Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

Today was a long awaited watering day (8 days!), and feeding day. I do believe that I have made my first error though, in that I fed her VEG mix when I should have used bloom.

Good record keeping has allowed me to see what the deal is with an Auto, and I can now declare today, the 34th day, as the first day of Bloom! Just as I watch for bloom to happen in my photoperiod plants, these are doing nothing different.

So we all know that Autos just go into bloom when they are mature, and here with the clues right in front of me I will declare that on that day, 9 days ago, when we first saw a pistil, that was the start of transition. There is no mystery here, that was the day of the "flip". From that moment on, she was heading toward full bloom, and just as in any other plant, this transition took a little time... 9 days to be exact.

Today I give you a bunch of bud shots, illustrating the moment that I look for in all of my plants, the first day that real pistils start shooting from the growth tips. Now these 16 buds will show us what they can do and as we transition solidly into bloom we will be in the stretch period for at least a little bit. Let's see what she can do!

A plant is a plant is a plant. With eyes wide open we can see that this is true, even in the Auto world, as I suspected it would be.

Today was a long awaited watering day (8 days!), and feeding day. I do believe that I have made my first error though, in that I fed her VEG mix when I should have used bloom.

Good record keeping has allowed me to see what the deal is with an Auto, and I can now declare today, the 34th day, as the first day of Bloom! Just as I watch for bloom to happen in my photoperiod plants, these are doing nothing different.

So we all know that Autos just go into bloom when they are mature, and here with the clues right in front of me I will declare that on that day, 9 days ago, when we first saw a pistil, that was the start of transition. There is no mystery here, that was the day of the "flip". From that moment on, she was heading toward full bloom, and just as in any other plant, this transition took a little time... 9 days to be exact.

Today I give you a bunch of bud shots, illustrating the moment that I look for in all of my plants, the first day that real pistils start shooting from the growth tips. Now these 16 buds will show us what they can do and as we transition solidly into bloom we will be in the stretch period for at least a little bit. Let's see what she can do!

A plant is a plant is a plant. With eyes wide open we can see that this is true, even in the Auto world, as I suspected it would be.

Awesome. I’m curious to see what those 16 have got too! Btw - I would strongly recommend NOT waiting 14 days before you feed Bloom nutes, despite your error today.
Awesome. I’m curious to see what those 16 have got too! Btw - I would strongly recommend NOT waiting 14 days before you feed Bloom nutes, despite your error today.
Jon, are you suggesting overfeeding an Auto?? lol Sorry, just had to razz you a bit. I figure we still have a good week of stretch ahead of us, where most of the new growth is fueled by N, so I didn't screw up too badly. But I agree, there is probably a need to start widening her nutrient profile a bit by the end of this next week, and I may very well feed early with the BLOOM product.
Worthy of note that Growers Choice does an excellent job with their specs and plant writeups. They were right on with Titan and they were right on (almost to the day!) with yours and BKs. I’m impressed.
Today was a long awaited watering day (8 days!), and feeding day. I do believe that I have made my first error though, in that I fed her VEG mix when I should have used bloom.

Good record keeping has allowed me to see what the deal is with an Auto, and I can now declare today, the 34th day, as the first day of Bloom! Just as I watch for bloom to happen in my photoperiod plants, these are doing nothing different.

So we all know that Autos just go into bloom when they are mature, and here with the clues right in front of me I will declare that on that day, 9 days ago, when we first saw a pistil, that was the start of transition. There is no mystery here, that was the day of the "flip". From that moment on, she was heading toward full bloom, and just as in any other plant, this transition took a little time... 9 days to be exact.

Today I give you a bunch of bud shots, illustrating the moment that I look for in all of my plants, the first day that real pistils start shooting from the growth tips. Now these 16 buds will show us what they can do and as we transition solidly into bloom we will be in the stretch period for at least a little bit. Let's see what she can do!

A plant is a plant is a plant. With eyes wide open we can see that this is true, even in the Auto world, as I suspected it would be.

I don't think you've made an error em, I'm still using veg nutrients, and I'm starting to get some nice pistols starting to form on my auto gorilla glue, I believe you can maximize the stretch, that we experience in flower, I'm about to convert over to flower nutrients today, however, as now we're getting less stretch and more bud building!
Your garden always looks spectacular.
You deserve the awards!

Em, may I please ask you?
You guys were talking pistils. I've got some weird pistil things going on in my garden.
Is this the best place to ask? (I don't want to hijack your thread!! If there is a better place, please just tell me where I should post it, and I will move it.)

Kong Super Glue
Kong Super Glue #1 and #2 were soaked on 5/31 and are still vegging along nicely. It is a little over a month, and there are still no pistils yet. They look very happy and vegging!

gorilla girls 31 May happy still in veg.jpg

Only, I wish I could say the same for the two Barney's Farm LSDAutos!
They were planted 6 days later, on 5 June (less than a month ago).
In unexpected pistil news, and I noticed the first pistils on LSDA #2 maybe Wednesday (29 June). So that was 25 days to the first pistils.
I was really hoping to top her, but now it looks like too late.
(She also shows some heat signs, but that is a different matter.)

5 june lsda.jpg

Here is a side view of LSDA #2, if anyone is interested. She is a tall, leggy thing.
I was hoping to cut her for HST, but now it seems like only LST is available (and even then she is not a great candidate).

6 june lsda side.jpg

And here is her sister, LSDA #1. It looks like she is just now getting ready to throw pistils. (She also has heat signs, just not as bad.)

sister lsda.jpg

Legacy (Older) LSDAs.
In other unexpected pistil news, I have a couple of older (legacy) LSDA that were planted the day BEFORE began learning Emilya's watering technique (so I messed up, and planted them straight in a 5G, rather than uppotting).
I thought I would let them finish out (so I could get a taste), but they don't seem to want to finish! They just keep dragging things out.
So BF website says 65-70 days for the auto.
I planted them on 3 April. That is like 91 days, and they are still throwing new pistils.
This precious little girl looks like she wants to send up several new colas in slow motion...

3 april lsda.jpg

Delicious Seeds' Delicious Candy (Below):
And in more "believe it or not" pistil news, here is a Delicious Candy sown on 11 April. So I am not good at math anymore, but is that is like 83 days or something? And still she is throwing new pistils.
I have been waiting for maybe over a month for her to finish up (so I can get the pot back), but I think she has more pistils now than before.

11 april dc.jpg

Is this perhaps (possibly) because I am near the equator, and we are now finally getting our summer?
I know autos are not supposed to pay attention to the weather, but I don't have another explanation....
I don't know if you can see the new pistils all over the plant (especially down low)...


Or maybe, is this happening because I am living in "The Land that Time Forgot"? Hahaha.
Anyway, you guys were all talking pistils, I am hoping that you might have some advice.
Thanks, and if I should move the posts somewhere else, please just let me know where!

Helping me make that decision is the fact that I soon have 16lbs of @GeoFlora Nutrients being shipped to me as prizes for the two contests I just won. The plants will find me to be very generous over the next several months!
And since I forgot, congratulations!! Very well deserved dear.

So that stretch you have there……….

Wow I can’t wait. Does that qualify as “significant “ to you?
And since I forgot, congratulations!! Very well deserved dear.

So that stretch you have there……….

Wow I can’t wait. Does that qualify as “significant “ to you?
The fact that it happened within 2 days, yes, it seems to be significant. I want to see her make room for foot long colas though and I am watching the 3 dominant branches closely.
The fact that it happened within 2 days, yes, it seems to be significant. I want to see her make room for foot long colas though and I am watching the 3 dominant branches closely.
Totally agree!
Your garden always looks spectacular.
You deserve the awards!

Em, may I please ask you?
You guys were talking pistils. I've got some weird pistil things going on in my garden.
Is this the best place to ask? (I don't want to hijack your thread!! If there is a better place, please just tell me where I should post it, and I will move it.)

Kong Super Glue
Kong Super Glue #1 and #2 were soaked on 5/31 and are still vegging along nicely. It is a little over a month, and there are still no pistils yet. They look very happy and vegging!

gorilla girls 31 May happy still in veg.jpg

Only, I wish I could say the same for the two Barney's Farm LSDAutos!
They were planted 6 days later, on 5 June (less than a month ago).
In unexpected pistil news, and I noticed the first pistils on LSDA #2 maybe Wednesday (29 June). So that was 25 days to the first pistils.
I was really hoping to top her, but now it looks like too late.
(She also shows some heat signs, but that is a different matter.)

5 june lsda.jpg

Here is a side view of LSDA #2, if anyone is interested. She is a tall, leggy thing.
I was hoping to cut her for HST, but now it seems like only LST is available (and even then she is not a great candidate).

6 june lsda side.jpg

And here is her sister, LSDA #1. It looks like she is just now getting ready to throw pistils. (She also has heat signs, just not as bad.)

sister lsda.jpg

Legacy (Older) LSDAs.
In other unexpected pistil news, I have a couple of older (legacy) LSDA that were planted the day BEFORE began learning Emilya's watering technique (so I messed up, and planted them straight in a 5G, rather than uppotting).
I thought I would let them finish out (so I could get a taste), but they don't seem to want to finish! They just keep dragging things out.
So BF website says 65-70 days for the auto.
I planted them on 3 April. That is like 91 days, and they are still throwing new pistils.
This precious little girl looks like she wants to send up several new colas in slow motion...

3 april lsda.jpg

Delicious Seeds' Delicious Candy (Below):
And in more "believe it or not" pistil news, here is a Delicious Candy sown on 11 April. So I am not good at math anymore, but is that is like 83 days or something? And still she is throwing new pistils.
I have been waiting for maybe over a month for her to finish up (so I can get the pot back), but I think she has more pistils now than before.

11 april dc.jpg

Is this perhaps (possibly) because I am near the equator, and we are now finally getting our summer?
I know autos are not supposed to pay attention to the weather, but I don't have another explanation....
I don't know if you can see the new pistils all over the plant (especially down low)...


Or maybe, is this happening because I am living in "The Land that Time Forgot"? Hahaha.
Anyway, you guys were all talking pistils, I am hoping that you might have some advice.
Thanks, and if I should move the posts somewhere else, please just let me know where!

Beautiful pics, and I can't think of a better place to put this... we are talking about Autos after all.

It seems that as soon as we see that first pistil, the plant is then in a period of transition into bloom, automatically. I wouldn't want to go chopping on any lady when she is in the middle of something, it never goes well. At that point, in my mind anyway, training is done. This is why on my auto, I started training her really early, and kept at it hard. When I saw that first pistil about 10 days ago, I let up on her and only did a bit of LST adjusting and trimmed a few leaves. It's all in the timing.

As far as the end goes, just like any cannabis plant, as long as she is throwing out more white pistils, she is still blooming, or more specifically, she is still looking to get pollinated. When bloom winds up, all that nonsense ends, and you no longer see white pistils emerging. The one at 91 days, now you know that the write up on it was talking about bloom length to better market the plant. Take away the 35 days or so that she was vegging, and you have been in bloom only 56 days, or 8 weeks. If she is sativa based, some of them can go much longer in bloom, some sativa photos can go for 16 weeks! Be patient, and wait for her. She and your eyes, are not lying to you. She will get done when she gets done.
Beautiful pics, and I can't think of a better place to put this... we are talking about Autos after all.

It seems that as soon as we see that first pistil, the plant is then in a period of transition into bloom, automatically. I wouldn't want to go chopping on any lady when she is in the middle of something, it never goes well. At that point, in my mind anyway, training is done. This is why on my auto, I started training her really early, and kept at it hard. When I saw that first pistil about 10 days ago, I let up on her and only did a bit of LST adjusting and trimmed a few leaves. It's all in the timing.

Yeah, I was hoping to see the 4th-5th node, but we did not get that far. I kept thinking that if I had another week (to a full 31 days) I could make it. But #2 flowered at around 25 days, and I guess with only 10 good hours of sun, she did not make it.
So I can try bending her over, but I kinked 2 of the last 3 stalks I tried that on in a Solo cup.

As far as the end goes, just like any cannabis plant, as long as she is throwing out more white pistils, she is still blooming, or more specifically, she is still looking to get pollinated.


When bloom winds up, all that nonsense ends, and you no longer see white pistils emerging. The one at 91 days, now you know that the write up on it was talking about bloom length to better market the plant. Take away the 35 days or so that she was vegging, and you have been in bloom only 56 days, or 8 weeks.

Well, LSDA #2 vegged for about maybe 25 days only. I was waiting for the stalk in between nodes 4 and 5, so I could top her, but she started throwing pistils first.
Ahhh, but you are saying the 60-70 days is only the BLOOM time, and not total time from seed to finish. Ahh, ok. Now I see.
Thank you.

If she is sativa based, some of them can go much longer in bloom, some sativa photos can go for 16 weeks!

BF website says she is 70% indica, 30% sativa.

Be patient, and wait for her. She and your eyes, are not lying to you. She will get done when she gets done.

Ok, I guess I am along for the ride...
Yeah, I was hoping to see the 4th-5th node, but we did not get that far.
You have probably noted the rapidity of my early veg growth. Some say that I grow as fast in veg in soil as most hydro operations. This is why I was able to start training so early. I would have to look back to see when I made that 4-5 cut, but it was at like day 14 or something equally ridiculous.

The secret to this? Early and stubborn insistence in establishing a strong wet/dry cycle. A coddled weed is a lazy weed.
You have probably noted the rapidity of my early veg growth. Some say that I grow as fast in veg in soil as most hydro operations. This is why I was able to start training so early. I would have to look back to see when I made that 4-5 cut, but it was at like day 14 or something equally ridiculous.

The secret to this? Early and stubborn insistence in establishing a strong wet/dry cycle. A coddled weed is a lazy weed.

Sigh.... well, I tried following your instructions on wet/dry as best I could.
I guess they were meant for LST, instead!
Hahaha, I'm sure your 19/5 light schedule indoors under a pro-level LED and controlled temperatures doesn't hurt, either! Hahaha.
And all of your many years of experience, study, and practice!!
Plus you have DynoMyco, GeoFlora, FoxFarm, Massive, Terpinator, and you know how to use them!
And there is no doubt that your knowledge, skill and technique is several leagues beyond mine!

Only, what blows me away is that the Kong Super Glues are a full week older than the LSDAs, and they are still hard in veg, with no pistils anywhere in sight!
Whereas in contrast the LSDAutos are a full week younger, and one of them is already 4-5 days into bloom (and her sister is maybe 1-2 days into bloom).
All I was hoping to say is that I was planning on getting a full month of veg, so I could get an HST snip between nodes 4 and 5, and I guess I only got maybe 3 weeks of veg--so I am wondering why.
Is that normal with LSDA?
And so all of those times I am reading on the breeder's websites are bloom times, not time from seed to finish, even with an auto?

How can I know how long I will have in veg with an auto, at the time I go to purchase?
Because I am growing outside, and I was able to make the snip on Kong Super Glue with time to spare on the 30 days, but with LSDA I only got maybe 21 days. (That would have been good to know.)

It seems like the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know!!
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