Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

This happens usually when clones are taken during flowering stage, just pick the buds to stop them as the plant re veges. I like to transplant with shorter roots I break them off more often when they look like a fish bone.

Any ideas on what caused them to begin budding?

If I pluck their buds out and don't correct whatever is causing it, will they continue trying to bud?
Heya, Shin :ciao: Nice to see you!

I'm going to leave them be until I figure out what is causing them to bud. My guess is the light, but that puzzles me, as I've read that clones require very little light... I've even seen ambient light recommended for them.

Oh well.

Here is the mother of the Mysterious-Flowering-Clones today.

She is starting to pack on some weight.

15 days since the flip / 7 days since they really started flowering (Jan. 8)


And the first of the bubble clones has been planted!

Saw these mega-sized solo cups and couldn't resist.

Let's hope I didn't stunt her to death. :)
Saw these mega-sized solo cups and couldn't resist.

You must of gone to a fun college :winkyface:

Those will be really easy to work with and when transplanting comes you can just flip them over. Good find :thumb:
My guess is the light, but that puzzles me, as I've read that clones require very little light... I've even seen ambient light recommended for them.
I've read that also partner. And then I've read that at least a 65watt CFL is recommended. I guess what's going on is everyone's giving advice based on what environment works best for them; which is a good thing.

If I were you Dres, I'd try using Shin's advice. They're only clones (Out of all people, me saying that). If it doesn't work one way or the other you still have one more. If it doesn't matter one way or the other you'll have them both. Either way it's knowledge under the hat.
Thanks for thinking.... I can't stop wondering either. :laughtwo:

It's a 23 watt 2700k, 1600 lumens... I think this is the first time I've used it, actually.

The light is the only thing I can think of, but then I wonder why the other two clones aren't affected.

Maybe the combination of lower light levels and a plant that was soooo ready for flowering did them in?

You want 6400 kelvin cool white Florescent for vegetative growth and 2700 kelvin warm white Florescent for flowering. The 2700 kelvin warm white Florescent may have triggered flowering.
I'm not sure its the light color I got a Phantom cookie clone from a friend a few weeks ago. I been vegging with a 125w sunleaves 2700k cfl. The clone has been rooted over a month and I've had it a few weeks 24 hr light. Its growing like crazy every day but only makes 1 a 3 fans. and has pistils every where. My friend has more of the clones under blue light same thing going on. I assumed flowering happened during the move it should have full 5 or 7 buy now????
Hi dresney... What a strange thing to happen. I know im only a newb too, but could it be because of your bulbs output ?.,, i mean, the cfl is 2700k.. That light spectrum is usually for flowering, the blue end is more for veg. I was just wondering if this had tricked the clone into flowering.as it replicates the light that appears later in the plants life cycle... Late in the year, the suns rays are more red than blue

Just a thought, as i said im no expert..

Good luck dres

I'm not sure its the light color I got a Phantom cookie clone from a friend a few weeks ago. I been vegging with a 125w sunleaves 2700k cfl. The clone has been rooted over a month and I've had it a few weeks 24 hr light. Its growing like crazy every day but only makes 1 a 3 fans. and has pistils every where. My friend has more of the clones under blue light same thing going on. I assumed flowering happened during the move it should have full 5 or 7 buy now????

Is it from an auto flowering plant?
Hello, i have a silver haze clone was cut from the mother @ week 2 of flower, the clone root well and had take 1 or 2 more weeks to stabilize (in compared to normal clones)after stabilizing first 2 or 3 sets of leafs was normal, after that alll the grow turn like some alien thing, i never ever had see a plant doing this specially a clone, maybe because it was clone late in flower, i have pics gona post here hope you dont mind, fell free to contact-me ore a moderator to remove if necessary

PS:btw this plant is in my flower tent growing now

Firsts sets of new grow look normal


After first 2/3 sets of new growth just 1blade leafs and 3 blade leafs




Hi, guys :ciao:

I've been thinking about the flowering clones, too, and I think it must be a combination of things. I don't think it's solely the spectrum, as the other clones (from a different plant) in the bubbler show no signs of budding.

I do realize that 6500K is for vegetative growth and 2700K primarily for flowering, but when you think about it, we aren't really trying to veg clones; we're trying to root them. We don't really want to see a lot of new growth up top, as that is taking away the focus on root formation.

I looked for some information on light spectra and root growth, and there's not a whole lot out there. I don't know why 2700K was recommended to me other than the response of '2700K promotes root growth.' Sounded good to me! :laughtwo:

I did some digging and here is what I came up with. I'm going to keep looking though.

Hold on to your hats, it's about to get nerdy in here. :geek:

Some foundational information from wiki:

Phototropism - growth of organisms in response to light

Some photosensitive receptors include phototropins, phytochromes and cryptochromes.

Phytochromes sense red light.

Cryptochromes and phototropins sense blue light.

"Stem tips exhibit positive phototropic reactions to blue light, while root tips exhibit negative phototropic reactions to blue light. Both root tips and most stem tips exhibit positive phototropism to red light."
(Phototropism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

This is an abstract taken from the US National Library of Medicine/National Institute of Health, from a study titled "Light sources with different spectra affect root and mycorrhiza formation in Scots pine in vitro," which was a collaboration by three universities.

We studied the effects of broad-spectrum light quality on the interaction between the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings and hypocotyl cuttings cultured in vitro. The light sources were cool white (CW), warm white (WW) and red-rich daylight (RD) fluorescent lamps. Inoculation with P. tinctorius enhanced adventitious root formation of the cuttings in all light treatments. Rooting of the inoculated cuttings was highest in WW light (89%), followed by CW (73%) and RD light (66%). During 6 weeks of in vitro culture, rooted cuttings formed only a few lateral roots. The fungus grew over lateral roots, but the Hartig net was absent in all light treatments. In non-inoculated cuttings, neither root formation nor subsequent root growth was affected by light quality. In the seedling experiment, inoculation in the WW treatment resulted in a significantly (P < 0.05) greater number of lateral roots than inoculation in the RD treatment. The percentage of lateral roots covered with fungal hyphae was also highest in WW light (62%), followed by CW (50%) and RD (27%) light. A similar pattern was observed in the intensity of Hartig net formation. We conclude that effects of broad-spectrum light quality on the ectomycorrhizal fungus-root interaction are dependent on the developmental stage of the root.

The abstract can be found here Light sources with different spectra affect roo... [Tree Physiol. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI

The study in its entirety can be found here https://treephys.oxfordjournals.org/content/25/1/123.full.pdf

I don't think this one study can prove or disprove anything, but it definitely makes want to find more information. I think I'm going to add another cool white bulb, just to be safe. Can't lose with a mixed spectrum, right? :partyboy:

Also, I just checked the bubble clones and all of them have roots now! (Even the flowering ones! :laughtwo:)

Wheeee! :slide:
Hello, i have a silver haze clone was cut from the mother @ week 2 of flower, the clone root well and had take 1 or 2 more weeks to stabilize (in compared to normal clones)after stabilizing first 2 or 3 sets of leafs was normal, after that alll the grow turn like some alien thing, i never ever had see a plant doing this specially a clone, maybe because it was clone late in flower

I've read that clones taken in flower will have to go through the re-veg process, which can spur some funky growth. DonPaul describes what the different stages look like on Reg's thread here.

:thumb: on the info and on the roots in the cloner! YEY

Thanks, Canna :high-five: I'm relieved that I have clones from both plants now :)

Hi Dres :battingeyelashes:

I found that my clones under 2700K CFLs were shorter, but had better root systems than the ones under 6500K CFLs

Thanks for the info, Rico :battingeyelashes:

I think I'll use two bulbs from now on, one from each end of the spectrum.

Great info dresney, just goes to show how complex our little girls are...


I know, right?

If there's anything I know, it's that I don't know anything for sure. :loopy:

An update on the big girls today.

Day 17 since the flip / 9 days since flower action


Pascalle was watered today. She drinks more than Loretta lately.

She is really putting it out now. I expect big things for her.

Loretta's top budsite is so pretty, even under crappy HPS. :kiss:

Here is Europa (TW), two days after her move from the bubble cloner to dirt.

Hope you're all having fantastic days!

Hello, i have a silver haze clone was cut from the mother @ week 2 of flower, the clone root well and had take 1 or 2 more weeks to stabilize (in compared to normal clones)after stabilizing first 2 or 3 sets of leafs was normal, after that alll the grow turn like some alien thing, i never ever had see a plant doing this specially a clone, maybe because it was clone late in flower, i have pics gona post here hope you dont mind, fell free to contact-me ore a moderator to remove if necessary

PS:btw this plant is in my flower tent growing now

After first 2/3 sets of new growth just 1blade leafs and 3 blade leafs





It is normal for a plant re vegetating to grow single bladed leaves.
The big girls are looking fab dres. Such gorgeous deep colours in the foliage !!!... All that diligence to grow is showing my friend :thumb:

Just think it was only a month or so ago that you were swearing n hammering in the basement. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And now you have thriving daughters and granddaughters for your labours

A lot of love and attention has gone into your grow, looks like the girls are bringing some top rewards soon

Take it easy dresney:bravo:
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