Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

- looking good Dres... and White Widow is a fun strain to grow, very durable plant, stays stress free and is pretty resistant to mold and stuff... I would have chosen the Haze... Haze is just wonderful, but you must be careful on the feeding of Haze... light eaters, be careful

And may the crop that you grow be frosty with snow... :woohoo:
You think the three-month-old worm castings are causing clawing this late in the game? I figured they'd be mostly used up by now.

they add nitrogen and if its not used buy the plant they can keep soil too soggy which is really bad to most plants.
Seems you have slight clawing from excess N in your soil. I really wouldn't worry about it though since you are still early in the flowering stage, plenty of time for the plant to use it up.

Maybe hit her with slightly higher P and K for a week or so, going easy on the N and all will be fine!


Fantastic Update, Dresney. Plants are looking amazing as always. :bravo:
Now to answer that growers question on the page before this about some id on a part of the plant, them green spikes all mj plants grow, im not 100% sure on the name without checking but i think its something like petiholes or cotlydons or something along them lines, basically this is not shwoing you the sex of the plant so it can still be male or female, but if its female then you will see that white pistols(hairs) grow from just behind these green spikes,

so keep an eye on it and see how it pregresses and you will know the sex pretty soon, if you have any other questions then please feel free to drop me a pm and ill do my best to answer.

I surely will drop you few PMs later if I have questions, but I usually find answers if I'm not rushing or excited knowing I would be too impatient to read a lot to find what I'm looking for. And if I have some specific questions about specific situation I just ask in my journal and hope Dres can help me, because at the moment she is the only one who follows it :) Mad respect to Dresney for that.
About the plant herself, the seed was feminized ''bagseed'' I ordered from a seed bank so I'm 99% sure she is a she if she survives my yesterdays transplant.
Dres, I had a problem with LAVERNE clawing on her first go round & I just cut back on her nutes. That rectified the problem. I'm not suggesting you're having the exact same problem but I figured for whatever it's worth I'd run that by you.
Thanks for all the advice and encouragement, friends. :high-five:

Pascalle is the same today. She's no worse, so I've staved off panic for now. I figure since she hasn't clawed any more leaves the situation is at least stable and will recover with time.

I'm mulling over my feeding plans.

Per the feeding schedule the next feed would be the same strength as the last. Should I cut out the Grow It Green (5-2-5) completely and just give Super Plant Tonic (unknown ratio, but supposed to mild and acceptable throughout the grow) and Flower Power (1-8-7)? Should I keep Grow It Green in the mix, but cut it down by 50%? Maybe keep GIG, but cut both GIG and SPT down by 50% and leave the Flower Power at 100%? Ahhh, decisions, decisions.

Either way I probably won't feed them until Monday or Tuesday unless they wilt from dryness before then. That will be at least 8-9 days between feeds with a couple waterings between. Maybe I should hold off the next feed even longer and give another large, plain watering. Ugh. I don't know.

Should I cut back the strength fed to Loretta, as well, as a precaution since she isn't showing signs of stress? Should I continue to feed her full strength until she shows me that she's unhappy? Ugh. I still don't know.

I'm surprised that the clawing is probably from nitrogen. I thought I'd see dark leaves or burnt tips before clawing. I need to write down in my grow-basics diary that the symptoms can present in no particular order! :laughtwo:
I'm really sorry Dres I drop in your thread with my picture and with my questions but many experienced growers hang arround your journal (including you :) )
Just out of curiosity, what are those forming on my lady? cant be lady hairs yet, can they ?

Could anyone inform the newb ? :)

Your circled are in your photograph shows where the branches off of the main stem on the plants form.

here is the female pre flower

I thank you KingJohnC, now I have a picture to compare new growth and lady hairs. I'll keep my eye for the pre-flowers from now on, as I understand it should not be much longer till she starts to show them.

Dres, your ladys look beauiful, they have been from the day they sprouted and They will be untill the day you will have to cut them down.
Keep it up.
Thanks for the kind words, Budstep :ciao:

Just doing quick update before The Reps Are Right begins....

Europa has landed!

She is the first one to put some roots out there. I feel like it's been kind of slow, but I see where some improvements could be made to my bubbler: another layer of tape or something to make it darker (this tape is no where near light-proof) and anchoring the airstones in some way. I find that they move to one corner and some of the clones don't get bubbled on as much.

Either way, I'm happy!
:cheertwo: I love the names you give your plants... makes it more fun don't it!!! :partyboy::party::blunt:
:cheertwo: I love the names you give your plants... makes it more fun don't it!!! :partyboy::party::blunt:

It really does. :;):

Although, I feel it's going to make it even more difficult when I have to hack them to pieces.

I wonder if any bud I've smoked before was loved and named by her caretaker. :hmmm:


I'm excited to announce that two more of my bubble clones have roots!

3/4 so far! :slide:

The last one has swelled up at the end, similarly to how the others did shortly before pushing out their roots, so I'm feeling confident that I'll see some development over the next day or so.

I gave Pascalle v2.0 aka v0.0.1 her first dose of nutrients today, as she is starting to develop what looks like a phosphorous deficiency in her oldest set of leaves. I'm not really surprised by this since she hasn't been fed in over a month. The feed was about 50% strength of what was recommended for fresh clones, so I'm thinking it is mild enough for her. It was about 2.5ml Super Plant Tonic and 2.5ml Grow It Green in about a liter. She was given maybe 60% of a liter. I'm so un-scientific with my measurements. :laughtwo:

And just for a hoot I gave Zombie Twig, the Undead a couple ounces of nute water too. Figure it can't hurt something in perma-stasis. That little turd is going to grow or die!

Good news on the Pascalle front - it seems some of her leaves are un-curling. I think it was a minor overload, and she's chugging right along.

I'm going to see how dry the big girls are tomorrow. I still haven't decided if I'll give them another large drink of plain water or if I'll resume the amended feeding schedule. For being a noob I seem to regularly rely on my gut. Not sure if this is going to pay off in the end or not. :loopy:

And to end on a serene note here is Blanca today. :kiss:

Hope you're all having stellar days!

Hi dresney, hi blanca... Nice to meet you..

Great results on the clones. 3 out if 4... Thats better than MEATLOAF... He reckons 2 outta 3 aint bad. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Top results, proving DIY is capable of achieving great results..

Dres, you are the marketing man's nemesis....

Glad all is going well with your grow, mate

Top results, proving DIY is capable of achieving great results..

Dres, you are the marketing man's nemesis....

Thanks, Budw.

It's fun to see if my creations work out. So far, so good! :)

Welcome to :420: Blanca, you look cute.

Sorry about that nonsense ''.'' Dres, I emptied my secret stash yesterday and dont know why I did that.

No worries, friend!

Blanca accepts your compliment with a nice, deep green blush ;)


Well done with the clones! :high-five:

Now you just have to make sure you are going to have enough room, now you have cloning down to a T, space will run out fast ;)

Spot on, Mono. I was in my flower room wondering what I'll do if I have to move some plants in there before the big girls are finished. With the two of them side-by-side there is only about 12 inches of clearance. I don't think the next crop will be vegged as long as these fat girls if I want to fit more than two or three in there. :laughtwo:

And thanks for the kind words! :high-five:

Here is Loretta today. I carried her upstairs for her last natural light photo shoot. My space is too awkward to move their heavy butts in and out anymore.

Fourteen days since the flip. Six days since I really noticed some building up around the budsites.


I see a few fat leaves I'd like to nip off, but I'm going to leave them alone for another week or so at least.

I fed Loretta and Pascalle today. I mixed 4ml of Super Plant Tonic and 30ml of Flower Power into a gallon of water. They each got about half of that.

Everything else is running smoothly... no major changes.

Have a great day, everyone! :bongrip:

Glad to see all is well! You must be sweet talking them they look very happy :)
Hi, friends :ciao:

I have some clone questions today. :hmmm:

If I didn't know better (and honestly, I might not) I would swear that Pascalle's bubble clones look like they're trying to bud up.



They've been on 18/6 with just one 23 watt 2700k bulb since they were cut.

Here's what they looked like the night they were cut (New Years Eve). (They were wilted from a heavy feed for their mothers shortly before the snip.)



I'm just not sure what to make of it. Ganymede does have a couple roots shooting out, but Callisto does not.

Also, how much longer should I wait before planting this one?

Thanks for looking!

Hope all is well in your worlds.

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