals them well enough for the near term. Soil never sits around here for long, so I don't worry about long term storage.
Sorry, Em. What is the problem with soil if you store it long term?
Or what has to be guarded against?
And how much qualifies as "long term"?
Sorry, Em. What is the problem with soil if you store it long term?
Or what has to be guarded against?
And how much qualifies as "long term"?
I would think bugs would be the major issue. If someone notices bags of soil around here 6 months old and unused, call someone... I have probably died. Why buy soil you are not planning on using soon? If you really need to store soil for a while, such as composting supersoil, a large sealable tub, or several, can fit the bill nicely.
I would think bugs would be the major issue. If someone notices bags of soil around here 6 months old and unused, call someone... I have probably died. Why buy soil you are not planning on using soon? If you really need to store soil for a while, such as composting supersoil, a large sealable tub, or several, can fit the bill nicely.
For myself I ask because I have half a bag sitting around though I could always throw it in the garden. If I went with fox farms I’m looking at $50 for both bags and 84L combined when I only plan on planting 6 plants at most with their forever homes likely being 3 gals. That would leave a a full bags worth that I would most likely save for the following spring or summer. I just don’t want it going to waste, the tub would probably be best just premix it all then store it
I would think bugs would be the major issue. If someone notices bags of soil around here 6 months old and unused, call someone... I have probably died. Why buy soil you are not planning on using soon? If you really need to store soil for a while, such as composting supersoil, a large sealable tub, or several, can fit the bill nicely.
Long story, but the supply chain in rural Colombia is nothing like in the USA (understatement). With certain items, when they are available, you have to grab them, or you may never see them again (or at least not for a long time).

We had some supply chain shortages here, and I thought we were moving soon already (hahaha!), and I was thinking about maybe growing some sativa trees in 15-20G pots, so I thought I should get the soil while it was available.

The way the locals grow, they start things in pots after the "winter" is over, and then they lengthen the light cycle with some low-watt LED bulbs--just enough to prevent flowering--and then they cut the extra lights when they want to trigger flowering. I thought I could study your Gas Lantern Routine when it comes time.
I have always been an Indica lover, but there are some sativas it would be great to grow.
For myself I ask because I have half a bag sitting around though I could always throw it in the garden. If I went with fox farms I’m looking at $50 for both bags and 84L combined when I only plan on planting 6 plants at most with their forever homes likely being 3 gals. That would leave a a full bags worth that I would most likely save for the following spring or summer. I just don’t want it going to waste, the tub would probably be best just premix it all then store it
:ciao: This always does my head in...
So 1 US Gal is 3.8L > 3 Gal = 11.4L
6 of those is 68.4L so you will have about 15L left over, 4 US Gal, right? :hmmmm:
Enough to pop another seed
The Auto got transplanted today.

Here are the roots

And here she is in her new 5g tall container, after watering to runoff, and retraining the ends with big girl hoops. My fears of going into bloom immediately have been shown to be unfounded. I see no signs that she is trying to transition, much less bloom.

She is now located in veg room #2, under the 19 hours of light. Of course, since we just transplanted her, we can expect her to stunt out and start blooming. Time will tell.
Heh. I don’t say it often but just to have fun, todja! See how I got fooled by the same exact thing on the same day? This is awesome cuz it now makes assuming it’s the genetic and not just the Watermelon WeddingCake a safer bet. Tricky to read those prepistils as I call them.
They’re bred genetically to give us a longer veg according to Growers Choice as well as the articles I’ve read on XXLs in general. They were right on with Titan, they said 35 days and I coined it 36. In your case they say 35-42 days!!! I think you’re safe to assume they know what they sell and can operate as if you’ll get at least 35 days of veg if not more. I hope so. My BS scrog depends on its. :rofl:
That is so amazing.
Did you switch back to hard pots for the final pots, and I missed it? (Or spaced it?)
So, you don't think fabric pots are worth the extra effort? Or why did you switch?
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